01-27-1987 o o o CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD JANUARY 27, 1987 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL MINUTES The Chairman, Mr. Gold, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall, City of Edgewater. ROLL CALL Members present were: Cecelia Stevens, Jack Corder, Ruth Garvey, Russell Gold. Linda Kuhbander was excused. Also present were: Cornelia Martinez, City Clerk/Administrator; David Mitchum, Councilman; Terry Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent; Dennis Fischer, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer; David Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Superintendent, and Beth Weilenman, Reporter. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Gold called for approval of the minutes of the November 19th, 1986 meeting. Mr. Corder moved the minutes be approved, seconded by Cecelia Stevens. Motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Gold announced there was no old business to discuss. NEW BUSINESS 1) Increasing merit pay scale to grade 25. Mrs. Martinez announced it must go from the Board to Council for acceptance or rejection. Mrs. Stevens asked if there were many at Grade 16 and Mrs. Martinez said yes, several, and some of the reclassifications on the agenda will later require this. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved the Board increase the merit pay scale to Grade 25, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. 2) Abolishing 6 month narrative evaluation process form. Mr. Gold stated all Department Heads are in favor of eliminating this form and Mrs. Martinez added it is very cumbersome and very difficult to get people to write down what it is they feel they do best in and what they feel they are not good at. After some discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved we abolish the six month narrative evaluation process form, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. 3) Abolishing 2-step increase for over 100 points. Mrs. Martinez stated lt has only been used tWlce or three tlmes in the history of the plan and pointed out an employee could rise to the top within five years, and in her opinion, creates a false sense of climbing through the ranks. A discussion followed and Mrs. Stevens moved we abolish the 2-step increase for over 100 points, motion seconded by Jack Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. 4) Effective date of merit raise. Mr. Terry Wadsworth was called upon to explain this request and told the Board it has occurred that the increase may fall on a Friday, and since Friday is the pay weekend, they wouldn't get paid until one week after that, so they lose one week. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved that merit increase will become effective at the beginning of the first pay period, starting with or after the employees anniversary date, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. 5) Job Reclassifications/New Titles. Mr. Gold announced we would discuss these items one at a time, beginning with: (a) Public Works - Assistant Superintendent and Mechanic. Mr. Gold informed the Board the first step from step 11 to step 15 seemed o o such a jump, and Mrs. Martinez stated the Board should remember that under Grade 11, there are two. separate titles, and this change would combine those titles. Mr. Gold asked if the man is now taking care of both departments, and what will happen in the future if those departments are separated? Mrs. Martinez said that originally it was planned to be separate but they found there were not enough duties for two separate people. The Board discussed the idea that there would be problems with two separate people in those jobs. Mr. Gold said the man should be up a couple of grades above the mechanic, which we had discussed at a prior meeting. After discussing the Street Supervisor/Refuse Supervisor position, Mrs. Stevens moved there be a pay grade change from 11 to 15, and a title change from Street Supervisor/Refuse Supervisor to Assistant Public Works Superintendent, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. The Board then turned to: Pay Grade Change for Mechanic from Grade 11 to Grade 12. Mr. Gold stated if the mechanic has been on duty for just two months he hasn1t enough time for his evaluation, and Mrs. Martinez stated this is a reclassification, based on other than merit. Mrs. Stevens then moved the Mechanic Pay Grade be changed from Grade 11 to Grade 12, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. utilities Systems Technician, Grade 9 - Job Description Change. Mr. Terry Wadsworth has requested a change in job description for this position, which is not even staffed at this time. Mrs. Martinez stated this is not a dollar value, just the description itself. Mr. Wadsworth said the license that goes with this job has been changed, and went on to point out the many changes which he believes require a new job description. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved this job description be changed to the utilities System Technician Grade 9, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Proposed Job Description for Class "A" Certified Drinking Water Treatment PlantOperator. Mr. Wadsworth explained this is a new position, is not in existence now. He went on to describe this position as needing twelve years recognized constructive experience, with at least four years actual experience in the operation, super- vision and maintenance of a drinking water treatment plant. After further discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved we make effective the proposed Job Description for Class "A" Certified Drinking Water Treatment Plant Operator, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Field Operator Supervisor from Grade 12 to Grade 13. Mr. Wadsworth stated this is the most visible of the crews working for him; they deal with the public all the time; help out street department, parks and recreation, and perform a lot of duties. Mr. Wadsworth also explained that since the City is self-insured, there must be a lot more care to secure work areas, etc., and that this individual, on his own, has secured a license in distribution and collection systems, and this was without reimbursement. Mr. Gold asked how long this individual has been at Grade 12, and Mr. Wadsworth said since 1982 - he has never been upgraded. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved this proposal be accepted, that is, Field Operator Supervisor from Grade 12 to Grade 13, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Water Plant Supervisor from Grade 16 to Grade 17. Mr. Wadsworth stated the Water Plan Supervisor again reflects the responsibilities connected with this position since it was created, such as two well fields, two entirely different treatment plants, plants we did not have before, it is twice the job it was. After dicussion, Mrs. Stevens moved the Water Plant Supervisor be reclassified from Grade 16 to Grade 17, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Merit Board Minutes of January 27, 1987 Meeting -2- o o Recreation Program Leader Grade 9. Mr. Garrett then spoke on this proposed new position. He stated every time they start a program they have to start from scratch, go out and buy land. He also said Mr. Corder and Mr. Garrett have been taking turns doing that and have not had too much time, with all the building going on, maintenance, going after grants, doing allkinds of technical work. Mr. Garrett stated his department has four employees who have been with the City less than six months and have to be supervised a little more and it has been quite a strain trying to keep up with all the maintenance that has been going on. Mr. Garrett then went on to say he would like to recommend a promotion for a person who is now Building and Maintenance Worker III, Grade 14. Mrs. Garvey then moved to recommend the adoption of the two new titles for the Recreation and Parks Program, seconded by Mrs. Stevens. Motion CARRIED 4-0. F&A - Abolishment of former title of Data Processing Coordinator/ Assistant Finance Director, to Finance Officer, with Pay Grade Change to Grade 17. Mrs. Martinez stated this position came about at the time the City became computerized, 1979, and needless to say this is 1987 and there has been a multitude of changes in this job; duties, responsibilities; that the old title should be abolished and be replaced by the title Finance Officer. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved the new position of Finance Officer at Grade 17 be recommended and that the former title of Data Processing Coordinator/Assistant Finance Director be abolished, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Name change from Administrative Secretary II to Executive Secretary to City Clerk/Administrator. Mrs. Martinez explained to the Board this title is her own secretary, whose job responsibilities have changed drastically, especially now there is involvement with the Labor Association Bargaining Agreements, which is a very highly confidential matter and which is a labor association exempt position because of the confidentially of the position. After discussion, Mrs. Stevens moved we adopt the proposal of a new job title to Executive Secretary to City Clerk/Administrator, with l-step re- classification in pay grade from Grade 9 to Grade 10, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Safety Inspector/Assistant Code Enforcement Officer. Mr. Fischer stated this is a new position; due to the self-insurance program there will have to be a supervisory day-to-day check list to make sure the employees are doing as much as they can to keep the liability limits of the City down. Mr. Fischer went on to say we previously had a Safety Inspector who set the program up and we now need someone to administer day-to-day and do inspections and documentations of accident reports; that we came up with the idea of incorporating this with the Code Enforcement, and intertwine the two; someone to coordinate the accident reports and be there on a daily basis. Mr. Gold asked why each department head couldn't oversee the safety factors within his or her own department, and Mr. Fischer said we have been doing that but we need someone on a day-to-day basis. Mr. Gold then asked how the figure of $15,500 came into being and Mr. Fischer said you are looking at a dual position, incorporating this with the Code Enforcement Officer's position and increase the burden on the Code Enforcement Officer, that if it was ever split would far exceed this amount. Mr. Gold asked who handled this before and Mrs. Martinez stated she did, and is still Risk Manager, but there must be a day-to-day field person. Mr. Gold asked how about an executive secretary or regular secretary, couldn't they coordinate this? Mrs. Martinez stated this man has the capabilities of knowing what to look for in safety, and believes this is small compensation for paying him to just do that full time, when he will just do it on his regular route. Mr. Gold stated Mr. Sheridan did a lot of this and Mrs. Martinez said yes, he wrote the program. After discussion, -3- Merit Board Minutes of January 27, 1987 meeting. o o ~ ~ .. . , Mrs. Stevens moved the Board take into consideration Code Enforcement Additional Duties/title and new pay grade for Safety Inspector/ Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Gold went on to the next agenda item, a discussion of the pay raises made for the months of November and December. Mr. Gold then announced elections are next for Chairman and Vice Chairman. Mrs. Stevens moved Mr. Gold continue as Chairman, seconded by Mr. Corder. Mr. Gold then asked for nominations of Vice Chairman and Mr. Corder moved Mrs. Stevens continue as Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Gold. The Board so voted. Mrs. Martinez then introduced Mr. David Mitchum, new Council member, to those present. Mrs. Stevens asked if a subject could be discussed - the subject of 70% of the municipalities of Florida having to have drug testing for the employees. Mrs. Martinez stated she is sure it is something department heads have thought about and as soon as Supreme Court give us the go ahead we will proceed. A discussion ensued as to some municipalities already going ahead with this idea and Mr. Wadsworth asked what will be done if someone is found to have the problem - will they be rehabilitated, and Mr. Gold stated State Rehabilitation may take care of it. Mr. Gold also asked about supervisors being suspicious, and Mrs. Martinez stated they will have to tread very lightly. Mrs. Stevens then said she was concerned if a letter had ever been sent to Mr. Torn Sheridan, a letter of appreciation, as she believes he did a fantastic job. Mrs. Martinez said yes, he had been sent a letter of appreciation. Mr. Gold asked the Board to look at the accident report which Mrs. Martinez said the Board will be receiving every month. There being no further business, Mr. Corder moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Minutes submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity -4- Merit Board Minutes of January 27- 1987 Meeting