91-CE-2467 - Lindsey, Gary & Margaret - 1802 Pine Tree Drive r' i BOOK PAGE 3793 498~. CITY OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA CO. FL CITIZENS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSION OF LAW, AND ORDER IMPOSING FINE/LIEN '. CASE NO. 91-CE-2467 GARY AND MARGARET LINDSEY THIS CAUSE came on for a Violation Hearing before the City of Edgewater Citizens Code Enforcement Board on August 20, 1992, after due notice to the Violators, Gary and Margaret Lindsey, and the Board having heard testimony under oath, received evidence, and heard argument of counsel (if any), thereupon issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Order as follows: A. FINDINGS OF FACT: Based on the testimony of the Code Enforcement Officer and the presentation of pictures of the property, the Citizens Code Enforcement Board has determined that weeds and grass in excess of twenty-four (24) inches are located on the property described as Lots 1664 and 1665 Block 79 Florida Shores Number 3. B. CONCLUSION OF LAW: Section 10-43 of the Code of Ordinances, Edgewater, Florida provides that it shall be the duty of every owner of land lying in the city to keep the same clear and free from rubbish, debris, trash, garbage and other unsightly accumulation; and it shall be the duty of every owner of land lying in the city to keep the cut grass and weeds on said land cut so that the same never exceeds the height of twenty-four (24) inches. Since the Violators have allowed the grass and weeds on the -.I . T ~4 0"' exceed the he~ght of twentl-~~r (~ , en .." " 0 the Code ~ Ordinances, :F.;d.9'iWCit.er, .' N property described above to inches, Section 10-43 of Florida, has been violated. C. ORDER: Based on the findings of fact and conclusion of law set out above, this Board determines that the violators must abate the violation by cutting the grass and weeds located on the U5 ...0 '" o 1"'" n property described above by AUGUST.~-A-.l..~92. Unless the violation is properly abated by AUGUST 24, 1992, a fine of THIRTY ($30.00) dollars per day is hereby imposed for each day the violation ~ continues past that date. ra- l.J) ~CJL..l 1 ~ to -'I ~- f"1 r- (") ..,., 00 :::0" 00 <Xl 1Tl::u ;u r.., ~n "':0 rr1-~ .0.....J o en ~ n --In '\:.', :<r- ,,,' oS': p,""- g~ " ;bO ~ -I." r~\ < ~\ ;~ ~ >~ ~, ~~ \,t~ r- ..}: w o \. , . BOOK 3193 PAGE 4985 ; VOl USIA CO. FL Pursuant to Section 162.09, Florida Statutes, and Section 2-56, Code of Ordinances, Edgewater, Florida, this document may be recorded in the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida, and shall constitute a lien against the above described property and any other real or personal property owned by the violator. DONE AND ORDERED this 20 day of Auqust ,1992. ATTEST: CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZENS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD BYi~J~/ CVICE CHAIRMAN -4~[f(kf))j SEC TARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ~1~ . CITY ATTO Y I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Imposing Fine/Lien has been furnished by mail to: Gary and Margaret Lindsey POBox 586 Edgewater, Fl. 32132-0586 ,--1MUJ(~. ~lfJ~/ Wq-) J SECRETARY V/ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing is an original of the Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Order Imposing Fine/Lien adopted by the Citizens Code Enforcement Board on August 20, 1992. ~LLfP-?f). .~. SECRETARY 2 176502 L.: CITY OF EDGEWA TER CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD NOTICE OF LIEN Gary and Margaret Lindsey P. O. Box 586 Edge wa ter, Florida 32132-0586 October 13, 1992 Case No. 91-CE-2467 RE: VIOLA TION OF EDGEWA TER CODE OF ORDINANCES: Parcel No. 8402-01-01-6640 - 1802 Pine Tree Drive This is to advise you that you have not complied with the Order of the Code Enforcement Board dated the 20th day of Auaust . 1992. Because you have not complied with the Order, a fine of $ 30.00 per day has been imposed upon you. The fine will continue until the violation is abated. If the violation is not abated and the fine is not paid within thirty days, the attached Order Imposing Fine/Lien shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Volusia County, Florida. The Order Imposing Fine/Lien will constitute a lien in the amount of the fine against the property described therein and any other real or personal property owned by you. As soon as you have abated the violation, immediately contact Code Enforcement at (904)427-6492 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to arrange for an inspection of your property and payment of the fine. City of Edgewater Code Enforc ment MPK/tle CF: City Attorney Finance Department Lien File Case File