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September 23, 1987 2:00 p.m.
The Chairman, Mr. Gold, called the meeting to order in the Conference
Room of City Hall at 2:00 p.m.
Members present were: Cecelia Stevens, Linda Kuhbander, Jack Corder,
Ruth Garvey and Russell Gold. Also present was Cornelia A. Martinez,
City Clerk/Administrator and Councilman Asting.
Mr. Gold asked everyone to glance through the minutes of the January
27, 1987 meeting. Mrs. Garvey asked if there is any kind of limit as
to how many steps a person can be given at one time, and Mr. Gold said
he believes it is one. Mrs. Martinez said a two-step increase had
been abolished. Mrs. Garvey then stated someone received a four step
increase not too long ago, but after discussion, Mrs. Martinez replied
if someone received a four step increase it was only because they were
promoted or were reclassified, with the Merit Board's authorization
and a recommendation to Council. Mrs. Martinez explained if you took
a secretary II from Grade 7 and added more duties to it and made it a
Grade 9, that could not cause a four step, although two would be
the maximum it could create. Mr. Gold then stated if there were no
objections or corrections, is there a motion for approval of the
minutes. Mrs. Stevens moved the minutes be accepted as presented,
seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0, Mrs. Kuhbander being
absent at the January 27th, 1987 meeting.
Mr. Gold announced there was nothing under Old Business so the Board
would now go on to New Business. Before doing so, Mr..Gold read a
memo to the Board regarding a Conflict of Interest in voting and
passed it around for their examination.
Mr. Gold then turned to the Merit Board Reports, and Mrs. Martinez
indicated a change taking place and asked the Board tonote a "Re-
evaluation", and stated Mrs. Vendrasco is trying to break this down
to a point where it gives a little truer picture, so a few items may
appear with stars at the bottom fromnow"on explaining a little more.
Mrs. Stevens then asked if the Safety Director was to be here to give
a verbal report as Mr. Sheridan used to do, and Mrs. Martinez stated
the report in the packets is in place of that, as Mr. DiLeva is out
in the field. There were no comments on the Merit Reports but Mrs.
Martinez stated the Safety Reports have been modified in regard to
"working" days.
Mr. Gold then asked the Board to turn to the Request to Extend Merit
Pay Beyond Step J, and stated in the packets was a letter from Debbie
Sigler. Mr. Corder stated he had b:een approached by several employees
as to merit increases when off the scale and have no place to go. Mr.
Corder said he doesn't think it would be right to punish them in the
years to come. Mrs. Martinez said a three year employee could get a
four (4%) percent merit increase and an employee off the scale would
get nothing or possibly a two (2%) percent longevity increase, which
is a slam for a long time employee. Discussion continued on this
subject and Mr. Gold stated that on Step J, you are going to have
to go through reclassifications on the pay scale, but Mr. Corder said
not if you just extend them on out throughout the alphabet. ~1r. Gold
said you would then not have to revamp the whole pay scale, and asked
just how many employees have. been here any length of time and
Mr. Corder said there are seven going off "J" and asked how we
are going to work the people who are off the scale now. Mrs.
Garvey asked what the highest grade is, and Mr. Corder answered
at their last meeting, the Merit Board approved Grade 25, and we
now have to move our Steps out, for the people who are not going
up in grade because of their job description. After further
discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved we increase the merit scale through
the alphabet, continuing it for people who are currently off the
scale, and if their evaluation is satisfactory, they can receive
a merit increase effective October 1, 1987. Mrs. Garvey seconded
the motion and the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Gold then asked that
we refer this motion to Council for their consideration.
Mr. Gold then stated the next item is Longevity, and after a short
discussion, Mrs. Stevens recommended we do not send this to Council
at this time, seconded by Mrs. Kuhbander. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Gold asked if there was anything further under New Business and
if not, the Board would move on to Miscellaneous. Mrs. Stevens
informed the Board of a police officer in another county who was
ill, had'used up his sick pay, and people in the town could, if
they wanted to, donate their sick time. Mrs. Martinez said it had
to be a special permit via the Council and suggested when and if it
should ever happen, a special Merit Board meeting could be called.
Mrs. Garvey suggested if this ever happens, we get a reporter who
will write accurately, and the Board agreed.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Corder moved
the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. The meeting then
adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Merit Board Minutes of
Special Meeting held
September 23, 1987