11-04-1971 o Q u MINUTES OF A PUBLIC HEAIUNG HELD BY THE CITY OF EDGID'lATER ZONING BOARD ON NOVEMBER 4, 1971 j- It'~ Mr. James L. Budd, Chairman of the Zoning Board called the Public hearing to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Courtroom of City Hall. ROLL CALL James L. Budd, Chairman w. K. Robinson T. B. Loveland Robert D. Fisher Joseph Emry, Jr. Present Present Present Present Present Chairman Budd read the request of Kenneth May for rezoning property, legal description attached, for the purpose of selling sarne to James L. Pritchard to start a nursery. The Chair then called upon all qualified freeholders present to be heard. Mrs. Clinton: felt that a nursery would be a detriment to the property at it joined theirs and the order from fertilizer would be very offensive. Mrs. Heilman stated that when they bought their property it wal all residential and felt it should remain that way. ~Mr. Foster stated he didn't go along with the rezoning. Mr. Erickson asked what would happen to the property if the nursery would go out of business. Was advised it would remain commercial for a nursery only unless rezoned. Mr. ~~y stated he wanted to sell the property. Had had an opportunity to sell it for Government houses but refused as he felt a nursey would be better for the neighborhood. He also owns the property on the west side of Old County road, both north and south of Ocean Avenue which is already zoned commercial. A petition with several signatures against the rezoning was read by the chairman. Mr. Fisher, member of the Board, asked if a buffer fence was put up would that be of any help. The objectors felt it would appear as a junk yard. Mrs. Heilman complained of the unsightly conditions now of the present government houses on Connecticut Street whose back yards abut their back yard. Mrs. Clinton further stated that when they bought their home four years ago from K. May he wouldn't let them put on a room for her aance studio, now he is asking for a variance for lroperty joing theirs for another business. Mr. Loveland, member of the Board, asked Mr. Pritchard if the variance was granted would be consider not putting any nursery stock on the corner lot or building any structure on that lot but Mr. Pritchard said Ocean Avenue was more traveled and he would need that , I conner to draw people down Old County road and wouldn't make any promises. \...; o Q u The public hearing was adjourned and the Zoning Board reviewed the comments made by the property owners present and the letters received. After a discussion the opinion of the Board was to recommend to the City Council that the request be denied. Four members voting for the denial and one a.bstaining. Minutes taken by Elsie L. Ward/ Time of adjournment 8:30 P .H. u o