09-10-1974 . . ~ . .. CITY OF EDGEWATER ~ ZONING & PLANNING BOABD ~ sep 10, 1974 PRESENT: JILLIAI.~ GLASER JOHN BRITTINGHAM L.E. HARRIS R..4.YMOND 3F..AMBORA DAVID WIGGINS ABSENT: ROBER'll '.VOLFE WILLIA1.: NICHOIJS (L.i\TE) DAVID ~cCALLISTER (LATE) JAr,lES I.1ACKIE( EXCUSED) TOM LOVELAlffi(EXCUSED) ALSO ATTENDInG: MRS BLACKWELL, MR CAIRNIE, MR & 1IRS BIGGERSTAFF, MR BRITAIn, MR GAY, MR PORTER 1:INUTES: Mlnutes of Aug 6, 1974 meeting were read by Boa~d members present. Secretary Shambora asked Llrs Blackwell for name of party in # 3 letter under Correspondence. Mrs Blackwell said name of party is EVIlLY r-AURER. Secretary asked members to insert this name in line 3 of letter # 3. Motion by Mr Wiggins to accept minutes as written with correction. Second by Mr Harris. Motion carried 8-0. I\'lr HcCallister proposed that the Official City rjap accepted by :the City Council be notorized, be placed in the City Vault, and that a copy be made available for public examination. Motion to that effect was made by Mr Harris. Second made by Mr Wiggins. r,lotion carried 8-0.. COI.II.1illnCATIONS: Mr Porter submitted a plat drmving of part of lot 37, Assessor's Subdivision of the Alvarez Grant as shmm in r,1B3 , 1:Jg 137, .Public Hecords of Volusia County and made a verbal request to place 2 homes on the back 5 acres of a 10 acre parcel listed above and located on the SW side of West Park Ave near the City Limits. Current zoning is M-H-l. ~otion to grant a variance for this use made by r;Ir f.1cCallister. Second by I,ar ','liggins. Motion carried 8-0. 2. Letter was read from Klikna-DoIDley, Inc. requesting clarification of the current Zoning Ordinance in regard to non conforming lots. Specifically lots 17 & 18, Unit # 1, Edgewater Shores Sub. each being 65 by 100 ft in size. Board discussed this matter and Article lv, Sec. 400.01 of Zoning Ord. LIr T:cCallister made motion to table this matter till later on in the meeting and bring it up in New Business. Second made by Ur ',Yiggins. I';Eotion carried 6-2. Mr Brittingham and Mr Harris voting against. 3. Letter was read from Biggerstaff Healty requesting clarification of Zoning map and Ordinance concerning lIalloi' lots 21-24 of Sheppard-Sanchez, r~IB-3, page 4gexcept that part that is zoned B-3; all of lot 17-20, G, Alverez Grant Assessors Sub., IiIB-3, l'g 137, except that part that is zoned H-3." The new Zoning Hap doesn't show any B-3 zoning in this area. Chairman .folfe stated that this mistake was noted and corrected on the revised copy but hasn't been corrected on the City Idap. I'.1r wiggins moved that this be recorded in the minutes and the correction be shom1 on the City Map. l:otion seconded by Mr Harris. Motion carried 8-0. 4. Letter was read from ~im Hawver, 1610 Bradford Rd. requesting a variance of front setback ~ 30 ft) to build a garage out to the old setback ( 20 ft). Existing homes in area are presently 20 ft. setback. After discussion of t this matter a motion was made by Mr McCallister that Mr Wolfe be a committee of one to check if side street setback as uell as front setback requirements will indeed be met and if they are met that this board grant the variance. Second to motion made by Mr Harris. Motion carried 8-0. cont'd. .. .. '" o (2) o 5. Mr Gay appeared before the Board and requested verbally that he be given a variance to place a trailer home on lot 3, Block 4, ~enoits Sub. He ovms 2t acres of land which he O\med prior to the passage of the 11e\'7 Zoning Ord. Motion by !lfr Brittingham that :this be tabled till neTT business. No 3econd. thairman Wolfe said that be had checked this matter with the county and they had suggested that the O\T.ner should submit plans for a trailer park accord- ing to the Zoning requirements and request a variance to the overall size. He further said that he TTould recommend this action since the owner only has 2t acres and the City cannot require him to purchase more and to zoning currently is M~H~l the city TIould have to grant the variance to the size. Mr Gay said he TIould follow this suggestion. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Wolfe recommended that a motion be made to bring back Letter 112 to the floor. :'Ilotion made to that effect by Mr McCallister and second made by Mr Brittingham. "i.lotion carried 8-0. Motion then made by Mr Brittingham that the Board send a letter to the City Council recommending that the City alloTI all lots existing prior to the Zoning Ord.dated July 1, 1974 be accepted as bona-fide building lots, providing they conform to area building and providinG they conform to zoning existlng prior to uuly 1, 1974. Any >:>ub-division developed after July 1, 1974 would remain in total conform- i ty with the new Ord. of July 1, 1974. Second to motion made by Idr Harris. After discussion of this matter vote was taken and motion failed 2-6. Mr Brittingham and Mr Harris voted for passage. Chairman Wolfe recommended that this point be discussed with the Attorney at the next regular meeting. lilr Brittingham lei l; "the mee't;ing a-G IJll.U:! vJ.1ile. Motion was made by i,!r Harris that all Board members be given a copy of the neVi Zoning Ordinance by the City. Second made by Mr I;,cCallister. Motion carried 7-0. Letter was read from the Edgewater Businessman's & Citizens Committee requesting permission to mave a representative attend next meeting in regard to the Ord. 884 (Signs). ~;r Cairnie was here and spoke to Board on this matter. The Sign Ord will be discussed at the next meeting and City Clerk was asked to inform the Citizen's Committee of this. Secretary Shambora suggested that the letter also should state that all of our meetings axe open to the public. Ther being no further business HI' ~iIcCallister moved for adj ournment, Second by Mr '.Viggins. Meeting acljourned at 9:50 .i:'M. I I ~ ~ ZONING & PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board was called to order September 10, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Robert Wolfe. ROLL CALL Mr. John Brittingham Mr. William Glaser Mr. Thomas Loveland Mr. L. E. Harris Mr. David Mc Callister Mr. James Mackie Mr. William Nichols Mr. Raymond Sharnbora Mr. David Wiggins Mr. Robert Wolfe Present Present Excused Present Present Excused Present Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Harris made a motion to accept the minutes of the last regular monthly meeting, being seconded by Mr. Wiggins. Motion passed. CO Mfvl UN I C AT IONS Mr. Porter was present and explained to the committee that he wishes to build two small homes on his lots which have been rezoned as MIll. There was much discussion about this. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to give variance to Mr. Porter so he can build two homes in a MHI Zone, being seconded by Mr. Wiggins. Motion passed. Mr. Shambora read a letter from Klikna Downey in regard to whether they could build two houses on lots 17 and 18 Edge- water Shores, or whether the lots have to be put topether and build one house. After much discussion on this matter tlr. Mc Callister made a motion to table this until new business comes up at this meeting bii~g~seconded by Mr. Wiggins. Motion passed. Mr. Shambora read a letter from Biggerstaff Realty in regard to Ordinance 880 requesting clarification in reference to Appendix G R-S Multi Family District. Mr. Biggerstaff wanted B-3 to extend as it did before the new zoning came into effect. Mr. Wolfe explained that this was an error in the zoning map, and was already noticed, and will be corrected. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to note Mr. Biggerstaff's request in the minutes, being seconded by Mr. Harris. Motion passed. ~ Q Mr. Shambora read a letter from Tim Hawver asking to close in his garage and add a garage to the front of it, which would be in conformity \\lith the other homes on that street, but his setback would be 20 feet and not 30 feet. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion that Mr. Wolfe be appointed a committee of one to check and see if the requirements of the zoning ordinance will be met and if so Mr. Hawver is to be given the variance. Mr. Shambora read a letter from Mr. Gay requesting permission to place a mobile home on~his 2 1/2 acres of land. There was much discussion on this matter and it was decided that Mr. Gay is to present the board with a plot plan of a trailer park and then they will take further action on allowing him a variance. NEW BUSINE$S Mr. Me Callister made a motion to take from the table the motion to table the Klikna-Downey letter, being seconded hy Mr. Britting- ham. Motion passed. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to send a letter of recommendation to the City Council to allo\\l all lots existing prior to the Zonipc Ordinance dated July 1, 1974, he accepted as hona fide huilding lots regardless of the size providing it conforms with zoning immediately prior to July 1, 1974. Any subdivision developed after July I will remain in total conformance with the new Ordinance of July 1, 1974. being seconded hy Mr. Harris. Motion died. A meeting is to be set up with the attorney present October 1, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Harris made a motion for every member to be given a copy of the Zoning Ordinance, heing seconded by Mr. Wiggins. ~otion passed. Mr. Shambora read a letter from Edge\vater's Businessman's and Citizens Committee (Edgewater Civic Association) requesting to have a representative from their committee attend the Zoning & Planning Board's next meeting to discuss some changes in the Sign Ordinance. A letter is to be sent to this committee asking them to make their changes and additions to the ordinance and bring a copy to the Zoning & Planning Board. Also they are to be notified that they do not have to have permission to attend the meetings of the Zoning & Planning Board. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to adjourn this meeting being seconded by ~1r. Harris. f\1otion passed.