11-28-1984 o Q CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD November 28, 1984 7:00 P.M. Chairwoman Billups called the Merit Board meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Council chambers of City Hall. ROLL CALL Betty Billups Walter Gross Cecelia Stevens Anthony Fanale Debbie Sigler Present Arrived later Present Present Present During roll call Mrs. Sigler explained that Mr. Gross had telephoned her that he was considering attending the Council meeting due to it's importance. There was discussion as to whether this was an excused absence. Mrs. Stevens suggested that the records show that he is not a member of the Council and his obligation is this board meeting. Mr. Fanale pointed out that the Council has been scheduling their special meetings on our meeting night and this is unfortunate. He questioned whether this board should change their meeting night if it is going to always conflict with Council meetings. Mrs. Sigler explained that the Council does not always call their special meetings on Wednesday nights, sometimes their special meetings are during the daytime. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Sigler pointed out an error on the agenda, the correct date of our last meeting was October 24,1984. Mrs. Stevens questioned the statement made by Mr. Gross that there was no agenda that night. Chairwoman Billups stated there was an agenda. Mrs. Sigler showed the board the original agenda, which she had attached to the original set of minutes. She explained that the agenda is ready by Monday prior to the board meeting, however everyone usuaily picks up their packages when they come to the Safety meetings. After discussion it was agreed to hold the minutes and any other agenda item together and call the board members to pick it all up at one time. ' Mrs. Stevens questioned if statements are made that are not correct, should they be corrected? Mrs. Sigler explained that when typing the minutes, the statements are typed as they were said, that can not be changed by the stenographer. Mrs. Stevens explained that the statements were made the way they are reflected in the minutes, however they are not exactly correct. She read two comments that; were made by Mr. Gross at the last meeting. Mrs. Sigler commented that she feels what this board recommended to the Council is not being understood. She added that Mrs. Kinsey did want to speak to our board tonight about a few things, however due to the calling of the Council meeting she is not here. o o Mrs. Stevens said that she just thinks any wrong statements should be corrected, adding that if she makes a statement and it is not right, she would like to be corrected. Mr. Fanale commented that no one should be hurt by any statements made and perhaps Mrs. Kinsey should have the opportunity to clear this up. Chairwoman Billups suggested that Mrs. Kinsey put items such as this on the agenda whenever they occur. There was discussion about the job description updates and how the changes affect certain employees. Mrs. Sigler explained that the area most affected is the first grade on the scale. There are several employees in the Refuse Department who are now classified in Grade I and it has been suggested they be reclassified to Grade 3. This is quite an increase, but there are not that many employees who are affected; it's about twenty out of eighty-five. Mrs. Stevens made a motion that if any statements are made at the Merit Board meetings that are not really correct, we have ourselves corrected by someone authorized and who knows what is correct, being seconded by Mrs. Sigler. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 4-0. Mrs. Sigler said she has had comments made to her regarding the suggestion of the board evaluating employees and she would hope this motion will cause more employees and department heads to give input to the Merit Board. Chairwoman Billups called for a motion regarding the minutes. Mrs. Stevens made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 24th meeting, being seconded by Mr. Fanale. Upon roll call vote, the motion CARRIED 4-0. COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Sigler was asked to read the memo from Mrs. Kinsey regarding the pay scale. Mrs. Stevens and Mr. Fanale asked for some explanation as to what this means. Mrs. Sigler went over the present pay scale and ex- plained how it worked. The Council granted a 209 pay increase for all employees last year, which threw the figures off the 4% scale. At the last Council meeting it was voted to correct the scale and make each step 4% again. OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Stevens brought up the idea of the Merit Board meeting earlier on the nights the Council also has a meeting. Mrs. Sigler commented that perhaps the Council could schedule their meetings for 7:30 to allow the City Clerk to attend our meeting for the first half hour and we could dispurse with any of her agenda items in time for her to get to the Council meeting. She explained there are other board meetings during the week on other nights, so no matter what night the Council met, it could conflict with something. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Sigler read a memo regarding the performance logs. The evaluation form and the other forms were explained to the newer board members. The suggestion now is that these other forms be included with the evaluation when sent to the personnel officer. -2- o o At the present time the personnel officer really has no choice but to agree with the evaluations, and if the performance logs were turned in, she would have documentation to review. She added that recently one and even two step increases have been given to some employees, which have caused other employees to voice complaints to the personnel officer. All she has on file to back up the evaluations, is the evaluation form filled out by the department head. At this time Mr. Gross arrived. Mrs. Kinsey, and other employees and guests also arrived. Chairwoman Billups brought Mr. Gross up to date with the discussion. Mrs. Sigler pointed out to the board that on the evaluation form there is a place for the rater's signature and the reviewer's signature. The supervisor is the rater and the department head is the reviewer. There should also be a line for the signature of the personnell officer to approve the evaluation. Mr. Gross asked where the Merit Board's responsibility is in the evaluations? The evaluations don't come back to the board for any scrutiny, is there reason they should? Mr. Fanale reiterated the evaluation procedure for Mr. Gross, wrapping up that the board gets involved if an employee doesn't feel the proper thing was done and they bring it to us. Mr. Fanale made a motion that a signature line be included on the evaluation form for the approval of the personnel officer and that the performance logs be added to the evaluations, being seconded by Mrs. Stevens. Mr. Gross added when any evaluation is made for any employee, the Merit Board should be notified, so we can keep a file on the amount of evaluations and changes made. Mrs. Sigler suggested this be handled the way the safety hazards are logged and brought to the Safety Committee meetings, with no names included. Chairwoman Billups called for a vote on the previous motion re- garding the evaluation forms and performance logs. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Gross made a motion that the Merit Board get a report each month from the personnel officer telling us what departments evaluated, how many employees and if possible, what classifications they went to, being seconded by Mr. Fanale. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mrs. Stevens reiterated her comments regarding statements made by the board members and the correction of any incorrect statements. Mrs. Kinsey agreed with this idea, adding that the minutes are permanent records with the City. Mrs. Stevens asked Mrs. Kinsey to comment and suggested that if it pertains to a certain department perhaps a representative could be sent to the next board meeting to make a clarification. Mr. Fanale added the correction should be attached to the minutes where the error was made. At this time the board entertained a five minute recess, motion made by Mrs. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Sigler. -3- o o Reconvene: Mrs. Kinsey was given the floor, she had a few statements about discussion that took place at our last meeting: Page 2, there is a statement that Mr. Sheridan is the Safety Officer. This is a misconception. Mr. Sheridan volunteered to write the safety policy for the City and he volunteered to be a part of the Safety Committee. He has not officially been appointed Safety Officer. Page 3, reads that Mrs. Kinsey went through her department re- classifying employees. This is not what took place, every depart- ment took their job descriptions and rewrote them to comply with a new format that is much easier to read. She only took care of the employees job descriptions who she supervises. In the process it was discovered that a few were classified together, but because of their jobs and qualifications, they should not be in the same classification. One example is a supervisor and one of his employees were in the same category, therefore it was suggested that the supervisor be reclassified one grade higher. These changes were explained to the Merit Board for discussion and recommendation to the City Council. The approval of the Council has not actually taken place at this time. This has been a very time consuming and bulky process over the last eight or nine months, she did not hurry through it herself. Also on Page 3, reads that we have a City Administrator who evaluates a City Engineer. She stated that she has never, nor will she ever, evaluate a City Engineer. He is a contract person; he is not under the Merit Plan. Mr. Gross stated this was previous to our present City Engineer. There was a request made to raise his salary to $40,000 a year (he noted he is not absolutely sure of the figure). He was evaluated at a figure, you (referring to Mrs. Kinsey) recommended the figure, and the Council didn't approve it, the engineer quit. Mrs. Kinsey again stated she did not recommend anything, Mr. Marshall was a self employed person, and she never made a recommendation. There was further discussion regarding Mr. Marshall's employment with the City. Mr. Fanale stated this is all irrelevant, the point is, did she or did she not, do what was said at the meeting and written on the paper? Mrs. Kinsey stated she did not evaluate a City Engineer. Mr. Gross said he doesn't know what is on the paper. Mrs. Stevens read that part of the minutes to him. He stated that is correct. Mrs. Sigler reminded the board what was being discussed when this statement was made. Mr. Gross stated that his belief is that the recommendation was mady by Connie, adding that he also says that when evaluations are made, the Merit Board should be notified. COMMENTS Mrs. Sigler informed that our next board meeting is scheduled for the day after Christmas and in the past the December meeting has been postphoned. it was agreed this could be done. Mrs. Sigler made a motion that we postphone our December meeting until January, unless something comes up for the agenda, then we should call a special meeting, being seconded by Mr. Gross. -4- -l o o Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Fanale made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Mr. Gross. Meeting adjourned 8:15 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Debbie Sigler -5-