06-22-1988 Q (.) (.) CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD June 22, 1988 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL MINUTES The Merit Board meeting was called to order by the Chairman Pro Tem, Russell Gold, at 7:00 p.m.. Mr. Gold called for any additions or corrections to the minutes of January 28, 1988, as presented by the secretary. There being none, the minutes were approved as read. Mr. Gold then announced as Chairman Pro Tem he would accept nominations for Chairman to serve for the coming year, that is, the balance of the coming year. Mrs. Garvey moved Mr. Gold serve as Chairman, seconded by Mr. Jones. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Gold then stated he would accept nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. DiLeva moved Mrs. Garvey serve as Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Denton. Motion CARRIED 5-0. ROLL CALL: Members present were: Keith Denton, Harry Jones, Ruth Garvey, Pat DiLeva and Russell Gold. Also present were: Interim City Manager Dennis Kelly; Accounts Payable/Purchasing Clerk Debbie Sigler; Payroll/Insurance Clerk Mary Ann Vendrasco; Screening Committee Chairman Thomas L. Sheridan; P.E.A. Representative Chuck Chamberlin; Parks & Recreation Director/Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Super- intendent David Garrett. Mr. Gold introduced Keith Denton and Harry Jones, new members, and Pat DiLeva, employee representative for this year. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Gold announced the Longevity Plan was first on the agenda. Mr. DiLeva stated he had spoken with Mr. Corder, the former employee rep- resentative, and as yet Mr. Corder had nothing to present. Mr. Gold stated he recalls making a suggestion as to a pay raise every two years equal to four percent or one step, and that was before the five extra steps were added, provided the person had the necessary evaluation,. but nothing was ever done. Quite a discussion ensued as to the evaluations being made by department heads, and if an 85 was give (a passing grade) the City Manager should not supersede the Department Head. Mr. DiLeva said he believes the person directly over the employee would know the employee more closely than the Manager, who would be going by hearsay. Mr. DiLeva then asked just where we stand at this time and Mr. Gold said the steps are up to "0". Mr. Jones added we speak of Merit and Longevity at the same time and he believes it should be referred to as "step" instead of "merit", actually, as this is longevity. Mrs. Sigler said she believes "a" is a merit; that you may have an employee who is good but not out- standing and work for the City for twenty years and never reach "0", but they could also get a longevity for those ten years; they may not have received an 85 but perhaps did extra projects or put in extra time. Mr. Jones said there should be an incentive to reach a higher level. Mr. Kelly stated one of the dilemmas he has experienced in this business, especially in small organizations such as this one, only 120 employees, is the opportunity for promotion is very, very low and in most cases non-existent. Discussions continued as to the different classifications of employees, about 20 or 25, out of 120. Mrs. Sigler stated since the Merit Plan, some department heads are are much more demanding than others, but merit raises are coming too o o easily; that 90% of the employees are getting merit increases and merit should be earned. Mr. Denton said he has a tough time accepting the fact that one can sit collecting dust and still get longevity; there should be an incentive to go on and do a better job. Mr. Kelly said there are no established goals or objectives to be accomplished the next year, but we are commenting at the bottom of the [evaluation] sheet what could be done for improvement; for example, a garbage collector collecting for 220 customers a day could go to 240 to 250 and would qualify for an "X" percent merit increase. Mr. Kelly also added another goal could be to reduce accident days or increase work days by reduction of accident leave time; this is something that could be looked into. Mr. Sheridan stated Longevity, in certain organizations, is called Seniority; better jobs when a promotion comes up and rewards of a 5, 10 or 20 year pin. He added if employees do not have the incentives to go higher, he doesn't see why a taxpayer has to put out more money. Mr. Chamberlin, P.E.A. Representative, said you can be here five years or twenty years and not be able to go any higher; you have reached a peak, and when you reach that peak you should be entitled to something. Mr. Denton asked if there is a cap on merit and was told yes; he said he believes the cap should be removed and if the man is doing the best he can, that merit should keep going. Mr. Chamberlin said he thought the suggestion of the merit continuing is a very good one. Mr. Denton stated going along with the unlimited merit increase, guide lines should be taken to review these people. Mr. Gold then interrupted and said we are still talking merit and should get back on to Longevity and decide something so we can get on to other business. Mr. Jones then moved we table Longevity until the next regular meeting and, in the interim, designate someone from among ourselves to contact other cities and find out what they are doing along the area of longevity pay increases. The motion was seconded by Mr. DiLeva and CARRIED 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Kelly spoke of the inconsistencies in the adoption of the position of City Clerk/Administrator. He said he is bringing to the Board for their recommendation to Council the position of City Clerk, absent the "slash" Administrator part, which also required the realignment of the salary range. He stated the Board would find in their packets his recommendation and also that surveys done on municipalities in the Volusia County are attached for a salary range. Mr. Kelly continued this will be a department head type position, some supervision required, probably not more than three (3) people, depending on growth. He said if this continues as a supervisory position versus a department head position , it requires a grade level, a minimum-maximum range;, iGrade 20, minimum, which is 23,254 and Grade 21, which is 24,419. The Board continued to discuss the position of City Clerk as to knowledge, skill and ability to take and transcribe dictation. Mr. Kelly stated he wanted a job description to cover specific skills and criteria and at the same time not be locked in. Mr. Gold stated he can go along with the description of the position at this point and asked Mr. Kelly for his recommendation. Mr. Kelly said he would recommend the minimum of $23,296 but does not want to be locked in. After further discussion, Mr. Jones moved the Board accept the position described as written and accept the wage recommended by Mr. Kelly. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Garvey and CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Kelly said there would be two things coming before the Board from his office during the summer; (1) he has been authorized to create the position of Finance Director which he will present sometime in July and (2) he is working on a proposal concerning merit raises and may not have it ready by budget time, but if he does, he will forward it to the Board and try to schedule it for the next regular meeting. Mr. DiLeva then spoke on a definite lack of communication and mis- understandin~ amonq the employees concerning merit, as it seems everyone gets a. raise; 100% got a 4% raise - but Mr. DiLeva believes merit should be earned. Mr. Gold said the merit and evaluation sheets will be brought up later in this meeting. Merit Board Minutes of June 22, 1988 Meeting -2- " o Q Mr. DiLeva spoke then concerning part time employees, the question being; if a person is a part time employee,working six hours a day, he should receive 6 hours for a holiday, not 4 hours. Mrs. Vendrasco said full time employees receive 8 hours and part time have always received one-half, or 4 hours. After quite a lengthy discussion concerning this subject, Mr. Jones moved Mrs. Vendrasco prepare a statement to the Board concerning part time employees. But Mr. Kelly said a good portion of municipal operations are now under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Mr. Jones then withdrew his motion and moved the Board refer the part time employee question back to Staff until the next regular meeting. Mrs. Garvey seconded the motion and the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. DiLeva then approached the subject of an Employee Appreciation Dinner, or some sort of reward, and after discussion, Mr. Jones stated he didn't think this subject should come before this Board and Mr. DiLeva then withdrew his suggestion after Mr. Gold stated the Board would have to deny this subject. Mr. Dave Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Superintendent/then referred to the first subject on his list of Transfers within the Department, New Job Descriptions, and Part Time Positions. Mr. Garrett said the position of head lifequard is not new, but this year a permanent employee wanted the position and, due to his qualifications, he did move him into the head life guard position for the summer, retaining his benefits, with the understanding he will be moved back to his rightful position, a lower..grade of- ~ay. The head life guard position is a part time temporary position just for the summer and he would like to modify the original job description to allow this employee to retain his full City benefits and then be transferred back to his original position when the swimming season is over. Mr. Garrett said he would like to have a part time laborer position to fill in the gap. Mr. Sheridan said Mr. Garrett is hiring a part time person to fill in for the head life guard, but Mr. Garrett stated that is not true; we do have another laborer we hired last year in October and for a while it seems like we are over staffed and then in the summer we are understaffed. After discussing Mr. Garrett being able to switch employees and Mr. Kelly drawing a diagram to further' explain the situation.. (the Head Life Guard position at Grade 7 and he will go back to Service Worker I, which is Grade 3 and he fully understands this cut in pay) Mr. Jones stated since we are considering a job description but for part time temporary position to enable transfer back to his original job from a higher paying to lower paying job and then back to higher paying, Mr. Denton moved to accept the description as it is except for (e) under Requirements, to delete "demonstrate performance" . The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones', :ctnd' QA:RRIElO 5-0. The next position of "Life Guard" was discussed and the same action was taken, i.e., Mr. Denton moved to accept the description as presented except for (e) under Requirements, to delete "demonstrate performance". The motion was seconded by Mr. DiLeva and CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Garrett then explained the Concession Stand Worker position as a new position, 25 hours a week, part time temporary with no benefits @ $4.43 per hour. Mr. Garrett also explained this service used to be run by volunteers and then the Edgewater Athletic Assn. started to pay the concession person and when they folded, it was left to the City to run. The City does have insurance and health certificate. After discussion, Mr. Denton moved the Concession Stand Worker Proposal be accepted as submitted, seconded by Mr. Jones. Motion CARRIED 4-1, Mr. Gold voting No. Mr. Garrett stated the Part Time Laborer, General Purpose position is a new one and there is a labor position for Buildings & Grounds and also Street Department and Water Department, but with all the mowing done in the summer, Mr. ~arrett would like to have someone he could fall back on. Mr. Sheridan asked if anyone had ever done a study as to the cost of bringing contracting into this and Mr. Kelly said not since he has been here but the question here is the position. Merit Board Minutes of June 22, 1988 Meeting -3- ... . o o .,.., Mr. Garrett explained this position is just as it is needed; he would like to have the position there when the need arises. Mr. Denton then moved the Board accept the proposal, seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Garrett presented another position of Recreation Leader, a part time temporary, no benefits, summer help as used by other cities, such as playground leaders, etc. Mr. Garrett said as the City grows we wi11 need more help. A discussion continued as to the knowledge and experience needed for this position. Mr. Jones stated he believed there should be some experience and Mr. Denton believed "hands on" experience for teaching should be put in there. Mr. Kelly explained the work planned for the next six months to three years including the Rotary Park facilities, Whistle Stop Park courts and the Daytona Beach Community College campus facilities which will be regional. After further discussion, Mr. Jones moved we accept the proposed position with the addition of "(h)Must have leadership or teaching experience, voluntary or paid~", seconded by Mr. DiLeva and CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Jones moved the Board recess for ten minutes. Mr. Gold so ordered a ten minute recess from 9:00 p.m. At 9:10 Mr. Gold called the meeting to order and the Board continued the meeting. Mr. Chuck Chamberlin then spoke and stated he was very grateful for the Merit Plan,and he had talked with his supervisor and his department head on the point system and they agreed perhaps some of it should be changed. He continued an 85 is quite high and if an employee would get nothing but 3's, he would only receive 75 and would not get a raise. Mr. Chamberlin also stated "5" is very unnecessary, as just what do you have to do to get a 5? He said he was never late on the job, never took unnecessary days, etc., but still got a 4. Mr. Jones asked about receiving a "step" increase, when it should be "merit" but was told it is the same thing. Mrs. Sigler stated she could shed some light on how they came to the 85; there was no pay scale when she was the employee's representative; there was an instance when two employees received outstanding evaluations, one got a raise, the other was told there was no money in the budget and this came to the Merit Board. Mrs. Sigler said from then on they worked on information from other cities, etc. and came up with a pay scale and a six month performance evaluation along with determining 75 met standards and 85 deserved a rais~ Mrs. Sigler also said it is almost standard that everyone gets an 85 and therefore a raise. A lengthy discussion continued as to someone receiving 87 and someone receiving 95 but they both get the same amount of merit raise. Mr. Kelly then drew a plan for the Board concerning the 120 employees who have traditionally received a cost of living raise which does not depend on evaluations, etc. He stated getting into the merit, those receiving 85 or higher would automatically receive what is now 4%. Mr. Kelly described a plan for giving merits which may solve the problem of an 85 or 95 person, such as one receiving just 1%, one receiving 3%, etc. The Board discussed this at length and Mr. Denton then moved the merit plan be left as it is, seconded by Mr. DiLeva. The motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Gold then asked the Board to read the Merit Reports and Accident Reports from January through May, 1988. Mr. Gold also read Resolution 87-R-4l to the Board, stating the new procedure for Board appointments. There being no further business before the Board, Mr. DiLeva moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Minutes submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity, Secretary Merit Board Minutes of June 22, 1988 Meeting. -4-