July 24, 1985
The Merit Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Charrbers of City Hall by Mrs. Stevens, Vice Chairman.
Walter Gross
Gwynne Turner
Russell Gold
Cecelia Stevens
Also present: Connie Martinez, City Clerk/Administrator, and new member
GV~ TU&~, Police Officer for Edgewater Police and employee
Mr., Turner was welcomed by Mrs. Stevens.
Mr. Gross made a notion to table the minutes of June 26th and July 1,
1985 until the next meeting, seconded by Mrs. Stevens. TABLED 3-0.
Police Department - Shift Supervisor
1rrs. Martinez brought the board up to date on Council action regarding
their reconm:mdation on the Temporary Shift Supervisor position. She
explained a change that was made in the recorrrrendation, after talking
with the sergeant in the Police Department and discovering that a two-step
increase for the Ten~orary Shift Supervisor could, in some cases, bring
that position within 13~ of an experienced sergeant. The suggestion
from the Police Department to the Council was that the Shift Supervisor
go one step up, rather than two steps. This recorrrrendation was taken
to Council, not trying to overrule the Merit Board by any means, but with
that logic. Council did approve it to the City Attorney for an amendment
to the Merit Pay Plan at one step.
At this time there was discussion about the effective date of this position's
pay increase. It was explained to the Board that the recorrrrendation was,
after fifteen (15) days the increase would take place. Mrs. Martinez gave
an example of how confusing this could become, due to vacations, sick leave,
etc. There are times that employees cover for other employees during
vacations, sick leave, etc., and no actual transfer is made. Council agreed
with this effective period.
Mr. Gross did not think this time period was fair, believing he should be paid
from the day he starts in that capacity.
Mr. Turner stated that from the Police Department's viewpoint, a patrolman
replacing a sergeant, the senior of those two patrolmen becomes acting super-
visor. He feels comfortable with the fifteen day shift, rather than cause
the paperwork for a shorter time period.
Mr. Gross asked if it was fifteen days for a year, or consecutive days.
Mrs. Martinez explained the procedure of the City; we have vacations and sick
leave throughout 85 employees, no matter what their status, no matter what
their job is, there is an obligation to cover when one is away.
r~. Gross asked if the Union has anything to do with this.
Mrs. Martinez stated not at this point; hOvYBver, their approval must be given
before it is implemented.
. .
A discussion of the various steps followed, No further discussion.
Mrs. Martinez stated this is sorrething brought up several rreetings ago
because there were new rrembers on the Board and it should be reviewed.
Mr. Gross made a rrotion to table this until all were present, unofficially,
and Mrs. Stevens unofficially tabled it until a quorum is present.
.Mrs. Stevens brought up the Merit Evaluations of May.
Mrs. Martinez says May evaluations were discussed in May, but there were
no copies in the packets. The new evaluations are in the packets now.
Mrs. Mart inez then explained the merit system to Mr. Turner.
Mr. Turner discussed evaluations due in the Police Departrrent that were not
fulfilled :tQI:'8everal rronths and explained it was probably due to the change
of comnand, etc. Several rrembers questioned whether the ninety (90) day
period starts from the date their evaluation was supposed to have been done
or the date their evaluation was done.
Mrs. Martinez stated the reevaluation takes place no rrore than ninety (90) days
later, from the date the evaluat ion was done, even though it was ninety (90)
days later.
Mr. Gross asked the status of Mr. Turner I s responsibility here on the Merit
Board and his responsibility to the employees and if there is any change
whatsoever in the voting. He asked who Mr. Turner represents.
Mrs. Stevens answered he represents the~mployEBS of the City of Edgewater.
Mr. Gross asked in what capacity; if the people corre to Mr. Turner and say
they are asking for a reclassification and could he bring it up at the Merit
Board rreeting. Is that what you understand, Mr. Turner? Did anyone explain
to you your responsibility to the Merit Board and the employees when they
appointed you to the Merit Board? The question I have now is the status of the
representative of the employees.
Mrs. Stevens answered that he is doing that just now - the probleIIB of the
employees - he is doing his job. It could be the Police Departrrent or any
other departrrent. Mr. Gross then asked if it should be in writing-, and
it was decided not unless it was an official grievance.
~IT. Turner stated it is his understanding that he was voted by the employees
as a whole to represent them and that he was going to represent them to the
best of his ability, and if they have a problem and seek answers that is
for the Merit fuard, then he is the one to get the answers for them, to
represent them.
Mrs. Stevens stated he brought up a problem, now let's get the answer.
Mr. Turner then stated he believed the "Ninety Day" problem is not clear.
1ITs. Martinez then attempted to clear up the question on the Ninety Day problem.
Department Heads try their level best not to run late; unfortunately, there
are reasons and circUIIBtances beyond their control. However, in the event a
person is granted a rrerit increase, it is insignificant when it is done; if
it is done ten years late,. it goes back to the Friday after the date it was
1~rit Board Meeting
July 24, 1985
. .
~rrs. ~mrtinez read that in the event a step increase is not
request a reevaluation will take place no later than ninety
tirre during that ninety day frarre, they can be reevaluated.
evaluation shows the employee deserves a step increase, the
not be retroactive
awarded, upon
days; so any
If the re-
increase will
Mr. Gross asked the status of Sgt. Britain. Is he a Lieutenant, and was
his salary range approved by Council.
~rrs. 1mrtinez answered he is now a Lieutenant and assured that the salary
range was approved.
Mr. Gross then asked if he was starting at the $16,000. level and Mrs.
Martinez said no, that goes to the next step above what he was making.
Mrs. Martinez then stated what is causing the confusion is when they were
thirty days late with evaluations. In the event you got evaluated thirty
days late and you got an increase , it went into effect retroactively. The
ninety days start's with the day you sign the evaluation. It's juSt that
you have to adjust the reevaluation period according to how many days late
you are on the evaluation.
Mr. Gross then asked if an Employee does not agree with the evaluation and
they don't sign it, what happens?
1rrs. ~illrtinez then stated they don't get the raise, nor can they be re-
evaluated in ninety days, so they have to sign it and request reevaluation.
Mr. Turner pointed out that there is an appropriate place on the form for
him to corrment before he signs.
Mrs. Martinez stated that in July we had a similar circumstance when Mrs.
Isaacs carre over from the Police Departrrent regarding this.
Mrs. Stevens stated 11rs. Isaacs was not happy with her evaluation.
Mr. Turner said he had never heard of anyone not signing their evaluation
and ~ks. Martinez agreed, adding, not since the plan was implerrented.
Mr. Gross asked if she signed the evaluation and asked for a reevaluation.
11rs. Martinez stated she asked for her evaluation to go to the Merit Board.
Mr. Gross then asked if she is now going to be reevaluated in ninety days
and 1rrs. ~mrtinez said yes, that is so.
There being no further business to corre before the Board, upon notion by
11r. Turner, seconded by }Irrs. Stevens, the rreet ing was adj ourned at 7: 32 p. m.
Minutes submitted by:
Dorothy C. Garrity
Merit Board Meeting
July 24, 1985