City Hall Council Chambers
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Monday, June 10, 2024, at 10:30AM
Bridgette Vaissiere
Dilena Talley
Tim Sopko
Tyna Hilton
OTHERS PRESENT: Bonni Jensen, Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson
Frank Wan, Burgess Chambers &Associates
Siera Feketa, Foster & Foster
Troy Jenne, Foster & Foster
1 Call to Order— Brenda DeWees called the meeting to order at 10:30AM.
2. Roll Call —As reflected above.
3. Public Comments — None.
4. Approval of Minutes
a. March 11, 2024, Quarterly Meeting Minutes
i. Brenda DeWees commented it reflected her calling the meeting to
order, but she wasn't here. Bridgette Vaissiere called the meeting to
The Board approved the March 11, 2024, quarterly meeting minutes as revised, upon
motion by Bridgette Vaissiere and second by Tyna Hilton; motion carried 6-0.
5. Reports (Attorney/Consultants)
a. Burgess Chambers & Associates, Frank Wan, Investment Consultant
i. Quarterly report as of March 31, 2024
1. Frank Wan gave an update on the market environment for the
2. Frank Wan reviewed the actual versus the target asset
3. The market value of the plan as of March 31, 2024, was
$12,115,394. The fund's total net returns for the quarter were
4.6%, outperforming the policy benchmark of 4.2%. Trailing
total fund gross returns for the 1-, 3-, and 5-year periods were
12.6%, 2.2% and 7.0% respectively. Frank Wan discussed the
performance of each of the asset classes.
4. Frank Wan reviewed the performance of the different
investments and how they contributed to the overall portfolio.
5. Frank Wan reviewed his outlook on the market.
b. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen, & Levinson, Bonni Jensen, Plan Attorney
i. Discussion of lUOE Rep trustee seat
1. Bonni Jensen commented the 5 th trustee had to be a union
member. Bonni commented now that they didn't have a union
they may want to recommend a change to the language. Bonni
commented there still might be some relationship with the union
and the retirees as they were a closed plan.
2. The Board briefly discussed. Dilena Talley advised they were
still working on dissolving the union.
3. The Board discussed possibly having a citizen or member seat.
Bonni Jensen reviewed how the 5 th trustee normally was in
other plans, commenting it would be elected by the other four
trustees and just have it ratified by the City.
4. Bonni Jensen commented this would have to be changed in an
ordinance through the City. The Board discussed the seat and
why the union was being dissolved.
5. The Board and Siera Feketa discussed how the 5th trustee seat
worked if they decided to proceed with changing the language
so that the 5th trustee was elected by the Board.
6. Bonni Jensen asked if they wanted to wait until the union was
dissolved or if they wanted to proceed now. The Board
discussed it possibly having to be contingent upon the union
closing. Bridgette Vaissiere commented if they knew they would
choose someone from the union if there still was a union they
could still do that once the language was updated.
7. Bonni Jensen reviewed the process to update the ordinance if
they decided to proceed.
8. The Board discussed the status of the union being dissolved.
9. Tim Sopko asked if they could decide at the next meeting.
Bonni Jensen commented they could. Dilena Talley
commented she'd like to see language stating it should be a
union member unless they didn't have a union then it should be
a member selected by the remaining Board. The Board
discussed the fact that it was a closed plan, and any future
union would not represent the current retirees.
10.Brenda DeWees commented she just received a text saying the
union was decertified in May.
11.Tirn Sopko discussed his concerns about the seat being
elected by the Board if they didn't know someone to serve.
Brenda DeWees commented the City used a process where
they must receive applications and if they should have to follow
that process. Bonni Jensen commented they could if they
wanted to, but sometimes they did know someone.
12.The Board discussed the process of accepting nominations for
this seat if they changed it to be Board elected.
The Board voted to direct the plan attorney to recommend change in language in
section 13.40(b) to the City Council so that the seat is elected by the Board and
ratified by the Council, upon motion by Bridaefte Vaissiere and second by Tim
Sopko; motion carried 5-0.
13.The Board discussed how they could advertise this seat in the
1099-R disability memo
1. Bonni Jensen commented she would just leave the memo with
them, and this would be prospective so this wouldn't really be
relevant to this plan. Bonni commented they could reach out if
they had any questions. Brenda DeWees asked if this applied
to just the Police & Fire plans or General too. Bonni
commented it could apply to General, but it probably wouldn't
really apply to them.
iii. Updates Summary Plan Description
1. Bonni Jensen commented the Summary Plan Description
(SPD) had to be updated and distributed to the active
members. Bonni commented once their last active member
retired, they wouldn't need to update this anymore.
2. Bonni Jensen commented she added Siera Feketa, but it may
need to be Troy Jenne. Siera confirmed she would discuss this
further later in the agenda, but the main point of contact would
be Troy Jenne.
3. Bonni Jensen briefly reviewed the other changes throughout
the SPD.
4. Brenda DeWees asked if they should change the makeup of
the Board in this. Bonni Jensen commented if it was amended,
they could update the SPD or table the SPD to the next
meeting. The Board briefly discussed the timing with the
amendment and agreed to table this to the next agenda
pending an update on the 5th trustee seat.
6. New Business
a. Update on trustee seats
i. Siera Feketa commented Brenda DeWees and Tyna Hilton ran
unopposed. Brenda asked when the election of officers would be
done. Siera commented it was scheduled to be done every two years
and was last done in December 2022 so it would be on the December
2024 agenda.
7. Old Business — None.
8. Consent Agenda
a. Ratification of Warrants
i. Warrant#93
b. New invoices for payment approval
i. None.
c. Fund Activity Report for March 5, 2024, through June 3, 2024
The Board approved the consent agenda as presented, upon motion by Tim Sopko,
and second by Bridgefte Vaissiere; motion carried 5-0.
9. Staff Reports, Discussion, & Action
a. Foster & Foster, Siera Feketa/Troy Jenne, Plan Administrators
i. Staff Update
1. Siera Feketa gave a brief update commenting Troy Jenne
would be serving as the main point of contact. Troy introduced
himself and gave an overview of his background.
10. Trustee Reports, Discussion, and Action
a. Brenda DeWees apologized for missing the educational sessions last
quarter, commenting she did listen back and thanked the presenters for their
11. Adiournment—The meeting adjourned at 1 1:29AM.
12. Next Meeting — Monday, September 16, 2024, at 10:30AM.
Respectfully submitted by: Approved by:
Siera Feketa, Plan Administrator Bridgette Vaissiere, Vice-Chair
Date Approved by the Pension Board: