'" ..
~IING 011' 'rH~ ~ONING & PLAl
BU~mn OF Tflli Crry OF BOO~;/~lT~
lULU JUNl!: 26, 1962
The ~oning & Planning Board was called to order by Jo~eph
~y, Jr. at 8:00 P.M. June 26th, 1962
olen Mathews
O.N. Long
Rev. Clifford
John Anger~
J;;J. .E. Settle
,/alter Heeter
Vivian Oyler
Joseph EmrYtJr.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Motion duly
made by Mr. Long to accept the minu tee as read, seconded by
Mr. Hester, and by vote CARRIED.
Mr. Emry - This hearing is for the request of a variance
on the property of, Ralph & Mary ~ve ns. He asked to op~at8
a fish camp on his property. Mr. 0 wens "as present. Map
of hie property was sho\;n to members ot Lhe board.
A~. Emry - Since this is a Public Hearing, we will hear
everyone thatqis present. Accordin g to the Ordinance, only
people who own property within a 300 ft. radiu~ are the ones
we will take under consideration.
Mr5. K(jnneth May
410 S. Riverside Dr. She asked how this property is zoned.
Mr. Emry said it was double A 1.
Vivian Oyler
2011 Hiverside Dr. I an aga.inl!!t it for two reasons. There
are already two fish camps. I have never come across thre~
fish camps together. It this variance is allowed several
others will want fish camps. She m cntioned several others
who would v~nt fish campa. Goodness knows how many there would
be. Some people want fish houses. If one variance is given,
why shouldn't more be given~ It would be a breakdown of the
zoning on the river front. She said a solution would be re-
zoning the rest of Boston Road, but ahe wouldn't even ask for
Crawford Shaerrer,
218 N. rliverside Drive Prior to the Ordinance of 1961 we
had no control or this. I object to rezoning any part of
Riverside Drive. It is the most beautiful drive in the city.
I believe the waterfront is an assot to our city. I think
you genylemen should stop and think before allowing a variance
on this property.
.L'4ul FIllo,
216 IJ. .u'veralC:u
Lo8 z.::r. ..iMotter.
tl~h oaup.
t, 1
jr. - I ~ 1 c.....'.10f't it :or t.he B/\r:1lJ rOtioon
lIe st.u tvd it pould bo vary noIsy \lith anot.h..Jr
...;rs. Der-"h.
181) HivernideDr. - ./e ~"ve jurt built f\ new hone. Uhe stated
tmro arc enoU{'h Clr","":l~)8 nou. &lnd Bald tnat we ure try1nc to
beautify the vmtertront.
..Jr. l1t.olph O\.1e~ - Tl.t.!"o obJootion!! don't SCJ()"'l to ru!'mnt to
anyth1Il8. 110 f)tnt~d "'.3 has Ii ricbt to (' 1"lvh OI':.:1D.
bJr. ...1.uefter - ~Jrt'. Oyler i5 leC"111y thore lnder tho prenent
Ualph Daaoh
1816 Ldversi<.1fJ :Jr. - r:ca j't.:\'ed ho \.~fj over 300 ft. trvm tho
property belnc dl'cuvsed, but I IlI:1 ~ next eoor nolc:hbor. no
8aid he didn't knO\: how \'18 could extend the buninoss are:..l any
l.~orc the.n It ie. 17.1.; ol;&i~ ho ~!>PMc1.. ted tho nloujob on tho
notel, but tlv~t In tot' t....=- c..r './0 Ct-Xl co.
us. Lonz flskod hO\l the varlunoe turned out on the tra1lor park
on ~t1verft1dc ~r.
dl'. "';'''':Iry - '....'borc It Dr:> tr"'l11or ptrk ~Mntcd ")drUsrioll on
~~v~rulde tlrlve.
.~oula..'" lJ{\"lrd . '3nbur<<;. thCL u~. Viol thulr tCJC lill(.... 0:' ~ e vr r11lDO o.
..:r.' cot'Lor - It you t-rr' at OO\) vt..rl'uluo thf..I-G 'lre t.l\tr'.yn tour
P"t,~ro ,ho .'-.nt ona. :1e c. ,ld be ::SIlLS notbinc u.r;alnst ~,d-. (Atens,
but. we can't L'rant it.
....r. Lor..' - ..lr 0 freed. V. t it ooe.. ,el~on 1f" rr- nt.ed (' v"\rlr:noo
tbere ....1'"0 lol",. :i:l ~orc ,.' '} .il nt th 0 fU:.. "10. Ue c;' Id ho hn.d :lothinc
aealnnt ~. c..'lOn.."l! but. tIe oan't r,ru.nt it. 'lhc Ord1nanou cover1Q8
t.hic 1t.\'t1.cr p"r..~(jQ by thu City C nunc11 1961, \.~B read.
1.:r. uottlo - :r~ f" 1e. he VIUS '1("'11n"3 t ':..ny ro--:onl11{" of t", Ir
:Jr. ..\..'1. 'um w Id ho ll:'lD ~;-aIn" tit.
:.:r. o.tbr.Gtf(,r - ll~ f".ld none (,1' :".1~ pr"''}f:l''t~~ "a .liver"'lde Jr1ve
Ie Z">Z1orl COi......,. :I-cl~l. 11. 18 C'\.r1~tl~ 1gerlc.ct,tl 1.
If t.lJyone 1'",110 to l'" y tor thu ir 11 cenae tor t.hMr t1.!.h Otl lp
on ~L1veroIde J.>rlvc \.it-hin tjO do)"s 1:; hey 10; e their 11oEtnEJo.
.~ lotIC\,C dulj l''''\c!C b~ ..T. F"cr..tt.'r V.l · t t.ho ootlt1on be dl#n1od.
t:'ccov1.ud by 'r. ...>fit"le hLd uy VO'!;,' c, _~1aI ~D. :'bo votf.t ~ ,~t
UllI-n1. lOUD.
'-:rO wJXV
Your peti t.ion has beO.l turnea ~ ~:)',n 0 Y')~l c 'n ,'f)
befoI'o ,..\u City \';ou..lcil hnd .....,..OS.j'lt J'our clhLl "I.d V13V hl'''J
u.LI.C fi~l loaf 80. lie jUIJ't n...A:U :rec OJ~nf3i(i'n,iC)ns 0
I. !lot ion dul:,
by J.,;r 0 J."Jll(",
_0,:1 b r~o honl..~r trr t ,~c 'll"l.l 'u.j,1uru, ::. JC'f) '\"c.d
'.nd by V,)L.-: 0 L u~l .. ).
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