05-29-1962 \ \ J .. v u 1.1EETING OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, .FLORIDA HELD ON NAY 29TH, 1962. The Meeting of the Zoning Board of the City of Edgewater, Florida was called to order by Joseph Ernry, Chairman of the Board, at 8:00 P.M., May 29th, 1962. ROLL CALL Present Absent Absent Absent Present Present Absent Absent Joseph Emry, Chairman Olen Hatthews O.N. Long Rev. Clifford John Angers D.E. Settle Walter Hester Vivian Oyler ~1'~~ The meeting was called to discuss the ~iance on the property of Ralph and Mary Owens. Mr. Ernry said that Nr. Owens had filled out the application for an Occupational License to run a Fishing Camp on his property. The letter was read from 1'J.!'. and l-frs. Owens requesting this meeting. 1'J.!'. Ernry stated that notice of a hearing on this matter would be advertised in the paper on June 7th, 14th, and 21st. The Zoning and Planning Board will meet June 26th. Mr. Ernry stated that if this Committee should vote against the Fishing Camp, Mr. Owens could take it to the entire City Council. All this committee can do is recommend. Mr. Owens asked if there was such a thing as a certain number of signers on a paper to over-ride the vote of the Committee. Mr. Emry said that names vlOuld not mean a thing. There being no furt:'1er business, the Zoning and Planning Board adjourned. l-ti.nutes taken by ml?J,,-~ Rr1~j-Y1J/~ -- ~. (T~ ~vf..--~