06-18-1974 o o ,.' ZONING & PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING . JUNE 18, 1974 ,The Regular Meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board was called to order June 18, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Robert Wolfe. ROLL CALL ..1 ohn Britt ingham William Glaser L. E. Harris Thomas Loveland James ~lackie David McCallister William Nichols Raymond Shambora David Wiggins Robert Wolfe Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present CORRESPONDENCE NONE GENERAL BUSINESS The City Clerk introduced ~lrs. Conley to the hoard. Mrs. Conley stated that she has a piece of property and she would like to know the requirements for a sethack. Mrs. Conley then showed the board exactly what she was talking about on the map. Chairman Wolfe stated that under the present restrictions ~.lrs. Con ley is a 1 ri gh t . She can go and app 1)' for her bui lding permit before the first' of .July. If you get it after the first of July you will have to get a varience. The board then gave her all the requirements. The Ci ty Cle.rk said that the next one is .a duplex being huil t by Larry lIarris. She stated that it is zoned for single family residence and that she couldn't do anything \\lith it, without bringing it to the Zoning and Planning Board. Mr. Loveland made a motion to grant this permit if applied for before July 1st, being seconded by Mr. Mc Callister. Mr. Loveland withdrew his motion with Mr. Mc Callister withdrawing his second. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to handle the meetings in the future by ap,enda, but also handle those problems pendinp, before the board tonight, being seconded by Mr. Harris. ~otion passes 9-0 ~1r. Mackie made a motion there be a 10 day delay hefore matters come before the board, being seconded by r1r. Niggins. Mr. Brittingham and Mr. Harris voted No. rv1otion passes 7-2. Mr. Loveland made. a motion to erant the permit for the duplex on Riverside Drive, prior to July 1st, being seconded by ~lr. Harris. fl.1r. Mackie voted NO. Motion passes 8-1. o o ~~ " " Chairman 1volfe introduced Mr. Hanel to the Zoning & Planning 'Board. Mr. Wolfe stated that Mr. Hamel has a piece of property that is betl-Jeen pyrmid ~1obile Home Park and Friendly Shores Mobile Ilome Park. lIe would like to come into the (it)', and \"ants a comnlitment from us that we would accept him into the City of Edr,ewater and a HH-lA. ~'lr. Hamel stated that there section. fie stated that he AIHlerson that owns a lot 6S that owns a lot 100 x ISO. feet wide, from the highway are actually 4 owners in this owns 90% of it. There is a Mr~. x 50. There is a ~lr. Williams Then Mr. fIahn is on a strip S9 to the river. City Attorney llieaver stated that hebroup,ht down a provision that might apply to fI.'lr. lIamel's situation, C:hapter 171.04 of the Florida Statutes, Extension of Territorial limits. lie stated that the board needs to make a recommendation that this land be zoned for some type of ~Iobile Home classification then let rvlr. Hamel write a letter to the City (ouncil requesting annexation and put in his provision, in light of what he figures out he wants to do in regards to that ordinance. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to make the recommendations to the City Council of Edge\"ater that upon Mr. Hamel's application for annex at ion that we annex it and approve it as a ~lob i Ie Horne Zoning, being seconded by Hr. Loveland. Motion passes Chairman Wolfe turned the floor over to City Attorney Weaver. City Attorney Weaver talked with the board on the sign ordinance and subdivision ordinance. He suggested that each board member have copies of this ordinance, then on the July 9th meeting, a formal recommendation to the Council can be made. The Board then talked on the Fire Prevention C:ode as to sprinklers in lluildings. City Attorney Weaver stated that this is one of the things that deserves a lot of attention. Chairman Wolfe stated that City Attorney Weaver will write to the rire College, the County and anyone tl1at he can get in touch with concerning rire Prevention. City Attorney Weaver discussed annexation with the Board. He stated that maybe the (ity of Edp,ewater should make a big move as far as annexation. There are people that want to be annexed south of the City limits and there is some prime property that should be annexed west of the City Limits. He stated that he would like to have a recommendation from this board to the Council as far as annexation so they can direct him check this out with the County, see what is feasible to be annexed. Mr. Weaver and the Board discussed this matter of annexation in full. City Attorney Weaver stated that we can put tllis recommendation on the agenda for the next zoning board meeting. City Attorney Weaver stated that effective July 1, 1974 the legislature has passed the Financial Disclosure Law. The board then went over this. ' Nr. Mackie made a motion to adjourn this meeting being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Motion passes.