12-06-1989 u o ['l \'\:~ U- ~( .' CITY OF EDGE WATER MERIT BOARD WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1989 7:30 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER, CITY HALL Chairman, Harry Jones called to order Merit Board at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Community Center of City Hall. a regular meeting of the December 6, 1989, in the Karen Grasberger Marvin Owens CeCe Stevens Sherry Young Harry Jones, Chairman ~nt " -- ~s;L.~ Absent ~ resent Present Present c~~\ \ \ ~~t{.q ROLL CALL: Also present were Elly Johnson, City Manager, Mary Ann Vendrasco, Payroll/Personnel/Insurance Clerk, and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Karen Grasberger moved to approve the minutes as presented of August 22, 1989, seconded by CeCe Stevens. Motion CARRIED 4-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There being no unfinished business the Board moved to new business. NEW BUSINESS: Review of Cody & Associates. Inc. Study - Mr. Johnson addressed the question asked concerning drug testing. The two contracts signed (P.E.A and S.P.E.A.) address drug testing and is in the proposed contract (P.B.A.). Mr. Johnson reviewed the method in which Cody & Associates arrived at the study presented, using merit pay plan, job descriptions and the basic pay plan itself. Similar cities were studied when determining a competitive wage. A budget on an annual basis will be prepared and a recommendation on salary adjustments will be sent to Council. The analysis breakdowns of where the present employee salaries fall in relationship to recommended pay ranges was explained. The merit system was also discussed by Mr. Johnson. He stated that a four (4) per cent increase across the board is not a merit system. The Council wants a merit system for those people who "hustle" and "work hard" to get the merit increase. The Council has adopted a zero (0) to four (4) per cent merit scale. Mr. Johnson said department heads process. that proper will help in training of determining supervisor's and a fair evaluation Mr. Jones agreed with Mr. Johnson that the problem in a performance appraisal system is the training and understanding of the people evaluating the employee. Mrs. Young inquired about "hard and easy" rating supervisor's. o o , City of Edgewater Merit Board Regular Meeting December 6, 1989 Page -2- Mr. Johnson explained the employee has the right to appeal a dispute in their rating to the supervisor and department head and also has the right to go to the City Manager and the Merit Board. The allocation list, which recommended classification and pay ranges was reviewed by Mr. Johnson, as well as qualifications for available positions and the pay plan (PEA and PBA, SPEA and PBA.) E.A.P. Program (Employee Assistance Program) was explained. Mr. Johnson feels this is something that should be looked into for the future, as it is very worth while for employees. Mr. Jones recognized the employee's present at the meeting and asked if they had any questions. It was asked if the Cody & Associates Study will be available for employee review. Mr. Johnson said, once it goes through the adoption process it will be available for employee review. Mr. Johnson stated he will adjustment recommendations to done as soon as possible. have an ordinance prepared with Council. He noted this would be There being no further discussion to come before the Board, Mrs. Grasberger moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Young. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary City of Edgewater Merit Board /smp