Charter Review Commission. Meeting Minutes
April 15, 1982, 1:00 PM
Chairwoman Mason called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM in the conference
area of the Community Center.
Members present: f-iessrs. Dore, Millard, Kropp, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Bennington.
Excused: Rev. Hardin. Also present: Mr. Mitchell, City Manager, Mrs. Winks,
Mr. Henderson, City Attorney
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of April 1, 1982, and
they were approved as submitted.
Mr. Dore reported on the Vermont-New Hampshire meeting. There were only a few
Edgewater people present and he did not receive any expression of opinion or
Florida Shores Property OWners Association presentation was made by Mr. Dore.
He felt the majority of the people were leaning toward the five zone system.
Mr. Kropp reported on the American Legion meeting, the Fire Department meeting,
and the NARFE meeting. The American Legion question whether medically disabled
people can submit absentee ballots; the majority would like to elect the
Mayor and elect Councilmen from their district only; and they felt the City
Clerk and Police Chief should be hired by Council. The Fire Department was
apprehensive about the Fire Department not being mentioned in the revised
Charter; the majority would like to elect the Mayor and elect Councilmen at
large; they favored the City Manager type of government but were concerned
about the scope of powers, and would like the wording to be - "There 'may'
be a City Manager", instead of 'shall'. The NARFE meeting was attended by
very few people from Edgewater and there was little response.
Mr. Millard reported on the IVE meeting which was attended by about eight
or nine people. The majority favored the five zone system. They questioned
whether the Councilmen can take office without the Certificate of Election
being issued. The i:Commission reviewed this, and it was decided that the
Councilmen will take the oath of office at Noon on the second day following
the election, following the presentation of the Certificate. The wording in
the Options Section 7, Vacancies, c. wa~ discmssed. Option I, fourth sentence,
shall read, "Should the office of mayor become vacant for any reason, then
the vice-mayor shall become the mayor and succeed to the duties, powers,
and responsibilities of the mayor for the balance of said mayor's term of
office and a new Council member shall thereupon be elected or appointed as
above f~om the mayor's zone~: Option II, fourth sentence shall read, "Should
the office of mayor become vacant for any reason, then the vice-mayor shall
become the mayor and succeed to the duties, powers, and responsibilities of
the mayor for the balance of said mayor's term of office and a new council
member shall thereupon be elected or appointed as above from the vice-mayor's
zone to fill the" vacancy occurring due to the vice-mayor's succession to mayor".
Section 6. Vacancies, b. stating "Absence from three consecutive regular
meetings of the City Council shall operate to vacate the seat of a member..."
was questioned. In another section of the Charter it states that there shall
be at least one regular meeting a month, at present Council meets twice a
month, and it was questioned if the second meeting of the month is classified
as a special meeting. It was noted that the Council sets the regular meetings
by ordinance. Section 9, Procedure, b. was questioned at the meeting. The
concern was the phrase "to balance this need with the requirements of public
input". Does this mean public input will be heard on each subject discussed?
After much discussion by the Commission on this subject, it was decided to
add the phrase "consistent with such rules".
Article V, Personnel, Section 2, Merit Oruinance was questioned pertaining
to the 2/3 vote of the City Council. Someone asked why it didn't state a
certain number of people. The Commission decided to change the wording to
state, "no less than a four/fifths vote of the entire City Council".
Mrs. Mason' stated that Article IV, Administrative, Section 1, City Manager,
b. could be changed to state a four/fifths vote instead of a majority 'vote.
The Commission decided to leave the wording as it is.
There was a discussion on what the Union status will do with the Merit Board.
Mr. Mitchell stated that any Unionized employee may be exempted from the
Merit Board, and only non-union people covered under the Merit Board.
This is the present thinking, but nothing has been firmed up yet.
Mrs. Bennington reported that she is working with Mrs. McKillop to set up
a presentation of the Charter to the Women's Club. They are concerned about
the conflict of interest statement. Mrs. Bennington asked whether the state-
ment included the fire department and other governmental people as they
receive state and federal funds.
Mr. Mitchell noted that on the Option page, it should read "Proposed Option I"
and "Proposed Option II".
Mr. Jack Bevel arrived at the meeting and was asked what language the Fire
Department would like in the Charter. The' Commission decided
to put in a section pertaining to the Fire Department similar to that in the
present Charter. It was also decided to put in a section on EVER similar to
the present Charter, both to delete references to emergency situations.
Mr. Millard reported on the information he received on advertising the draft
of the Charter. A one time, one page, Friday or Sunday ad will cost $478.
The schedule of events leading to the Special Election on July 13, 1982 was
discussed. The following schedule was decided upon:
6/6 &
Charter Review Commission Meeting - Cancelled
Last Con~ission Club Visitation
1:00 PM - Charter Review Commission Meeting
Public Hearing (May 10) Advertisement by Commission
7:00 PM - Commission Public Hearing
1:00 PM - Charter Review Commission Meeting - Final
Refer Proposed New Charter to Council
First Reading of Ordinance by Council on 7/13 Special Election
Advertise Notice of Ordinance Adoption by Council
7:00 PM - Special Council Meeting, Hearing & Vote on Date
of Special Election
Advertisements by Council of Special Election on 7/13
Special Election on New Charter
The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Winks
Charter Review Commission Minutes
April 15, 1982
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