07-23-1974 ,..,- .,.,,- v CITY OF 1~GEWATER ZONIliG & PIJAInHNG BOAS:t . , . JULY 2~. 1974 PRESENT: WILLIMJ GLASER L.E. HARRIS JAfJES l'vlACKIE RAYMOND SHAMBORA DAVID WIGGINS ROBERT WOLFE ABSENT: JOHN BRITTINGHAM (EXC.) THOMAS LOVELAND DAVID McCALLISTER (EXC.) WILLIM.l !II CHOLS ALSO ATTENDING: JOE WEAVER MINUTES: ~~nutes of June 4, 1974 meeting were read by Board members. Motion by Mr. Harris to accept as written. Second by Mr. Mackie. Motion carried 6-0. Minutes of July 9, 1974 meeting were read by Secretary Shambora. Chairman Wolfe correction that Building permit for Mr. Wallace was for a gun shop in his home which is now zoned as 1-2. Motion to accept minutes as read was made by Mr. Wiggins. Second by Mr. Mackie. Motion carried 5-1. (Mr Harris abstained). CO~U~i1CATIONS: NONE REGULAR BUSINESS: Chairman Wolfe explained to the Board that the new Sub- Division Ordtnince was needed by the City since the new Zoning Ordinance superceded the old Sub-Division Ord. The Board proceeded to go through the proposed new Sub-Division Ord. for corrections and possible changes as follows: Pg 6. Option #2. Question whether 110% is enough. !Jr. Weaver \7111 check and advise Board at latter date. Pg 7. 1-10. 3. should read ntwo feet (2 Ft. ) "insteddof "five feet (5 ft. )~. Pg 8. Should read II Planners" instead of "Pa1nners" - It profile" instead of "profits". Pg 9. (b) "on-half" should read "one-half". Purpose of the funds collected by the City Clerk should be included. Money should be allotted for use of Zoning & Planning Board. . (e) "fina-" should read "final". (2. a) delete "following ordinance" from end of first paragraph and substitute the word "plat" in tha.t place. Pg 10. (c) tllO%" Mr. Weaver will check and advise Board. (d) "110%" Mr. l'/eaver will check and advise Board. Lawyer to insert something to cover a requirement for water & sewers. Pg 11. Section 8. (b) and (c) Volusia County standards ni11 apply for the specifications and standards of City. Pg 12. 6. Delete "Utilities Director" and change to read "City Manager". 8. Package Plant (Sewer) required if the City cannot supply service. 9. Add new section titled "Street Signs". Street signs of a design approved by the City C9uncil shall be installed by the developer. (B). Delete f1!i:th~nL:i;hirty~H30) da.ys after" from line 2 and substitute "before" in its place . Pg 13. (3) change "thirty (30)" to read " twenty four (24)". Pg 16. (4) Delete the words "a.re p1."ohibited in residential blocks" from line 3 and substitute "may be provided to the rear of all lots used for residenttal purposes. In mult1-fe.mi1y a.reas alleys sha.ll be provided to the rear of all lots". Pg 17. (b) Delete the word a "in subdivisions having lots of 1/2 acre or less, and a minimum slope of 2 to 1 in all other casesll from lines 5, 6, and 7. Pg 18. (F) Change "seventy-five hundred (7500)" to read "eighty-six hundred and "~wenty- fi ve (8625)". , . I I r Pg 18. (F) (1) Width. I <.J Change "thirty-five (35) to read "thirty (30)". Change last sentence to read "Corner lots shall be thirty feet setback from front and side streets.lI. (3) Trees. Change to read " Each residential lot should have a minimum' of four trees planted on the lot within the . setba.ck, of---etc.". . Pg 19. (H) (1) Change "Utili ties Director" to read II City Managerft. Pg 20. Section 12. (A) add the words n after notice is duly given" after the words "board shall have thirty (30) days". No further action on this ordinance taken at this time. o ( page 2) Motion made by Mr. Harris that the Board request the City Council to place the sum of $5,000 in the budget beginning Oct 1, 1974 and ending Sep 30, 1975 for zoning and planning purposes. Second made by Mr. Wiggins. Motion carried 6-0. Discussion followed. concerning Annexation by the city of property near south east corner of Edgeuater to square up the City Limits. Motion was made by Mr. Mackie to ask the City Council to proceed with plans for annexation of property between the Friendly Shores Uobile Home Park and the Pyramid !.lobile Home Park since Mr. Hamel had requested annexation and he owned approx. 90 percent of the property in this area. Second made by Mr. Wiggins. motion carried 6-0. Discussion followed concerning the absence of a City Clerk representative at this meeting. Members felt that since the law requires a public record of all such meetings then a secretary from the City Staff should keep an '. accurate record of all proceedings at our meetings. Mr. Mackie made a motion that the Board send a letter to the City Council requesting a'Secretary be A furn:i.shed to the Board. when necessary. Motion seconded by Mr. Shambora. A suggestion that the secretary should be present at all meetings since a law suit could occur as a result of any action taken by this Board was made. ilhe second and motion were withdrawn and a. motion was made by rar. Mackie tha.t the Board send a letter to the City Council requesting a Secretary be furnished to the Board for all meetings to keep the public records. Second made by Mr. Shambora. Motion carried 6-0. There boiD.g no further business motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Wiggins. Second by Mr. lfurris. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, ~J:'SdA Raymond G. Shambora Secretary