November 16, 1988 7:00 p.m.
City Hall
'Ihe rreeting of the Merit Board was called to order at 7 :00 p,:m. by the Chainnan,
Russell Gold, in the City Hall of the City of Edgewater.
Members present were: Ruth Garvey, Keith Denton, Harry Jones, Pat DiLeva and
Chainnan Russell Gold. Also present were: William POvITers, City Manager; Dennis
Fischer, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer; Carl OVerstreet, Public Works
Superintendent; David Jones, Fire Safety Inspector; Cathleen Bouchard, Vincent ,
Perrotta, and Dominick Fazzone, Mary Ann Vendrasco, Payroll/Personnel/Insurance Clerk.
Mr. Gold announced there was no unfinished business this evening.
Mr. Gold called upon Mr. Jones to make his statements. Mr. Jones stated he 'was
surprised, when going through his personnel file, to discover nothing to show
his educational documents and resume submitted in 1984 and he wished to submit
this again and have it go in his file, where it should be. Mr. Jones went on to
explain he carne before this Board for the removal of documents, starting with
perfonnance evaluations and re-evaluations, of which he and Mr. Fischer were in complete
disagreement. Mr. Jones said he and Mr. Fischer had arrived at an agreement to
rerrove the perfo:rmance of evaluations, along with the yearly evaluation attached
and a letter which Mr. Jones felt was completely out of context. Mr. Jones said
Mr. Fischer then submitted a revised evaluation, and it was Mr. Jones I s under-
standing the first one would have been rerroved from his file. Mr. Jones said he
did not know the City policy of removal of documents from the personnel
files and'requested it be done. Mr. Jones added the ninety (90) day re-evaluation
did not go into his file and he did not receive his increase and will not, until
this matter is cleared. Mr. DiLeva asked Mr. Gold what the policy is as to
removing papers from a personnel file. Mr. Gold answered he did not know whether
they were automatically removed after one year or not; that same State agencies
do, but he does not know what Edgewater' s policies are. Mr. Harry Jones added, in
looking at page twelve (12) of the manual, it says "An employee may apply to the Merit
Board for removal of any document in the employee's personnel file which the
Merit Board detennines to be irrmaterial, impertinent, or slanderous . . ." and
Mr. Jones continued he believes the Board has to first detennine if it is, and if
so, make a recarrnendation based on that. Mr. Gold asked hOvlT Mr. Jones felt any of
this was slanderous to him, as nothing presented so far was running him dOvlTn to the
public, was not holding him to ridicule to the public, and he just wanted Mr. Jones IS
opinion how this was slanderous. Mr. David Jones stated a letter fram an insurance
canpany explaining his actions dealing with clients was entirely wrong" that a
statement saying Mr. Jones was exceeding his duty as a fire inspector by giving
legal advice was wrong; that an incident involving Mr. Lee Jones, saying Mr. David
Jones was uncontrollable, was wrong, as Mr. Fischer was not even present that day
to say what Mr. Jones's actions were.
Mr. David Jones gave a short description of his background, stating he had never
received such a degrading evaluation in his life and believes it is slanderous,
of fens i ve and impertinent. Mr. Denton asked Mr. Fischer if it was his intention
to get rid of the first appraisal and attached letter and Mr. Fischer answered he
had talked with Mr. Jones about it and they agreed Mr. Fischer would write a re-
evaluation and send it to Mr. Kelly, then Actinb City Manager. Mr. Denton said if
that was the understanding, it would wipe out half of the problems here. Mr. Powers
stated if the Board would look at the original August 5, 1988 evaluation, it was
signed by the Interim City Manager at the time, and the Department Head does not
have the authority to remove sanething like that; that it was approved by the then
Acting City Manager and, therefore, no one belOvlT that position has the authority to
remove or not remove. Mr. POvITers also added his copy of the evaluation had not been
checked for are-evaluation, and there was a procedure for re-evaluation' in ninety
(90) days. Mr. Powers continued. the re-evaluation may not have been the numerical
score the irrlividual desires, but nCMhere does it say the re-evaluation in ninety
(90) days will autanatically take you above the ninety (90) day merit increase,
and he does not see where the proper procedures were follo.ved requesting the
ninety (90) day re-evaluation.
Mr. Harry Jones said he doesn It believe the Board is in a position to say what kind
of an evaluation should' be given and whether or not certain papers should be rerroved.
Mr. David Jones said he is here to inform the Board of inequities in the system.
Mrs. GaJ:vey stated Mr. Jones and Mr. Fischer have had quite a few difficulties for
SCIre time and Mr. Jones said yes, Bliling Officials and Fire Inspectors always have
a problem with meeting of the minds on Cede requirements. Mr. Gold stated the
Board should nON cane to a decision as to reccmnending or not recarmending and
asked if there were any nore questions. A discussion continued as to procedures
and Mr. Harry Jones then asked Mr. PcMers if, with the information the Board has
on hand, Mr. Fischer were to cane to him today or tarorrON and ask him to remove
this information fran that file, could that be accanplished? Mr. PcMers answered
there is a mechanism for a re-evaluation and even if this was rerroved, you still
have the second evaluation, which did not grant a merit; that there is even a third
evaluation, and none of these covered the perioo needed after the first one. Mr .
PcMers continued there is no continuity in his records; there is a time gap. Mr .
Harry Jones then stated based on the information the Board has, and the fact there
is not apparent coverage in the evaluation to justify the rerroval, he would make a
notion the Board deny the rerroval from the records of any papers. Mr. Gold asked
for a second. Due to lack of a second, the notion died. Mrs. Garvey said she
would like to have it clear in her mind, what will hapPen if it is denied and Mr.
Gold said the papers will stay in the file. Mr. Gold again asked the Board IS
desire and there was a short discussion of a ninety (90) day re-evaluation not
beinq requested but was done and was still not sufficient to make any difference.
Mr. PcMers said he thinks it is a very generous situation where an employee gets
an evaluation, and if he doesn't like it, he can be re-evaluated in ninety (90) days.
Mr. Denton said he believes the last piece of paper should be taken out as agreed;
that the revised dates have to be fixed to cover the perioo it should and leave the
rest of it alone. Mr. PcMers said it cannot be left alone, as there is a third
evaluation in there and he is not entitled to a third evaluation. Mr. Gold then
asked the wish of the Board as there was a notion made and did not pass. Mrs. Garvey
asked if it is going to be i.rnp::>ssible to rerrove it from the files anyway, why make
a notion not to remove it. Mr. Gold said we have to be on record. Mrs. Garvey then
asked Mr. Harry Jones to make his notion again. Mr. Denton suggested it would be
better for Mrs. Garvey to make a notion to reconsider the original one and Mrs.
GaJ:vey made a notion to reconsider the previous notion, seconded by Mr. Harry Jones.
Mr. DiLeva then asked the secretary to read the original notion, and she read "I nove
we deny the re:roval, fran the record of the papers". 'Ihe notion to reconsider the
original notion was DENIED 3-2, Mr. DiLeva and Mr. Gold voting No. Mr. Gold then
announced the notion was denied, the papers will remain in the records or personnel file.
Mr. Gold called upon Mr. Perrotta and said the letter Mr. Perrottc.. . had su1:mi tted was
self-explanatory and Mr. Perrotta said it was not the way it haPPened. He said he
and his blohelpers were picking up (garbage) at Guava Drive July 23, 1988 where he
picks up to 28th Street when he was called on the radio and asked if he r.ad
picked up at 2048 Guava and his reply was he had picked up Guava twe.11ty (20) minutes
before. Mr. Perrotta said he has several witnesses to these calls but his main
concern was the letter he received fran Mr. Carl Overstreet, Public Works Director,
which he believes contained slanderous statements and embarrassed him with his co-workers.
~. Perrotta said he had many letters fran co-\Vorkers and people on his route who
would verify his integrity. Mr. Perrotta asked the Merit Board have this letter
removed fran his file as his farriJ.y n2~-:;2 ',.as sla."1dered and his four percent increase
was denied. Mr. Gold said it was hard to believe Mr. Perrotta would be denied
his increase on the basis of this one incident. A discussion continued as to whether
the Merit Board is in a position to say whether a Supervisor is wrong as the Board
does not knON what Mr. Perrotta does; that the Board cannot tell the Supervisor he
was wrong in his evaluation. Mr. Perrotta said the main gist of the whole problem
is, there was a mistake made in the office and no one will admit it. 'Ihe Board
continued discussion as to whether this one instance caused Mr. Perrotta his merit
raise and Mr. Perrotta said defini tel y yes.
Merit Board Minutes of
Novanber 16, 1988 Meeting
Mr. Denton stated that fran the letter, this is a Group III offense which is
"discharge", and asked Mr. OJerstreet if he was prepared to discharge for this
offense. ;.and Mr. OJerstreet replied he could have but if he intended to fire Hr.
Perrotta he wculd have done so at the time he wrote the letter. Mr. Denton then
asked Mr. PcMers if he had had a chance to review this at all and Mr. PcMers said
yes, and asked Mr. Perrotta hON long he has been driving. Mr. Perrotta answered
five (5) years and Mr. PcMers then asked hCM long on '. same route. Mr. Perrotta
answered aboJ.t bNo (2) years. Mr. PcMers then asked Mr. Perrotta if he didn't
knCM where his route is and Mr. Perrotta said that is not the question, but Mr.
PcMers said that is the question. Mr. PcMers continued the call had stated 2048
Glava and Mr. Perotta should have knONn that was not his route and instead of
saying he picked up Guava twenty minutes ago, he should have said that was not
his route. Mr. Perrotta answered they go by numbers; he couldn't carry hundreds
of numbers in his head.
Mr. Dcminick Fazzone of 302 Paradise lane stated in answer to Mr. PcMers, Mr.
Perrotta has a certain roote, divided in half by ~ drivers, and when he received
the call, he believed it was in regard to his route and he should never have been
asked that question originally. Mr. Fazzone also said, going back to what Mr. Gold
said, the incident should not have deprived him of his rreri t increase if he
deserved it. Mr. Fazzone stated Mr. Perrotta's integrity in April was mcu:ked five
(5) and twl rronths later, it was marked two (2), and this was the appraisal after he
received the letter. Mr. Fazzone added he wanted the Board to knON Mr. Perrotta
goes arOtll1d Shangri La Village, and the same for other areas, in ten (10) minutes,
so anyone to say this man is an embarrassment to the City does not knON the City
of Edgewater. Mr. Gold said regardless of anything being remJVed or not, it woold
not change the evaluation. Mr. Perrotta did not agree with this statEID2.I1t, saying he
himself did not make the mistake - the office did. Mr. Denton added the evaluation
was for over-all performance not this one incident, but Mr. Perrotta said he
believes Mr. Denton is wrong, as slanderoos statements were made against him .
After serioos discussion, Mr. Harry Jones rroved the Board take no action in this case.
He believes it is apparently an official document, delivered and placed in the
office personnel file and the Merit Board has no authority to request its raroval.
After further discussion. it was the Board's decision the \'.Drds tlno authority to
rem:::we it" be stricken, and the motion would then be accepted. Mrs. Garvey asked
why, if we can remJVe this, can we not remove Mr. David Jones's, but Mr. Gold
said we have no second on our motion. Mr. Denton then seconded the IIDtion. Mr .
Gold asked for questions and Mrs. Garvey said she was canpletel y confused. Mr. Denton
stated according to the COOe, the Merit Board can remove any personnel files, although
there are arguments to the contrary, if the three criteria are rret; if it is
imnaterial, impertinent or slanderous. He stated he didn't believe Mr. Jones's was
and he doesn ,It: think this case is. Mr. Gold asked for a vote and asked the secretary
to again read the motion, which read "I rrove the Merit Board take no action in this
case., It was apparently an official document delivered and then placed in the
personnel file:." After roll call, the Motion was DENIED 4-1, Mr. DiLeva voting NO.
'Ihe Board then took a recess at 8: 45 and Mr. Gold called the rreeting back to order
at 8 :50 and asked the Board to go on to the next item on the agenda, but Ms.
Catherine Bouchard, Administrative Clerk I, Utilities Department, asked to be
heard next as she had a previous apfDintment, to which the Board agreed. A discussion
ASSISTANT, Grade 7, were already in the budget. Mr. PCMers said he had looked at the
description of Administrative Assistant and it is the sarre as Administrative
Secretary I. Ms. Bouchard stated she had extensive canputer training, and rv~.
PcMers said the day of the typewritier is dying and all these positions will have
canputers . After an in- depth discussion of these ~ positions, Mr. PcMers said
we should consider chang:rng Adrrlllustrative Assistant to Administrative Secretary I.
Mr. Jones rroved the title Administrative Secretary I, Utilities, and the Water
Distribution Technician be accepted, seconded by Mr. DiLeva. M::>tion CARRIED 5-0.
'Ihe Board then returned to the next job description, BUILDING, ELECI'RICAL MEX:HANICAL,
PLtMBING INSPEl:'IDR. Mr. Jones said in looking over this description, nothin in there
says anything about having a license but Mr. Dennis Fischer, &1ilding Inspector /COOe
Ehforcenent Officer, said a certification rrust be obtained within a twelve (12)
rconth perioo. As to qualifications, Mr. Fischer said you determine fran the job
history and resume hCM rruch extensive knONledge the person has, and to be certified
as an inspector for the state, you have to be certified through three (3) different
Minutes of the Noverrber 16,
1988, Merit Board Meeting
Mr. Fischer continued discussing qualifications and duties of this new p::>sition
and Mr. Denton rroved this position be accepted as presented, seconded by Mr.
DiLeva. M::>tion CARRIED 5-0.
SAFElY DIREC'IOR/COOE Th'FORCEMENT OFFICER was then annOill1ced by Mr. Gold, and
Mr. PoNers said there is to be a sentence added " . . . will \\Drk under the super-
vision of the Planning Director for Ccx:1e Enforcement and will rep::>rt to the City
Manager on safety functions. II After discussion Mr. Denton rroved this position be
accepted, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Mr. DiLeva asked if he should abstain fran this,
a conflict of interest, and Mr. PoNers said no. the M::>tion CARRIED 5-0.
'Ihe Merit Rep::>rts and Accident reports for the ITDnth of CCtober were reviewed by
the Board . with explanations of accidents by Mr. DiLeva, Safety Inspector/
Assistant Ccx:1e Enforcement Officer.
'Ihere being no further business before the Board, Mr. Jones rroved the meeting
adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. 'Ihe meeting adjourned at 9 ~33 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
r::xJrothy C. Garrity, Secretary
Merit Boa!'d Minutes of
November 16, 1988,