04-01-1982 " o o CITY OF EDGEWATER Charter Review Commission Meeting Minutes April 1, 1982 Chairwoman Mason called the meeting to order at 12:55 PM in the conference area of the Community Center. ROLL CALL Members Present: Messrs. Dore, Millard, Kropp, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Bennington. Excused: Rev. Hardin. Also present: Mr. Mitchell, City Manager, Mr. Henderson, City Attorney (Arrived Late), Debbie Winks, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no additions or corrections to the amended minutes of March 10, 1982, and the March 25, 1982 minutes. The minutes of March 10 and 25, 1982 were approved. REVIEW OF THIRD DRAFT Mrs. Mason noted that the new Councilmen will be elected on November 2, 1982 but will not take office until November 29, 1982, The concensus of the Commission was that they be sworn in at the special meeting held at 4:00 PM the day following the election when the votes are ratified - Article III, Legislative, Section 1, City Council will be changed to note this. Section 7, Vacancies, c., will be changed to show that a vacancy is filled until the end of the term of that vacancy. Section 9, Vice-Mayor and Acting Mayor, will be changed to show they will be selected at the first regular meeting of the City Council following a general election. Mr. Millard asked that the definition of absence of the Mayor be clarified. Section 9, Vice-Mayor and Acting Mayor, will have a sentence added at the end stating: "Absence" means that the person is not physically present. Mrs. Mason mentioned that the present Councilmen should be informed that if a salary change is going to be made for the next Councilmen, it has to be done by May 2. Mr. Lodico questioned whether there is a limit on an increase that the Councilmen can vote in. At present there is no such limit. Mrs. Bennington suggested that a percentage limit be placed on the amount of the increase. After a lengthy discussion on this subject, the Commission decided to leave Article III, Legislative, Section 3, Compensation and Expenses, as it is. Mr. Millard noted that there was a typographical error in Article VI, Elections, Section 1, Council Zones, g. The repeated sentence will be removed. Mrs. Mason questioned whether the references of applicants for Councilmen should be checked. At present there is no requirement that the references be checked. Mr. Mitchell mentioned that he believes legally this cannot be done, and the best check is through the press. Mr. Mitchell reviewed the forms that the candidate must file. Mrs. Mason questioned whether there should be a stipulation when hiring a depart- ment head, that if he is not a resident of the city that he has one year to move into the city. Mrs. Bennington and Mr. Millard felt that the Charter was not the place for this requirement. It was decided that as a part of the final report to Council that this requirement be made an ordinance. Mr. Millard suggested and the Commission agreed to add a clause to Article IV, Administrative, Section 2, Powers and Duties of the City Manager, g., stating, Keep the Council fully advised "on a continuing basis" as to the financial condition.... . Mr. Millard questioned whether the City Clerk's section safeguards for all her duties, such as elections clerk. After discussion of this subject, and review of the Haines City Charter, the Commission decided to leave this section as it is in the third draft. .~ (.) o There was some discussion on the wording of Article IV, Administration, Section 1, City Manager. It was felt that the Commission will get considerable input on this section from their meetings with the various organizations. The members volunteered to attend various organizations' meetings to present the draft of the new proposed charter as follows: Rev. Hardin - Garden Club, Congre- gate Dining and Churches; Mr. Dore - Vermont-New Hampshire and Florida Shores Property Owners Association; Mr. Kropp - American Legion, Fire Department, and NARFE; Mrs. Bennington - Woman's Club and Humane Society; Mr. Millard - Radio Club and I.V.E.; Mrs. Mason - Italian-American and Stamp Club. Hawkes Park, Shuffleboard, and Edgewater Elementary PTA were not decided on. It was decided that two members should go to each of these meetings. The primary person will pick the other person to go with them. Mr. Millard said he will check with the News and Observer to see what the price of a half page ad with a copy of the Charter would be. Mr. Mitchell suggested that it be distributed door to door by the boy scouts. The format of the Public Hearing Draft was discussed and it was decided to put a note "See Options" in the body of the charter, and have the two different options shown on a separate page. Mr. Henderson arrived and the above changes were noted for his comment. All changes the Commission made were in order except a clause has to be added to Article VII, Transition, Section 3, Rights of Officers and Employees, stating: Elected officers shall continue to hold their offices and discharge the duties thereof until their successors are elected "as per Article III, Section 1." Mr. Henderson was asked if a candidate's references can be checked. Mr. Henderson said there is no legal way to check this information out. The Commission discussed with Mr. Henderson the format that they desired for the next draft that will be copied for distribution. Mr. Henderson suggested that before the Charter goes to referendum that it be taken to the people for their signature. It would show that there is a large support for the new Charter. Mr. Henderson also noted that this will have to be advertised two times in the paper before it goes to vote. The next regular meeting will be held on April 15, at which time the date for the public hearing will be scheduled. A list will be prepared with the various organizations' telephone numbers and also noting the Commission members and their telephone number. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM. Minutes submitted by: Debbie Winks Charter Review Commission Minutes April 1, 1982 Page 2.