Merit Board Meeting
June 23, 1982
Acting Chairman Jack Kropp called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
in the Community Center.
Mr. Jack Kropp
Mr. Michael Avery
Mr. Terry Edgell
Mr. Robert Bates
Mrs. Betty Billups
City Manager Joseph Mitchell
City Clerk Nancy Blazi
The City Clerk swore in the new members. Mrs. Billups, Mr. Bates and
Mr. Edgell.
Mr. Mitchell spoke to the board concerning the concept of the Merit Board.
In the past history of municipal government a civil service type of
emp1o~4 similar to Federal civil service, was established in an effort
to reform many of the abuses of power, i.e. employment of relatives,
employment by patronage, etc. The Merit Board/Civil Service is an attempt to
keep the bias out of municipal employment. The City now has two new
unions besides the PBA and this situation will have to be evaluated in
terms of what the Merit Board's responsibility will be in the future.
The present classification system which has not yet been formally adopted
by Council was approved by the Merit Board and is being utilized to help
management and the" employees clarify duties and responsibilities. We
need to continue to work to take politics out of the Merit System. At
the direction of the Council, the City Manager is also the Personnel
Officer and he has designated the City Clerk to assist in many of the
duties relating to personnel. Mrs. Blazi will act as secretary to the
board, prepare the agenda and meet with the board on a regular basis.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Kropp noted that only two members were present
who had attended the last meeting. Mr. Avery and Mr. Kropp approved
the minutes of the meeting of Apr. 6, 1982.
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: Mr. Avery motioned to elect Mr. Kropp as
Chairman of the Merit Board, seconded by Mr. Edgell. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Avery motioned to appoint Mr. Edgell as Vice-Chairman, seconded by
Mr. Bates. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
OLD BUSINESS: The Board was presented with a memo requesting a review
of a recommendation for a change in the Personnel Guide. The original
recommendation was sent to the Council along with. job classifications
and was tabled. The recommendation concerned Leave With Pay in regard
to appearance in court, either as a member of the jury, or when required
to appear as a witness. Presently jury fees and witness fees must be
reimbursed to the City. However, in many cases this can mean that
the employee must spend his own money for carfare, meals, etc. The
court fees are intended to reimburse a person for expenses that might
be incurred when they are required to appear in court for jury duty
or as a witness. The past Merit Board had approved the deletion of
the reimbursement portion of this section.
Mr. Edgell motioned to approve this revision and send it to the Council,
seconded by Mr. Avery. Motion CARRIED 5~0.
Mr. Edgell motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Avery.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Minutes submitted by
Nancy Blazi