05-14-1974 Q CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING & PLANNING BOA~ MAY 14, 1974 PRESENT: L.E. HARRIS TOM LOVELAND JAMES MACKIE WM. NICHOLS DAVID McCALLISTER RAYMOND SHAMBORA DAVID WIGGINS ROBERT WOLFE ABSENT: JOHN BRITTINGlliUA (EXCUSED) ViM. GLASER (EXCUSED) ALSO ATTENDING: SUE BLACKWELL, JOE WEAVER, MR. HAP CDEROlI, GEO. CAMERON, DAN CORY MINUTES: Board members read minutes from Apr. 29, meeting. Mr. Shambora l!-oted that minutes should read"extension of Mrs. Wolfe's park" ~nstead of "south of Friendly Shores". LIr. McCallister moved the minutes be accepted as amended. Second by Mr. Mackie. Motion carried 8-0. CORRESPONDENCE: None PRESENTATION: Mr. Hap Cameron from Langhorne, ~enna. was introduced to Board..by Chairman Wolfe. Mr. Cameron presented plans for estab- lishing a 142 unit Mobile Home Park on property oivned by his family located south of Drive-in movie on US#l between Marion St. and Eaton Rd. west to Industrial Rd. There is to be 6t to 7 mobile homes per acre. The park would be layed out in a clus~er effect leaving plenty of green areas and recreation facilities'. The primary plan has three streets with dead ends. A second plan (not included) would provide for straighter streets for easier egress by emergency equipment. Qaestion of why put Park on busy highway? They own property, will be behind the commercial prop- erty and water & sewer are ne~by. Park will be pad rental, permanent residents. Quest. of noise factor near Industrial area. Mr. Cameron said mobile home owners because in most cases due to limited income aren't as choosy about location as home mmers are. Q.ues!. about roads. They will probably be shell. Discussion of need for this type of development for people with low budgets. Chairman Holfe told Mr Cameron thatthis rezoning would require a public hearing and that the County Health Dep't and City Engineer would need to be contacted to see ID~ all requirements are met. Quest. about minimum lot size requirement in new class r~~-H-l. m1airman wolfe recommended the establishment of a new class M-H-la. b to allow for no min. lot siz~s as long as the other criteria is met. Statement of intent could be changed to permit the devel- opment of cluster mobile homes with so many parking spaces per unit and a 25 ft. buffer zone around park and 20 ft. min. space between walls. Also add this 25 ft buffer strip to the buffer zone requirements. Discussion about Public Hearing set for may 22 & 23 and that this could be included if designation is chamged. Motion made by Mr. Nichols that this area designation be changed to the new class M-H-la with the requirements listed above. Mr. Wiggins seconded motion. Motion carried 8-0. HEGULAR BUSINESS: ~uestion about residential taxes in Commercial zones by Mr. Brittingham answered by Mr. Weaver that these residences are taxed as residences. Ques. about ~ursery on Ocean Ave. To be listed R73, Non-Co~form. ?g 11tt:. B-4 zone. l!'ish camp,on Bosto~ ltd., Farrel.s motel, Etc. Azalea Park Motel, Para ~alm wotel, the Sh~p, etc. Pg 78. Delete taverns. Pg 80. Change "vlhowll to read "show" Pg 81. B-6 zone. West of uSffl between canal and Ind. Riv. Blvd. to pi o Page 2 Banyon ~ree Dr. Area east of railroad o~s.w. Park Ave, 175' depth. to the 1~1 zone east of 1fungo Pg 83. Delete "mobile homes for office purposes". After "animal hospi tals" add "or Boarding Kennels". After I'---screened from view." Add "And are not within 500 ft. of any residential area.." Fg 85. Special Exceptions. Change to read "Same as 1-1". Pg 88. Delete "storage of combustible materials" from Permitted Uses. Special Exceptions. Change to read "Storage of combustible materials permitted only by special permission of the City Council of Edgewater.." Delete "except the B-1 Central Business District." Delete item # 3 from the off street parking requirements. Delete "Except for permitted uses in the B-1 Central Business District," from Item # 700..02. Pg 97. Add proper Edgewater Ordinance No. Pg 100.Add to 715.01 B-1, B-2, B-3, I-I, & 1-2. Also Add "Approved .ipplication for rezoning Form must be used." Pg 106.Ques. about Board of Adjustment. Should be a separate Board (not Building Code Board or Zoning Board). Pg Ill. Section 1000.01 Fee change to read fifty dollars ($50.00). Pg 112.Section 1001.01 Fee change to read fifty dollars ($50.00). Pg 113.Section 1002.01 after "fee of" add "fifty dollars (~50.00) Residential if less than one block~ One hundred dollars ($ 100.00) for more than one city block".. Pg 115.Section 1104.00 fee change to read fifty dollars ($50.00). Section 1105.00 change first paragraph to read "one year". Change second paragraph to read "90 days". Change third paragraph to read "4 Council members". Correct Section 1104.00 to read "fifty dollars ($50.00) Residential if less than one block, One hundred dollars ($100.00) for more than one city block." Pg 90. Pg 91. Pg 93. . This completes study of the new proposed zoning ordinance and Land Use 1ap. Discussion of ground rules for the Public Hearings on B~y 22, & 23 fo~owed. A gentleman will show audience the new map. Discussion will start on Pg. 26 through Pg. 89, after discussion of each class the Board will vote. Overall map open for view while discussing each zone. Three minute time limit on each speaker in effect. Board to follow opinions of public as far as voting goes. No further discussion at this time. Motion to adjourn made by 'l'om Loveland, Second by Mr. Wiggins. Beeting adjourned at 11:32 PM. Respectfully Submitted, ~~~ Secretary