May 28, 1986 7:00 p.m.
The Chainnan, Mr. Russell Gold, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Cornnunity Center, City of Edgewater.
Members present were: Cecelia Stevens, Linda Kuhbander, Jack Corder,
Ruth Garvey and Russell Gold. Also present, Cornelia Martinez, City
Mr. Gold asked for approval of the minutes of March 26, 1986. Mrs. Garvey
noved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mr. Corder. Motion CARRIED 3-0,
two members having been absent at the last meeting.
Old Business
lfrr. Gold asked if everyone was aware of the safety shoe merro and explained
the Safety Committee Chairman recommended the Merit Board discuss the
possible purchase of shoes, hard toe shoes, for all employees, and that
it wasn't specified for what deparbnent, who needed them, who should have
them, or anything else. Mr. Corder stated he has talked with several
employees, some of whom were in favor, some of: whom- were not. Mr. Corder
said there is a new light weight shoe they are nore in favor of. He also
said what it gets down to is who is going to spend the noney, where, what,
how and why. Quite a discussion followed as to what deparbnent heads v..:ould
need them, what deparbnents would need them; for instance secretaries v..:ould
not need them. Mrs. Martinez stated financially, dollar wise, you are talking
about fity nine employees, as the police deparbnent currently get shoes, say
a rough average of sixty to sixty five, excepting the police deparbnent. Mrs.
Martinez stated the hard part of this v..:ould be the job description; so many
versatile employees who switch back and forth and v..:ould not need them constantly.
Mrs. Martinez also stated it v..:ould cost about two thousand dolJ,-ars, ~and a lot of
it will boil down to dollars and the budget, the Council, and union negotiations
again; do the people want the $2,000 split up in their check in salary or do they
want shoes. Mr. Corder stated they would definitely be an asset, the new ones,
but how can you force them to use them as half of the men don I t care. Mrs.
Garvey suggested putting up a list in each deparbnent and Mrs. Martinez then
said it would also become a job requirement. Mrs. Garvey asked what v..:ould happen
if Council wakes it mandatory and Mrs. Martinez stated it v..:ould have to be written
into the contract. Mr. Corder then said the employees v..:ould have to decide if they
want a pay raise or the shoes. Mr. Gold recormnended we ask Council to determine
who would be required, and Mrs. Martinez stated in the event it was to be imple-
mented and some assistance needed, it v..:ould come back to the Merit Board.
After further discussion, Mr. Corder noved we send a merro to Council that we
approve the use of the safety shoes, pending their decision at contract time,
seconded byMrs . Garvey. Motion CARRIED 5-0 . Mr. Gold suggested we send a menD
to Mr. Sheridan of our action, but Mrs. Martinez suggested we just send him a
carbon copy of the mem::> to Council, to which the Board agreed.
New Business
Open Positions: Head Life Guard and Lifeguard
Mr. Gold asked just what the Board is to do about these positions and Mrs. Martinez
'si:lid. the Board will have to approve the job description and the pay grade. Mr .
Garrett, who spent quite a bit of time reviewing the lifeguard job descriptions at
County level, could not be here this evening due to the death of his father, but
Mr. Corder had v..:orked closely with him. Mr. Corder said these are seasonal jobs,
part time and in the pay scale they receive, they are not receiving any benefits.
.J Mrs. Martinez added that the City has to supply \.vorkman's Compensation and of course
Social Security, that they have to be here ninety days.
Mrs. Martinez also explained that in addition, they did a comparison as
to who else was in a Grade 5, and who else was in a Grade 7 , to try
and even it out; those who supervised could be in a grade with others
who supervised, etc. Mrs. Martinez also added they had taken the over-
all City classifications and tried to get the job descriptions as
close to reason as possible. She also explained that Grade 5 seems
to be the closeS: for a Lifeguard, similar to waste water trainee, no
supervision; and in a Grade 7, utility Billing Clerk, utility System
Mechanic, Animal Control Officer, all of whcm function fairly independently;
v Payroll Personnel/Insurance Clerk, who functions by herself, so the Head
Lifeguard seems to be compa.table in this Grade.
Further discussion followed involving just how many applied, what their
merits were, and Mr. Corder gave a brief description of the backgrounds
of the applicants. He also explained that the County gives much ITOre rigid
tests than we require and the County stated they would give us a list of
those who did not pass their tests.
Mr. Gold then announced the Board must recommend the Pay Grade and Job
Description for these two positions, and Mrs. Stevens ITOved we recarrrnend
to Council Grade Code 7 for Head Lifeguard and Grade Code 5 for Lifeguard
and also recornnend approval of the job descriptions for these positions.
Motion was seconded by Mrs. Kuhbander, and CARRIED 5-0.
Discussion of Date Merit Increase is Effective
Mr. Gold asked if there was anYthing on this, and Mr. Corder explained a
few PeOple had questioned him on this subject as to why, after an evaluation,
they have to wait until the following Friday for the increase instead of
going back a week. Mrs. Martinez said it would put two hourly rates and
considerable }:XX)kkeeping problems to have. a person twenty two hours at
five dollars and twenty three hours at five and a quarter; it is now
starting the following pay week, for a full forty hour week. Mrs. Stevens
asked if the merit evaluation is a week or two late, is it retroactive and
Mrs. Martinez stated definitely yes. She also added if the Board recarrrnended
a change that is their perogative and Mr. Corder stated he has no problem
unless someone else has any ideas. Mrs. Martinez said that is Mr. Corder's
job, to bring any problems the employees may have; that is his job. Mr.
Gold asked if there was any other discussion and if not, it was just brought
before the Board for discussion.
Merit Reports
There was no discussion on the Merit Reports for March and April, except
for the number of advancements.
Mr. Gold asked for any discussion under miscellaneous and Mrs. Martinez said
she wanted the Board to know that all three labor negotiators had given
notice they are ready to start negotiations for next October. A. short
discussion followed regarding the Unions, and Mr. Gold gave a very interesting
talk about his visit to Hawaii and the pineapple fields. Mr. Corder then
rroved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. The meeting adjourned
at 7:46.
Minutes sul:rni tted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Merit Board Minutes of the
May 28, 1986 Meeting.