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7:00 P.M.
Chairman Harry Jones called to order a regular meeting of the
Merit Board at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 28, 1989, in the
confrence room of City Hall.
Members present were Mr. Denton, Ms. Grasberger, Mr. Jones and
Mrs. Young. Mr. Owens was excused. Also present were Mary Ann
Vendrasco, Payroll/Insurance, and Beverly Kinney, Secretary.
The Board met to discuss modifications to the existing By-Laws
and agreed to the following changes:
ARTICLE I Official Name: "City of Edgewater Merit Board."
The "Board" in lieu of the Merit Board throughout the By-Laws.
ARTICLE III Membership: "The Board shall consist of five (5)
members. Four (4) members are to be selected by the City Council,
and must reside within the City of Edgewater at the time of appoint-
ment, and will serve a term of three (3) years. The fifth member
is elected by the employees, and does not have to reside within the
City of Edgewater. This member's term shall be for one (1) year.
ARTICLE IV Officers: Vice Chairman: "The Vice Chairman shall be
elected by the Board from among its regular members in the same
manner and for the same term as the Chairman and shall be eligible
for re-election.
The Vice Chairman Shall serve as Acting Chairman in the absence of
the Chairman, and at such times as the event of the death or res-
ignation of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall perform the various
duties until such time as the Board shall elect a new Chairman."
ARTICLE V Vacancies: "Three (3) unexcused absences shall be considered
an automatic resignation from the Board; upon such resignation, by
other means, or vacancies occurring for other reasons, the Chairman
shall notify the City Council promptly for selection of a replacement
to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Any member unable to
attend a regular or special meeting will be expected to notify the
Board's recording Secretary to be excused from attending said
ARTICLE VI Meetings: "Regular meetings shall be open to the public
and shall be conducted as per Roberts Rules of Order. The order of
business at regular meetings shall be as follows: Call To Order,
Roll Call, Approval of Minutes, Correspondence/Communications, Un-
finished Business, New Business, Public Comments, Adjournment.
Anyone wishing to address the Board should give their name and
address after being recognized by the Board."
ARTICLE VII Agenda: "An agenda shall be prepared at least twenty-
four (24) hours prior to the meeting, as directed by the members
listing all matters which shall be discussed. No other matter except
what is specified on the agenda shall be taken up at such meeting,
except by unanimous vote of the members present."
Mr. Denton moved to make the above changes to the By-Laws, seconded
by Ms. Grasberger. Motion Carried 4-0.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mrs. Young
moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Denton. The meeting adjourned at
approximately 7:55 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Secretary