10-01-1974 o u __Ia- CITY OF EDGmYATER ZONInG &: Pl,ANNIr:G BOARD OCT 1, 1974 PRESFNTt .JOHN BRITTI1WHAU WILLl.1J.I GLASER L. B. RARJUS THOMAS LOVELAND WII.LIAJI NICHOLS RAYlIOND SHAUBORA DAVID WIrrGINS ROBERT WOLFE DAVID ltoCALLISTER (late) ALSO ATTEnnmGa nUb BLACKW'P.Lt, R1'Ti\ WEBBER, JomJ GRIFFITH, J AllES UACKIE lUNU'l'BS: Uinutes of Ssp. 10, 1974 meeting Tlere read by Board members present. Motion by Mr. Wiggins to accept as written. Second by Llr. Harris. J.:otion carried 8-0. COlWUNI CATIONS a 1.) Letter from Klikna-Downey in regard to lot # 7632, Block 253 Fla. Shores, No. 8 ( single lot in B-2 district). Mr. Nichols pointed out to Board that this matter cannot be handled by this board since & Boa.rd of M,iustn1().nts has been appointed by the City Council end their duties are a 1. To act as an instrument of interpretation on appeal from decision of administrative official., 2. To grant or deny special exoeptions., 3. '1'0 grsnt or deny varianoes. Atter discussion by t."1e Board it Waf.! deoided to pa89 this letter bo.ck to the Gity (''lcrk to be tumed over to the Board of Adjustments. 2.) Letter from lIrs. Clifton Baker Sr. was read requesting a variance for parking of a Semi Tractor Trailer in B. residential area. This was turned over to the Board of Adjustments at this time. A discussion of this Boards duties and the new .Hoard of Adjustments dutiac followed. 3.) Letter ,.,as read from Judson I. woods requesting a varience for }.Ir. John Griffith to the setback requirements on the south half of lot 10, F.dgewater Shores Unit I} 1 !m 8, Pg. 271. Mr Griffith stated that after further checking he discovered that the setback requirements were alri~t and his only request WM that the City sell him a building permit to compl ete a. home on an existing foundation on which the original permit had expired. fIr McCallister moved that this Board meet with the (;i ty Council and the Roard 0 f Adjustment to iron out this prob1etll. t~otion Seconded by !Jr. 1l1chols. }.~otion carried. 9-0. Jlr. Ha.rris said that since a variance \78.S not needed he felt that the matter could be disposed of by aprroving the issuance of a building permit to cover the expired one. l-:otion was lllade by Mr. Harris that the City 8ell him a permit. ::>econd by Mr. McCallister. fZr. r.l!.8er B.Sked if the 1J0ard has the jurisdiotion to do this. Uhairman Wolfe cited section 800.06 of the 7.on11'18' Ord. of Expiration of Building Permits". Votion carried 9-0. I I I REUUI,AR BUSINESSI Public hearing for rezoning for t/1e new bank. fJotion made by llr. Parris that the Hoard have 1 ts regular ll1eetin and the publi. hearing on Nov 12, 1974. Second made by Hr. MoCallister. J.:otion carried 9-0. !liscussion of the new bank proposal followed. Mr. Brittingham suggestEd that the bank should submit a secondary proposal with the building located wholly on the existing business property. Opposi tion to the proposal as submitted can be expected. Yr. t1ichols spoke on requiremerl;s of nAW ~onine Ord. Seotion 715 and the dutietl of the 7.oning & Planning Board. Mr. Loveland asked if property is owned by the requestors. Mr. McCallister statoo. that the transaction had been completed in the past w week and that they did now own the property. He also explained the acU. actions that the bank board had already taken. Un. Blackwell stated th!t the State ethics Committee requires that when there is a conflict of interest by a member of a City Board that a form must be filled out end o (2) () __ and submitted to the City. A aupply of these forms is on hand at Gity Hall. ' 'rhis matter was disCU8sed at this time. Secretary 3hambora read ex~erpt froM Minu.tes of Aug 6, 1974 meeting on this subject. Chairman "olfe stated that the Hoard had created a hardship involving old sub- divisions when it passed the Xoning Ordinance o"i July 1974 as far as lot width and size requirements are concernod. lie recommended that the Hoard study this matter and then send a recommendation to the G1 ty COlmOn to change the '~oning Ordinance. He suggested thRt if 50 ~ of n 5ub-division is alreaDY built on single lots that there be no chan~ in requirement for ne;; homes i.Yl that aree, that if the sub-di v- ision is bvil t on ~o lots the.+. thero will be no change. V:r. I,ovnl~nd rcc07:iID,ended that instead of lots we should use a fro!lt foote.J]:'e. Ur.en ttiughf;il1\ wi sheil to go on record as being opposed to that portion of the Zoning Ord. when it was discussed initially by this Board and he feels the.t the requirements should only perttdn to new Bub-diviBione. FUrther discpssion brought out the following reconrmeniat1onss 1. 'l'hat any new house bull t in en old sub. must meet or exceed the old setbG.cks. 2. 'l'hat any new house built in 811 old sub. must meet new size requirements. 3. 'l'hat the terme plot, lot, site plan 9 etc. w111 be used in the suggestftd chango to the ~oning Ord. Further discussion brought out that the 't.oning Ord., can only be changed four times a year and tha.t it is too late to act on the matter and have it decided on by the Nov. cut odif date. Hr Sh8DIbora moved that we table discussion of th'l.8 mattor for further study at next meeting or till a meeting oan be arranged to study this prob- lem. Second made by ){r Glaser. Ur Glaoer sug~ted that the members make a list of the problem are88 so that we can thrash out Md COrIe up with a solution to the problem. 'i'hen we can submit this list to the Council or the 18'JfYBr for a decision on sue. !!otion oarried 9-0. Chairman nolfe informed the Board members tha.t rr Mackie had submitted a letter of resignation to the Gity ~ounoil sinoe he was running for tho Gouncil seat. 1'here being no further business :notion for adjournment wa.'3 mnda by Hr Brittingham and seconded by Mr 'Iichtils. All in favor. Heating t!.djourncd at 1015 l'M. Respectfully e.ul;mi tted, r-: .. ~ ~.. _/~' \ I / ~f )"""-~'_.._ / ~r~.~~(6 '~~r.,.. ~. R8YnlOnd c. Shembora Seoretary (.) o ZONING & PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 1, 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board was called to order by Chairman Robert Wolfe, Tuesday October 1, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL John Brittingham William Glaser L. E. Harris Thomas Loveland David Mc Callister James Mackie William Nichols Raymond Shambora David Wiggins Robert Wolfe Present Present Present Present Absent - Present Temporarilly off Present Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Board then read over the minutes of the last regular meeting. Chairman Wolfe asked the City Clerk to send a letter to the Citizens Committee asking them to take the sign ordinance and make their suggestions to bring back to the Committee. Mr. Wiggins made a motion to accept the minutes as type written, being seconded by Mr. Harris. Motion passes 8-0. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Shambora read a letter from Klinkna-Downey Inc. stating that a lot in Florida Shores being owned by James. W. Carlson, he is wishing to sell this property which he purchased with the under- standing that it is commercial. Klinkna-Downey would like this board to inform them as to the actual restrictions pertaining to this lot. Mr. Loveland suggested that they fine out from Klinkna-Downey when this man purchased the lot. Mr. Nichols stated that this board is doing things that are the duties of the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Chairman Wolfe stated that this letter should then be referred to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Mr. Mc Callister joined the meeting. Mr. Shambora read a letter from Mrs. Baker requesting permission for her husband to park his semi-truck on their property. Chair- man Wolfe stated that this also should be referred to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. The board then discussed the duties of the Zoning & Planning Board and the duties of the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Mr. Shambora read a letter from the Law Office of Brown & Woods advising that Mr. Griffin of Rapid Homes inc. has contacted their office regarding the granting of a varience on a lot. He would like to construct a house on this lot with a 25 foot setback rather than a 30 foot setback as the footer has already been poured. Mr. Mc Callister made a motion to request a meeting with all the members of each board and find out the duties of each board, being seconded by Mr. Nichols. Motion passes. 9-0 -1- ~ o o ~ Mr. Harris made a motion to let Mr. Griffin go ahead and build the house due to the fact that he had a permit before zoning was changed, being seconded by Mr. Brittingham. Motion passes. 9-0. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Harris made a motion to hold the 12, which is also a regular Zoning & night, on the property to be rezoned by Mr. Mc Callister. Motion passes. Public Hearing on November Planning board meeting for the bank, being seconded 9-0. The City clerk stated that there is an Ethics Committee in the State and when you have a conflict of interest in anything that you are going to vote on you have to fill out a form. She stated that she has the forms. The Board went into deep discussion on the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Shambora made a motion to table the Subdivision Ordinance for further study, being seconded by Mr. Glaser. Motion passes. 9-0. Chairman Wolfe stated that he would like to call a Special Meeting of this board the 29th of this month. He will get in touch with Jo Weaver (City Attorney) and the City Manager to make sure that they will be able to corne. Mr. Brittingham made a motion to adjourn this meeting, being seconded by Mr. Nichols. All in favor. -2-