Nav. 6, 1973
Zaning & Planning Baaed Meeting
Harry Braga
Bab Fisher
Pave Mc Callister
Vic Vandergriff
Bill Nickels
James Mackie
Tam Laveland
Bab lvaff
Min. read, matian made by Mc Callister to. except, secand by L.E.
Uarris, passed. Carraspandance read and excepted. Excepted
Win. af special meeting af Oct. 16, 1973 made by City Clerk Sue
Sue BlacIDiell to. natify the newspapers abiut the meeting af Nav.
20, 1973..
Letter fram DOT abaut raad requirements read and discussed. }lati
an made by Tam Laveland to. table letter and set up a special meet-
ing 'iith City Cauncil to. go. into. this matter further, secand by
James }~c~ie. Psssed. Also. to. ask the city cauncil to. bring to. the
special meeting any letters and request fram the citizens af the
city in regards to. raads.
Subdivisian regulatians to. be held aver to. discuss with the City
Letter to ue written to. the City Cauncil requesting that the city
take saw" ~\ctian abaut the braken piers an the river frant. Also.
a letter requesting the city to. past street signs at all intrence
to. Flagler Ave. to. keep thru trucks aff the street. }Jatian made
by James Macjie to. write these letters, secand by B. Nichals.
Letter to. the City Cauncil in regards to. finishing the jab of
erecting street signs. Motian made by Tom Loveland, second by
Rest of the meeting was spent in discussing the propased Shopping
center. Dave McCallister will bring to the next meeting information
that ldll be of help for the zoning & planning board in regards to
presenting variances to the Board.
Next meeting December '4, 1973.
Meeting ajounned (9:30 pm.
Robert Fisher, Sect.
Zonning & Planning Baard