March 26, 1986 7:00 P.M.
Community Center
The Chairman, Mr. Gold, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Corrmunity Center of the City of Edgewater.
Members present were: Jack Corder, Ruth Garvey and Russell Gold. Mrs.
Kuhbander and Mrs. Stevens were absent. Also present were Mrs. Martinez,
City Clerk/Administrator; Dennis Fischer, Building InSPeCtor; and David K.
Jones, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer.
Mr. Gold called for approval of minutes of the February 26, 1986 meeting.
Mr. Corder rroved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion
Fire Safety Inspector/Assistant Code Enforcement Officer (TABLED September 25,
Mr. Gold announced the first item on our agenda would be discussion of the
Fire Safety Inspector and asked if we hadn I t sent this to Council and Mrs.
Martinez stated no , it is here. Mr. Corder asked if there is any problem
and Mr. Gold suggested Mr. Fischer speak on this subject. Mr. Fischer asked
the Board to back the clock up a little bit, when the building official did
everything. He stated the one area they were not doing because of lack of
time and education was inspection of existing buildings, not only abandoned,
but the day schools, for example had to be certified at least once a year as
to fire safety. Mr. Fischer stated he had, at that time, gone to New Smyrna
Beach to get a !vIr. Bosse to do the inspections, who then did several but
became reluctant to do rrore and suggested we get our own inspector. Lots of
businesses were corning into the area and Mr. Fischer said it was to their
advantage to have inspections because of their insurance; they could give
proof that they had a fire inspection. Mr. Fischer then stated other
businesses, rranufacturers, etc. needed to have State insurance. He then read
from "Nature of the Work" for this position and stated we are lucky to have
Mr. Jones on our staff who neets these requirements.
Mr. Gold then asked if the Board had any questions, and Mr. Corder stated he
believed the resume pretty much explains itself. Mr. Gold then suggested
the Board recorrmend to Council this job description and the pay grade of $7.19.
Mrs. Martinez remarked consideration was taken on an overall picture; it was
taken into consideration who is doing what at that pay level, etc. Mr. Corder
then recommended this job classification go to Council at pay grage 13,
seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 3-0.
Mr. Jones then stated he would like to !rake a few statements and then spoke of
his experience, that he has been a New Smyrna Beach Fireman for twelve years
and would like to be here full time but has to consider his pension with New
Smyrna. !-'lrs. Garvey asked if, when there is something suspicious, can Mr. Jones
be called and Mr. Jones answered yes, and if there is a death you call the State.
Mr. Jones then told of his schooling and that he is continuing his schooling.
Mr. Corder stated Mr. Jones has been a great help to Mr. Fischer.
Safety Conmittee Memo Re Safety Shoes
The Board discussed the idea of safety shoes qui te extensively and Mr. Gold
suggested this be postponed until there is a full Board. Mr. Corder sated
rrost are against them because of their heaviness and they are hot. Mrs. yJartinez
stated she had researched three years back; that in 1983 one man had lost forty
five minutes tim~,when he dropped an insecticide can on his 'toes; that in 1984
there were none; that in 1985 there were none. Mrs. Martinez then said
she will contact each. of the deparbnent heads and take a fonnal poll. Mr .
Corder then rroved this be TABLED, seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED
Merit Pay Plan, Page 2 Clarification
Mrs. Martinez stated that she believes the initial intent when this plan
was adopted was if an employee is over 100 points per the plan, they go
up two steps. She then stated that to have a person corne on ooard, work
six rronths and get 101 or 102 and go up two stephs has been treated adminis-
tratively as exempt, coming off probation. Mrs. Martinez stated she believes
it is a little unfair in her mind to the employee who has been here one, two or
three years, as it takes away funds out of the budget that the employee, who
perhaps does deserve a two step, can' t receive, and an employee who has been
here just six rronths is really a short length of time to prove thernsel ves, and
to go two steps on it is a little much. As a result of that, there has been
some two-step conditions that have not been given two steps simply because
Mrs. Martinez stated it was the intent of the plan administratively that you
have got to be here twelve rronths. Mrs. Martinez also suggested if the Board
is in agreement, that a rrotion be made to Council that that section be exempt
from the six rronths probationary new employee; then that goes to Council, and if
Council agrees, it comes back to us just as an amendment; we don I t amend it by
ordinance. Mr. Corder then rroved that a memo be sent to Council stating the
highlighted section be exempt for the six rronth probation employee. Then
followed a very interesting discussion by Mrs. Martinez on the steps taken
when an employee is prorroted; the six rronth probation goes to the new title
because the employee never completed probation on the first job; probation
then transfers to the new prorroted position; thirty days, they come off
prorrotional probation, and in six rronths they come off of hiring. Whatever
job it is, the employee has to be on six rronths.
Mrs. Martinez gave as an example an employee who came in as a service repair I,
went to a II because there was an opening and he was qualified; was only on the
job three rronths when an opening was posted as a III, and the employee goes out
for it and comes back with a III; three things happening in aOOut two or three
rronths. So the plan had to be taken step by step.
The secretary then read the rrotion which had been made by Mr. Corder, which was
then seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Motion CARRIED 3-0. The merit increases were
then discussed for the rronth of February, especial 1 y the 3-B to a 6-A employee,
which came aOOut by job posting.
Mr. Gold announced there was not further business and Mrs. Garvey rroved the
meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Corder. The meeting adjourned at 7: 42
Minutes sul:mi tted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Meri t Board Minutes of
March 26, 1986 Meeting.