. ~
Chairman Wolfe called the reqular meetinq of the Edqewater
Zoning Board to order at 8:22 P.M. in the City Clerk office.
James Mackie
ll/illiam Nichols
Robert Wolfe
D a v i d ~J i q q ins
Richard Bartholomew
This meeting was late getting started. Before the meeting
was called to order. Mr. Harold Read was present and he showed
the plans he had for a new shopping center to be built on the
corner of Evergreeen and U.S. 1. Mr. Mackie and Mr. Wolfe
reviewed his .plans with him. Mr. Mackie and Mr. Wolfe both
agreed that the plans looked good and that he should take them
to the City Council.
Harold V. Read Jr.
2526 Royal Palm
Edgewater, Florida
Robert ~/. l'/iley
223 Canal Street
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
James R. Davis
2422 Queen Palm
Edgewater, Florida
Joseph D. Zincone Jr.
Spruce Creek Airport
Rt#l Box 72 B17
Daytona Beach, Florida
Irene Mackie
Mr. and M r s . Raymo n d Mill e r
108 E. Park Ave.
Edgewater, Florida
There was some discussion about the lack of quorum at so many of
the Zoing Board meeting. The Board would like to have two additional
members on the board so that they will have a Quorum at every meetin~.
This request is to go to the City Council for their recommendations.
This would make a total number of seven Zoning Board memhers.
Mr.Milan Griffith was present at the meetinq he is asking to build
a two family duplex on Lots 13, 14 and 15 in blk 0 of Section 1
Highland Shores subdivision per map book 9 oage 63 Volusia County
Edgewater, Florida.
There are already a number of dunlexes in this area and he feels
that he should be able to build there. He complies with the
square footage required .
Mr. Mackie made a motion that Mr. Griffith be allowed to build a
two family duplex due to the fact that there is already a duplex
to the north and the south of this property. Mr. Nichols made the
second. CARRIED 3-0. two members absent.
Chairman Wolfe asked the secretary if she had he heard from the
attorney on the letter that was sent to him. There has not been
_ a n an s we rye t . C h a i rm an W 01 f e ask e d for her to q e t ~ old 0 f Mr.
Woods to find out the answer.
, ~
Page 2
Zoning Board
February 7, 1978
A memo to go to the City Council on the Boards recommendation
for Mr. Griffith.
Chairman Wolfe also stated that if Mr. Griffith does not require
a Public Hearing that his $50.00 be refunded.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were present at the meetinq to discuss their
problem with the zoning of the Edgewater Beauty Shop. The prop-
erty is presently zoned R-3 and they would like to have it zoned
back to the way it was B-1. The address of this property is
108 E. Park Avenue.
Mr. Nichols made a motion that this property be changed back to
B-1 so that the Beauty Shop can stay in business, Mr. Mackie
made the second. CARRIED 3-0. Two absent.
This motion is to qo to the council for their recommendation.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller's ~50.0n is to be refunded if a public
hearing is not required.
Chairman Wolfe showed the revised plans of Mr. Reed's proposed
subdivision. This was discussed at length. The hoard stated
that he should have a professional survey of this nroperty.
Mr. Mackie made a motion to aoprove the site plan as presented
subject to a professional survey. Mr. Nicrols made the second.
CARRIED 3-0. Two absent.
Mrs. Nichols was present and she wanted to eXDlain to the board
a nroblem that was brouqht UP back in September on ~r. Bartholomew's
property on U.S.l and Hardin Place. This property is divided into
two lots 74 x 90 feet and is a lot that can not be built on.
He would like for this to be rezoned for Mobile Homes. There
are already mobile homes to the South of this and there is a
home behind the ~roperty owned by him.
Mr. Nichols made a motion to allow Mr. Bartholomew to use this
property for two trailer sites since this would be the best
use. Mr. Mackie made the second. CARRIED 3-0. Two absent. *
Mr. Mackie made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Nichols made the second
* This is to go to the Council for their recommendations.