06-04-1974 o o CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING & PLArmING BOARD JUNE 4. 1974 PRESENT: JOln~ BRITTINGHAM JAMES rjACKIE ABSENT. L.E. HARRIS (EXCUSED) WILLIM! GLASER WILLIMj NICHOLS DAVID WIGGINS THOMAS LOVELAND RAY1.lOND SIIAAIDORA DAVID McCALLISTBR ROBERT WOLFE ALSO ATTEIlDING: SUE BIJACKWELL. S.O. GOLDSMITH. REV. HOLLOWELL MIIIDTES: Board members read minutes from Any 13th & r&1y 14th meetings. Mr. McCallister moved to acoept minutes as written with the addition of the word "drainage" in the bottom line of page one of May 14th minutes ahead of the word "oanal". LIotion seoonded by Mr. Loveland. Motion oarried 8-0. CORRESPOrmENCE: Building permit request from Mr. S.O. Goldsmith for an 1800 sq. ft. home on North Riverside Dr. (east of road). Mr. Goldomith anowered questions from-Board members. No apparent reason for not allowing. Motion by Mr. Brittingham to grant permiSSion to allow permit. Seoomd by Mr. Loveland. Motion carried 8-0. Rev. Hollowell made verbal request to Board to allow a mobile home for residential use on ohurch property on N. Ridgewood Ave. This mobile home would be used for approx. one year until a permanent home could be built. This request haa been disallowed by the City Council at the April 1, 1974 meeting. Rev. Hollowell stated that members of the Council had suggested that he approach this.Board for consideration of this matter. Board read Ordinance No. 849 pertaining to this matter and determined that it had no power to act on this matter. Suggestion was made that the secretary write' letter to the Oity Oouncil pointing out that Ord. No. 849. Sect.2. No. 2 should be ohecked if the Council decided to reconsider this matter. Chairman Wolfe direoted the secretary to write letter. Rev. Hollowell left at this time. Mr. Goldsmith asked question about minimum lot size on pie shaped lots. Answered by Chairman Wolfe. Building permit request from OCEOLA COnSTRUCTIOlT CO. for permit to -use' modular home for an offioe. Motion to accept permit by Ur. Doveland. second by Mr. ~cCallister. Motion carried 8-0. REGULAR BUSINESS: Board discussed Ordinance lio. 756. ( RR-PUD). Ur. Mackie asked about Oity Council giving extension on PUD project at south end of City. Apparently provisions of Ordinanoe had not been met by Company requesting same. Mr. UcCallister said the Ordinance stated that the company had a certain time limit to comply and that time ha4 expired. 1~e provisions should be enforced. Mr. Mackie recommended that the rioard inform the City Council to comply with this Ordinanoe instead of allowing extensions. Chairman Wolfe said the Company had undergone changes in ownership and the poor bond market had hindered project. Mr. Shambora said City had recently obtained right-of-way easement through property for o PAGE 2 o , REG.BUS.CON'T.: seuer and water line extensions to Carter's Trailer Park. Mr. Loveland asked that requestes for extensions be referred to this Board before the Council acts on same. Mr. Mackie suggested that the Board sent a letter to the City Council requesting that this be done. Mr. Glaser pointed out that the reverter clause specifies a completion date of one year from the final approval of the final development plans. Has there been a final approval of plans? Dhairman Wolfe said that the City Attorney has been directed by the Councilvto write the Company a letter stating that they have one year to start the project otherwise the property . will revert baok to the original zoning and also if the property changes hands the zoning will revert baCk to original. Chairman Wolfe recommended that Board members take Ordinance 756 home and study till next meeting to see if any changes are needed. Ur. Shambora recommended the July meeting be held on the second Tuesday due to the nearness of the 4th. Mr. Brittingham made motion to hold meeting July 9th instead of the 2nd. Seoond made by Mr. Nichols. Motion carried 8-0. . Ur. Loveland made recommendation that the Board get a copy of building permits issued each month. tlr. B~ittingham said he would obtain copies for Board from County Inspector. Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Brittingham, second by Mr. Loveland. Meeting adjourned at 9:07PM. Respectfully Raymond G. Secretary o o ZONING & PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 4, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board was called to order June 4, 1974 by Chairman Robert Wolfe. ROLL CALL John Brittingham Hi11iam Glaser L. E. Harris Thomas Love1nad David Mc Callister James Mackie William Nichol,s Raymond Shambora David \~ig~Jins Robert Wolfe Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mr. Shambora made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as read, being seconded by Mr. Loveland. Motion passes 8-0. CORRESPONDENCE NONE 9~9 BUSINESS The City Clerk stated that she has two guests with us tonight Mr. GoldSmith and Rev. Hollowell. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Goldsmith is the man that is filling in just north of City Hall. She has his application for a building permit. There was some discussion about that there wasn't suppose to be any homes built over there on the east side of Riverside Drive, so the building permit was brought to the Zoning t Planning Board before she signs it. The Board and Mr. Goldsmith discussed this permit. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to accept the building permit of Mr. Goldsmiths, beinq seconded by Mr. Loveland. Mr. Wolfe asked Rev. Ho~lbiell from the Indian River Baptist Church what he was interested in. Rev. Ho1l~well stated that he was advised to come and discuss putting a~home on the property of the church temporarily. He stated that theFr plans are to build a church parsonage on said property. The house that they are renting, they need to be out of this month. The mobile home will only be there 6 months to a year at the longest. Mr. Shambora stated that this request was brought before the City Council about a month ago and the request was turned down. Mr. Mackie stated that this mobile home was inten~ed to be used as a home then turned over to a childrens daycare center. Rev. Hollowell stated that they have abandoned that idea of using the -1 - o o mobile home as a chi1drens day care center. Mr. Shambora stated that right now there is a City ordinance about residinq in mobile homes in certain areas of the City, Mr. Love1nad stated that there are mobile home parks that you can rent a space and keep your trailer there and live there. How would you go about hooking up your sewer and water. Mr. How10we11 stated that this will have The reason that they would like to be on they are on the property 24 hours a day. would like to be on the property to look to be contracted. the property is that He stated that he after things. Mr. Mc Callister stated he is under the impression from a past meeting that provisions were made at that time that if a person \~anted to build his house that they would qive them a conditional permit for 3 or 6 months, but they would have to come in and get them renewed. Then at a time when they stopped building on that house and doing no work then the permit would be con5e~~~d. Mr. Shambora stated that the problem is that the City allowed one to do this that anyone could come into the City and park a mobile home and live in it for a period of a yeer or however lon9 it took them to build their home. The board discussed this matter in full. Mr. Nicholsread Ordinaoce #849 section 2. Mr. Wolfe stated that this board should have the secretary send a letter to the Council stating the Ordinance number, the section number and the item. This matter is really out of our hands. Mr. Lo~e!gnd made a motion to apcept the application of a mod~ular home ~ used as an office building, beino seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes. The board then talked on Ordinance #756 nertaining to RR PUD. Chairman Wo1fe~stated that he would like for every member of this board to take this ordinance home and read up on it. Mr. Glaser made a motion to make the next Zoning & Planning Board Meeting July 9, 1974, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passes. The Board decided that they wanted a list of the permits issued each month, to be ab~e to look them over as to their zo~ing. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to adjourn this meeting being seconded by Mr. Shambora. Motion passes. -2-