03-05-2008 CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING Minutes March 5, 2008 8:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robert Lott called to order a joint meeting of the Economic Development Board and City Council at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 5, 2008, at the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce, 115 Canal St., New Smyrna Beach, FL. ROLL CALL: Chairman Robert Lott Present Oscar Zeller Present Eric Caplan Present Bob Williams Present Tim Howard Absent Marcia Barnett Present Patricia Reid Present John Nelson Present Also present were Acting City Manager Tracey Barlow, Development Services Director Darren Lear, Planning and Zoning Board Liaison Pat Card, Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Steve Dennis, Planning and Zoning Board member Robert McIntosh, and Board Coordinator Pat Drosten. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2008 were presented for approval. MOTION by Mr. Zeller, SECOND by Ms. Barnett to approve the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2008 minutes as presented: MOTION PASSED 7-0 CITY AND OTHER REPORTS: City Manager Update Acting City Manager Barlow stated that the new Finance Director is now on-board. Planning and Zoning Board Update Mr. Card discussed the upcoming P&Z agenda. SEVCC Update Mr. Dennis welcomed the members to the Chamber offices and gave a brief history of the SEV Chamber of Commerce and an overview of their future direction. He handed out information packets to the members and then introduced Mr. Larry McKinney, President of the Daytona Beach/Halifax area Chamber of Commerce. C:\Documents and Settings\jsterba\Desktop\minute030508.reg..doc 1 Mr. McKinney gave the Board a summary of his history and discussed the Business Development Partnership program their Chamber has created. There was much discussion on how the City of Edgewater could benefit from utilizing the services they offer. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Business Directory update Mr. Lott stated that the school has refunded the fees to the City. The Board will look at other options to continue the development of the business directory. Program of Work Tabled until the April 2, 2008 meeting. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Ms. Barnett handed out a worksheet she developed regarding the availability and cost of housing in the City. Mr. Caplan asked if a similar worksheet could be complied, outlining the financial requirement data to obtain home loans in the area (i.e. percentage of down payment, local incentive programs, etc.) Ms. Reid and Ms. Barnett will work on that. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Pat Drosten, Board Coordinator Economic Development Board C:\Documents and Settings\jsterba\Desktop\minute030508.reg..doc 2