11-19-1986 j, (.) Q " ~ 1![J '- -I" >.; \ CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT HOARD NOVEMBER 19., 1986 7: 00 p.m. CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Russell Gold, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall at Edgewater. ROLL CALL The members present were: Cecelia Stevens, Jack Corder, Ruth Garvey, Russell Gold. Linda Kuhbander was excused. Also present was Beth Weilenman, reporter, who was introduced to the Board by Mrs. Martinez, City Clerk/Administrator, who was also present. Mr. Gold called for approval of the minutes of the October 22, 1986 meeting, and Mrs. Stevens moved they be accepted, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 4-0. I Mr. Gold then announced there was no Old Business, and immediately went to New Business. NEW BUSINESS Merit/Longevity Award. Mr. Corder announced he had been approached by a few employees of the City who questioned after they hit Step J, that is as far as they can go - ten steps - with no merit increase after that. Mr. Corder stated he thought he would bring this before the Board. Mrs. Stevens asked if she understood correctly that people after ten years get no increase other than the 4%, if the City allows the 4%. Mr. Corder said that is correct and he thought the Board might have some ideas to see what can be done with it. A double step was discussed and Mrs. Martinez said it was very seldom used, although the intent was for extra, extra ordinary employees, and it should be given in those cases. She also brought out the fact that if a person gets two increases every year they get there in five years instead of ten, so we have the same problem. Mr. Gold said there are no provisions that they wait five years after they reach Step J or Step 10; there are no provisions in the City that they automatically get a step after five years. Mr. Corder said the way it is now, when you reach Step J, that is it. He gave an example of a person who has been here ten years and reached Step J and instead of a merit increase every year, say every two or three years, based on their merit evaluation. Mrs. Stevens asked what are some of the figures using the every two or three years, and Mrs. Martinez said no figures are available at this time. Mr. Corder stated Holly Hill pays $3.00 per week for each week they work, which'~ called incentive payments. Mrs. Martinez then stated other cities have presented 59 an hour over ten years for all those who have been employed for over ten years. Mrs. Stevens asked if attendance means anything and Mr. Corder stated he was sure it would. Mrs. Stevens then asked if they would have to go through merit evaluation and Mr. Gold said if their evaluation warrants it after three years they will get it, like a Step "X" after you reach "J". Mr. Gold said he would be in favor of recommending to Council it be in three year intervals, more of a reward. A discussion followed as to various areas to take and Mr. Corder and Mrs. Martinez stated they'would be willing to research other towns. Mrs. Martinez then said in New Smyrna Beach, around Christmas time, checks are passed out - something to do with longevity. Mrs. Martinez also said you get ten, twelve or fifteen year people, ones who are always here, who have done good, who have gone through the ranks, and the next promotion for them could possibly be the department head position, which they might not wish to go into. They shouldn't be penalized for doing good. Mr. Corder said that is exactly what this Longevity is for; people who have been here for a good manyyears will have something to look forward to. o o Mrs. Stevens then asked when the Merit Plan was first started and Mrs. Martinez said March 19, 1983, and everyone started wherever their salaries fit at that time; they were put to the next highest step; no one was given a decrease. Mr. Corder then suggested we leave this for next years' budget. He also added if we send a plan to Council he believes we should recommend it becomes effective next year and Mrs. Martinez suggested the longevity portion start with October 1st, 1987. Mr. Gold said if the Board recommends three year intervals based on a three year average evaluation, it would be a one step increase or 4%. Mr. Corder then stated because of the few numbers with ten years service, it would not be a great amount of money. Mrs. Martinez then offered to help research this plan with Mr. Corder and Mr. Corder said yes, we need a starting point; it has to be worded a certain way; not to be confused with other people who may have reached ten or twelve years and not reached Step J. After discussing the fact that with promotions some could reach Step J in eigpt years, Mr. Corder stated if someone maxed out early, we could possibly consider at least ten year employments; but on the other hand, that is punishing a good employee who maxed out early because he is a good employee. A discussion then followed as to maxing out in nine years, which ,would place the employee in the position of waiting until twelve years for their longevity. Mrs. Martinez reminded the Board the employee will still get his cost of living every year. Mr. Gold then suggested Mrs. Martinez and Mr. Corder get together and when the Board meets again it will be discussed at that time. Mrs. Garvey asked who the Merit Increases go through and Mrs. Martinez said the Department Head and Mrs. Martinez, with the employee. Mr. Corder asked if any member had anything to add and a short discussion followed with Mr. Gold asking Mr. Corder to call when it is ready and have it put on the agenda. Mr. Gold then turned to the merit increases from Payroll, which disclosed fourteen evaluations and fourteen merit increases. Mr. Corder stated he would like to bring up Mr. Fischer's department having a job for Fire Marshall. He said he had been reading this, and there is nothing in it that says full or part time. Mr. Corder also said he believes a position that high should be a full time job, and he was just expressing an opinion and hoped he was not out of line. The Board said no, and discussed this for a short while with no determination one way or the other. Mrs. Martinez then said they are trying to put together a Safety Report that is going to go into the monthly reports. She also explained the Department Heads are now in charge of the Safety Department and the accident record is very good at this time. Mr. Corder asked, in regard to the $300,000 self insurance, if we have $250,000 left, do we just let that ride, and Mrs. Martinez said yes, we are going to push for a million, and the interest alone will.maintain it; that if it never has to be touched again it is there. Mrs. Martinez expressed the opinion that since self insurance she believes there is more awareness on the part of the employees and Mr. Corder agreed. Mrs. Martinez then said she has a list of items from all the Department Heads which should be discussed at the December meeting. Mr. Gold then suggested we just discuss this in January, when we have a full Board, along with the Longevity Plan from Mr. Corder. There being no further business, Mr. Corder moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 4-0. The meeting then adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Minutes submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity Merit Board Minutes of November 19th, 1986 Meeting. -2-