07-09-1974 ... Q o ZONING & PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 9~ 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board was called to order July 9, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Mr. Wolfe. ROLL CALL Mr. Brittingham ~'r. Glaser t~ r. H a r r i s I~r. Love 1 and ~, r. I~ c Call i s t e r ~1 r. I" a c k i e 1-1r. Nichols I~r. Shambora Mr. ~'Jiggins ~lr. rJolfe Present Present Absent - ~~ Present Present Present Present Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Brittingham made a motion that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as written, being seconded by Mr. Loveland. Motion passes 8-0. CORRESPONDENCE NONE OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS The Zoning &. Planning Board discussed the Sign Ordinance in full and made changes to it. The changes are as follows.~ The ordinance was handed out to each member of this board. City Attorney Weaver stated that the purpose of the Ordinance is to put everyone in equal footings so one can't put up a sign on top of his building, that you can read two miles down the street to attract someones eye over the person right next door to him. This is to give everyone an equal shot at ~ advertising. Mr. Mackie made a motion to pass section 701.07.4, to pass the whole section, being seconded by Mr. Glaser. There was much discussion on this motion. Motion passes 6-2. Mr. Loveland and Mr. Mc Callister voted NO. Mr. Loveland made a motion that Section 701.07.3 be eliminated from this siq~ ordinance, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. There was m~h discussion on this motion. Motion passes. Mr. Mc Callister abstained. I.' r. ~J i 9 gin sma d e a mot ion tole a ve ---a.n.i add t <w s e c t ion II wit h 0 u t the approval of the official in charge~ setion 701.10, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passes 8-1. Mr. Brittingham voted no. -1 - ... o o Mr. Loveland made a motion to delete the word repair in this ordinance, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Motion passes 8-0. After the board members discussed and made their changes to the sign Ordinance, Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to accept the ordinance according to amendment, being seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion passes 7-1. Mr. Loveland voted NO. The Chairman instructed the secretary to send the council a letter with this ordinance. The Zoning & Planning 80ard discussed the new budget and decided that $2,500 would be enough. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Stan Wallace from Park Avenue applied for a permit and the City Council resolved it, due to the fact that he did apply before the new zoning ordinance went into effect. She stated that he is going to tear down part of his house and add on a gun shop. She stated that this permit was t a ken car e 0 f b~ f\ c t: ~ f\j ~ ~~ -e. e: ~ I Q 0 IA f\J c., ; I. The City Clerk stated that they will have to keep i~mind the permit for property that belongs to John vtscotti. It was presently zoned multi-family and the Council assured him that he would be given all due ~onsideration, as he would be ,considered,under the; f 01d~n'n9 ordlnance;tt;2Iq. ~IL V;ScoNt: A'D,ol.ec\ $~..a k-~I,:)~~fY}jl trV\... 1\)q1~ ~ ID:3C>1lM. ~._c-~ ggo\~~t~.d{ ~' The I b"~ar- .Qi scuss~p the S~b.d1.Vi~i 0 . rdi nance bri efly (). -to ~ ;:L ~ a-t u.....c... I~ · The Zoning & P'anning Board me'eting wa adjourned, the next meeting will be held July 23rd. -2- Q , \ CITY OF E.UG-EWATZn {,\ ZmUUG & ?LAmnl1G DOA"lef JULY 9, 1974 PHESEUT: JOLIN BrlI'rTIUGRA1J WILLIAM GLASER THOMAS LOVELAND DAVID rJcCALLISTER JAUES r.1ACICIE WILLIAM UICHOLS 'RAYUOlID SHA~~BORA DAVID WIGGIUS ROBERT WOLFE ADSEr'IT: L.E. HARRIS AI,SO AJ.'~lE!;DIlm~ JOl!: ':-EAVER, SUE DLACKWELL ~IIfUTES: MINuteo of Speciel moetinf; of June 18, 1974 wore read by members of Board. 1iotion to accept. as written made by iNr. Dri t+'ingham. Socond by r.!r. l,ovcland. r!otion carried. 8-0. Cor.'lrJUlTI CATJ.OUS; IWNE REGULAil nUSIIiESS: Boal'd. ti1aoussed proposed new Edge\'1ater Sign Ordinance. Sone diasan::::lion over the p;~o:po-E1ed elimination of. re-"ol v:tng and I rooftop nigns prompted a motion by Mr. Mackie to accevt Aeotion '101.07.4 as wri'cten. Second t!1!t.de by Mr. I\~cCa11ister. r.1otion ca!'tifJd 6-3. !,ll"'., I,ovela~.d L'~ rho. Dri ttinghnm vot:f.ng agaiz13t, Mr. r:~oCalliater abstained counting as a no vote. IJr. JJovela.nd made . lllo"tion to eliminute section 701.07.3. Second by Mr. Brittingham. Motion failed to on.I'r~. 2-{l. t1r. :Sri ttin.gham & ~,~:r. Lov,':}lnnd voting for and Mr. llcCallister abstained counting as a no vote. r.ll". ,Yiggino made lLlotion to add -Ghe \'lords It \71 "iihout approval' of the Chief .Dui.ld1:1g Of.'f:l.ctal" to the And of cection 701.07.';. Second mnde by Mr. Maokie. Motion carried 8-1. Ur. Brittingham vo.cing against. Motion made by i~!r. Lov~la.nd to delete the word u:rep:lirll from scotion 701.09.1 (line a>. Second made by Mr. Brittingham. Uotion oarried 9-0. Motion made by Ur. ncCallister to aocept this Ordinance as amended. Second made by Ur. !hckie. n'yl;:,ton carried 8.-1. r~r. J.ovelano. vo.ted agl],iast. iUSCELLAHEOUS: Ms. Blaokwell informed the Board that the Oi ty Oouncil br"d. received Building PeTIli t reque,stG from 9. S"'Gan Wnl18:c0 il!.!..(l a John Visconti for ~mlti Femily houses in areas to be rezoned for single family use. These requests were received by the city prior to "th(: second rmJ.cline of the new Zoning Ordinance on July 1, 1974 and would have to be honored under the old Ordinance 219. Ch!dr!!ll:?!l Wolte Elskcd BO!.ll"li Bemb1z:rs to sttK1y the proposed ne\'! Edgewater Subdivision O~dinance and pointed out several errors 1) Pg. 7 lfo.3, should read "2 feet". 2) re. 12 (B). shonl(l :rea.d " hefo:':"e reoording of the filia.l plat" instead of " 30 days after". r;ioiiion 'by TJr. r.Te..ckie to have a Special meeting rim July 2:;, 1974 Second by th~. Glu,ser. L18€"~ing to discu.ss Subdivistcn Ord. only. Uotion carrj.ed 9-0. Motion to adjourn made by Ur. Brittingham, second by Mr. Shambora. All in favor. ~eetin~ adjourned at lO;15~~. RtHJpec'>\ifu21y Si.lb:T~ ttcd, D ~.-........... /' /..; :/ ,- ,'-' - ?/: ~. ~< ~~d".t- Raymond G. Jhambora, Secretary