01-08-1974 " .. . o Q Jan 8, 19'74 CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING & l.'IJA;;r;I;:G DOARD ;lEETIl~G PRESEnT: L.E. UAR<<IS RODERT FISHER (departing secretary) DAVID .'cCA:'LI StER ,TAUES T,'. r~lACKIE JR. iVli.L lAiJ 111 CIiOLS RAYHOI1D SHAUBORA ROBERT lJOIJFE THOrJAS LOVELAND (arrived after election) ABSENT: JOHN BRITTINGJ~M (excused) WILLIArJ GLASER " DAVID L WIGGINS " First order of business: Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary. CHATmiAU: (nominated by Dave McCallister, second by ,T A11ES'~JACJUE, vote unani.mous) (nominated by Ray Shambora, second by William Nicholn, vote unanimous) (nominated by Willlam nichols, second by Gene Harris, vote unini~ouc) Uinutes of Dec. 5. 1973 meeting were read by !Hi.;1Jt GecretG.ry Robert Fisher and approved bj noard. At thi~ time Mr Fisher turned over the follornng items to the new Secrotary: CORRESparf.DENCE, MINniES OF LAST YEARS MEETINGS, BY*LAWS, ORDINANCES DEING STUDIED DY BOARD, FIRE PREVENTION CODE BOOK, VARIOU3 PIC~ullES, FLA. DEfT, of POLU~ION CONTROL INFOm~ATION. Mr Fisher was thawred by Doard Members for service over past years and he departed meeting. ROBERT WOLFE VICB CliAlililAU: JAMES MACKIE SECRETARY~ RAY SIIAMDORA ~!otion was made by James Mackie to accept last years By-Laws and have copies made for neYl Board r.lembers. Second by Gene Harris and approved. CORRESPONDENCE: Letters from East Oentral Fla. Regional Planning Council were read and consensus uas that no action be taken. Letter from E~GEWATER City Council requesting Planning & Zoni~~ Roa~ to ~tudy street paVing petitions and to tlake up 0. p1.'io:.:'i ty lis't of streets needin.g paving and list of streets needing re-sealing. Discussionn of this matter genemted the following reco1.1mendeti0ns: 1. ~hat uujoining property owners pay proportional costs to have new paving work done. 2. Th~t water lines be layed. to all houses on r:tt."'ests before these streets are paved. 3. 2ha.t :1'eseal:.tng and re~a\jillg of dete"'ioTQte,1 et!'eets should be done prior to any new uork. 4. That all members of this Board will take a section of the city to check streets needing attention before compil& tion. of pri oj;l;tJ.-l1!~nJli. Letter from iTagnuson Corp. ViaS read requesting 60' setback requirements on Indian River Blvd. and ~Oth St. be reuuc2d end that o~inance requiring 50' lot width i~ Jommcrcial .. ~ o Q areaa be changed to allow ccn~tr.uction on 40' lots in the Commercial zones. After diacuBsion of these matters a motion to ~0ny any char~~a in the Bet-back requirement Ordinance was made by Gene ~arris. second by Tom Loveland and vote was unanimous to deny the requeet. A motion was then made by Wm. Nichols to de~ any changein the Ordinanoe covering lot widths in Commercial zones. This motion was seconded by Jim Mackie. ~he vote uns untnimous to d.ony this request also. I/etter was read from Magnuson Corp. requesting rezoning of lots 450-456, 383-38a, 315-318, and 254-255 from single family and multi-family dwellings to Commercial. After discuasion of this matter n motion was made by Dave UcCallister to accept the application for rezoning and have the City Clerk advertise for public hearing at the requestor's expense. Motion was seconded by WID. Nichols and vote was unanimous for passage. HEGUttAR BUSINESS: A rccoWlJ1enuai;ion wt.'!.S made by Chairman Wolfe that a map be mude :::'11d brm.lght up .to date shewing all current zoning classifications. It was agreed upon that this matter should O~ Nu. 1 priority with this ~O&L~, A request from the past Z~ni~g & Planning Board to the City Counc~l Wl1iotl was returned tc this Board for consideration ".:'0.13 diocussed and a recommendation was made th~t the City Council should call a public hearing to revamp Ordinance #368 to oi the1' allo\7 or d.isallo\7 t.70 .3tory rlOIiies iJ? the .!ilIa. 21101''es llL"ea.. i'1otion to that effect \1a8 ma.de by Tom Loveland, second by Jim 1~ckie and vote was for approval. nEW BUJr~ESS: A form c'U~"'rentl;r being used by the Doull:by for any zoning changes, variances, requests for public hearings, etc. \7305 presented to the Board by tTim Maclde \'11 t\1 the recommendation that the City of tdgewater use the same foro. After discussion of ita merits a motion was made by Dave F.!cCa.llister and seconded by J"im fJackie that this form be used by the City of Edgewater from now on and also that the deposit fee which ia now 32.50 be changed to a fee of $50.00. Vote waG taken and motion was approved. Thi.s fom was turr.ed over to the City Olerk. ~here being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:15~M. ReGpectfuJ.l~r SUh""li tted , ~ ? '~rv~ ~~ambora, Secretary