Mar 19, 1974
also attending:
Motion to accept minutes of Mar 4,1974 regular meeting was made by
Dave McCallister and second made by L.E. Harris. Motion approved
9-0. Sec. Shambora stated that minutes from special meeting of Feb.
25, 1974 had not been approved. Motion to accept these minutes was
made by John Brittingham, Second made by Mr Harris. Motion approved
9-0. Sec. Shambora stated that minuted of .J.f'eb 11, 1974 Publie Rear-
ing did not show record of vote on .L tem #6 (two story homes in B'la'.
Shores). City Clerk will amend minutes.
Letter from City was read requesting aid in locating available
property suitable for public use. Motion was made by Mr. Harris
to write letter to City about land of Mrs. Ulenard at east end of
Ocean Ave. Motion seconded by Mr Loveland. Motion carried 9-0.
Regular Business:
Chairman Wolfe stated that two gentlemen wished to bring some comp-
laints before the board and were given the floor. Mr. Harold hall
stated that a canal between Perdita Ave & Carl Ave. is a hazard and
should be filled in. This canal doesn't seem to serve any useful
purpose and that it's an eyesore. Six water mocasins have been
killed there recently and snakes, mosqulhtoes, are a problem. Also
that shopping carts, debris are constantly beeing throvm in ditch.
IJr~ Loveland stated that this canal was made by Mosquito Control
Dept. and runs from his property north to New Smyrna Beach. Mr.
liall & Mr Stever disputed this in that the canal from Mr Lovelands
property is dead ended south mf this area and that the canal in
question only serves as tidal flow basin and seems to serve no other
function. He also complained about a trailer (house) which was left
on the north side of Knapp Ave. about two blocks west of u.S.#l.
Trailer apparently belongs to a Carl POint~r. The Board agreed that
this was a zoning violation. Mr. Hall & Mr. Stever also complained
about 10 hunting dogs in a kennel at the last house on the right
at the end of Perdita. These dogs are noisy, smelly, and a nuisance.
Discussion of these items by the Board resulted in a motion by Mr.
Harris that the Board send a letter to the city about these problems.
Second was made by Mr. Bri.ttingham. Mr. Shambora stated that recent-
ly the City Council had initiated a new complaint form which once
filed with the city would bring an answer. He further suggested
that these matters should be brought before the City Council. Mr.
Hall stated that their complaints to the City in the past had not
brought any action up to this time. Vote was then taken and the
motion was approved 8-0. Chairman Wolfe stated that the recent car
fire-brush fire at the end of W.Knapp Ave might have been prevented
if a barracade had been in place. Discussion of this brought out
the fact that there was a Dead-End sign at the end of Knapp but you
could drive around it. Also that at one time there were bar~~ades
at the end of Palmettor Perdita Sts. but that they had fallen ~n
didrepair. Chairman 'aolfe asked that this be included in letter.
o (page 2 cont "d)
Regular Business:
Land Use Map: Chairman Wolfe read exerps from NSB Zoning Ordinance.
Board discussed possible changes in Ordinance that could be made to
adapt it's use to Edgewater. Residential uses as follows: R-l, 1200
sq., ft.. minimum,possible uses: Riverside Dr. with 22 ft. height;
R-2- 950 sq.. ft. minimum, nossible uses as follows: north of Park
Ave., west of railroad wlth 25 ft. height; R-3 - 800 sq. ft. min.
possible uses: Fla. Shores. Chairman Wolfe suggested that Fla. '
Shores might be better to split up into several zoning classes for
better land use. Mr. Shambora recommended that the area east of the
railroad to 22nd be zoned R-l with 80 X 115 Ft. minimum lot size and
also that the area west of the railroad, two blocks north to two
blocks south of Indian River Blvd. and the area of two blocks or one
block south of 30th St should be zoned H-l as most of the homes in
the area existing already are at or near 1200 sq. ft. in size. Mr.
McCallister recommended that the area on either side of indian Hiver
~lvd. be left h-3 as the anticipated future traffic might make this
unsuitable for residential use and the ~oard should consider that
at some future time this area might be better suited for commercial
use. Mr Mackie stated that the board in the past had considered
this change and decided that it was better left residential. Mr.
Wolfe called for a motion mn this area and Mr Loveland made motiom
to designate the area from 17th St. south to 20th ~t from the Commer-
cial zone west to the 0ity limits as R-I. Motion was Seconded by
Mr Brittingham. Mr Nichols stated that the Hoard should consider
leaving the entire area as the lowest class (R-3) as many people that
now ovm property might only wish to build a minimum size home. Mr
Wolfe said that there will still be a very zarge area left in this
class. Area would have to be designated R-lAA as lot size would be
smaller than lliverside Dr. lots. Vote was taken and motion carried
6-3. Mr Glaser stated that he felt the residential use of this are~
might not be best suited for residential use. Mr. Mackie, Mr Glaser,
& Mr' Nichols voted against. Other areas designated were as follows:
R-2 ~ Fla. ~hores from 17th St.. north to west City limits; R-2, from
20th st. to 22nd St from India Palm west to City Limits; R-2, from
umbrella Tree west to City Limits and from 29th st. south to Sity
Limits; R-2 from 29th St. south to 31st St. and from India ~alm west
to umbrella 'l'ree Dr.; R-3, from 22nd south to 29th and from India
~alm west to City Limits; R-3, from 31st south to City Limits and
from India Palm west to Umbrella; R-3, from 22nd to 28th east of the
railroad; R-4 (Duplex), along lndia Palm from 20th south to City
Limits. Other areas: R-4,(Multiple dwellings, 1'mvn..'flOuses, etc.) from
rearl St. behind the commercial to Old County Rd and north to property
behind Oakridge and from the railroad east to Carl at north end of
Ci:ty. R-5, (Single family, duplexes, apartments, & garage apartments)
area between Commercial on DSHl and R-l on Riverside Drive; The area
of Oakridge,Highland, Wildwood; ~he area of Carl, Palmetto, Perdita,
and Knapp Ave. Sue Blackwell recommended that the Board reconsider
the area between USffl Commercial & R-l Riverside at the south section
of the City as this is primarily Single Family noy and the residents
dislike the thought of Multiple dwellings. Mr Harris co~ended t~e
Chairman for the job done so far on the Map and made motlon to adJourn.
Second to motion made by Mr. Brittingham. Meeting adjourned at 10:30
Respectfully submi~ted,~
Raymond G. Shambora
MARCH 19, 1974
Mr. Wolfe Chairman of the Zoning & Planning Board called the
meeting to order on Tuesday, March 19, 1974.
John Brittingham .
William G:1aa&e:y Q{A-S€y(
L. E. Harris
Tom Loveland
David Mc Callister
James Mackie
William Nicholes
Raymond Shambora
David Wiggins
Robert Wolfe
Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to accept the minutes of last
meeting being seconded by Mr. Harris. All members in favor.
Mr. Brittingham~made a motion that the minutes of the meeting held
February 25, 1974 be accepted as typed, being seconded by Mr.
Harris. All in favor.
Mr. Shambora read a letter from the City Clerk, Sue Blackwell
stating that the City Council accepted the Zoning & Planning
Boards recommendation from the public hearimg held in February
thetrequests of Magnust}~ Corp.. The letter about the Greater
Edgewater Municipal Service Dist. was tabled until the next
Workshop which will be held March 28, 1974 in the Community
Center. At this same Workshop we have asked that the residents
of Waterway Park attend,as they have requested fire protection
from the City. Your members might also like to attend and see
what these residents have to say about this matter. The Council
would like to purchase some land for recreation, but at this
t~me they do not know of any particular land that is available.
If any of your members know of any land that we could purchase
at a resonab1e price please contact any member of the City Council.
Mr. Mackie stated that when they were looking for property on
the highway for land for the Police Department, they did not
say what was a reasonable price. It was down as Jow as $18,000 or
$19,000 and on up. What size property are they looking for and
what price do they want to pay?
Mr. Harris made a motion to write a letter to the City Council
requesting them to look into Mr.s. Menard1s property on the water-
front to purchase it or lease it for recreation land, being
seconded by Mr. Loveland. All members in favor.
Mr. Wolfe stated that he has two gentlemen here tonight that live
in the area of Pointer1s Subdivision which is Carl, Perdita and
Palmetto. They have three greviences that they would like to
bring before the board which are City violations of the zoning.
These two men stated that they would like to fill th~anal between
Palme;to and Perdita. There is useless water laying there, there
are snakes, shopping carts,old cars, logs, and etc are thrown in
that canal it is useless to anybody. They stated that they would
like to have that canal closed up, filled up.
Mr. Harris said that the committee should be permitted to look
this situation over to decide whether it should be filled or not.
The Chairman stated that the Zoning & Planning Board will check
this out and make recommendations to the City.
This man also stated that there is a trailer down there that Carl
Pointer left, they would like that trailer moved.
Mr. Weaver stated that instead of refering to the Zoning & Planning
Board, you can fill out a complaint form and report l.t directly to
the City Hall and they'll act on it and give you a telephone call
and tell you what they are going to do.
This man also stated that there are dogs on Perdita Street, they
are hunting dogs. They break loose at 4:00 in the morning and it
is very noisey in the neighborhood.
Mr. Weaver stated that he could fill out one of the complaint
forms and being this matter before the Council. The Zoning &
Planning Board should make a notation of these three complaints
because the Council might refer this back to the Zoning & Planning
Board. That this gentleman has been before this board and we
are recommending the Council to do something about this.
Mr. Harris made a motion that the Zoning & Planning Board write
the City a letter pertaining to these complaints, being seconded
by Mr. Brittingham. All in favor.
Mr. Wolfe stated that is this same letter also recommend to the
Council to put a b~rricade at the end of Knapp Ave, Perdita St,
and Palmetto St.
Mr. Wolfe stated that the Vice Chairman ~ ordered flowers
for Mr. Dimm. Each member own him $1.56.
Mr. Wolfe stated that he has the New Smyrna Beach Zoning Laws,
and and we are going to adopt them to Edgewaters laws. We will
print it up, it will sell for $5.00 to each contractor or each
lawyer or each realestate person.
. '.
City Attorney Weaver stated that the City has impowered him to
revise the Code of Ordinances, but also the Charter, bring every-
thing up to date. We will have a section in our Code of Ordinances
dealing with Zoning, and this will be one of the major portions of
Mr. Wolfe read some of the zoning laws. He stated that it will
tell us what their ieea is, and maybe we will want to change it.
He stated that he has read this over and some of it he agrees with
and some of he do&sn't. The word definitions, City Attorney Weaver
can go through and tell us anything that we would want to chang e
in there.
Mr. Loveland made a motion to zone from 17th Street south to
20th Street,west of the City limits R#lieiR@ leEIRiei i~ from
the railroad tracks back, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham.
Much discussion afterwards. Six (6) for the mmtion and three(3)
ThereN was a lot of talk about recreational areas. City Attorney
Weaver stated that what we need is lone large area I centrally
located that will basicly house any type of recreation area you
would want to put on it.
Mr. Wolfe read the Zoning Laws and discussed each zone in full.
Their decisions and reccomendation on these zones will be brought
up at a Publice Hearing.
Mr. Wolfe stated that if a pefson comes in and wants to subdivide
an area we BOW can tell him how big his lots are going to be, how
big his homes are going to be.
Mr. Harris made a motion to adjourn this meeting being seconded
by Mr. Loveland. All members in favor.