Merit Board Meeting
January 27, 1982
Chairman Vandergrifft called the Merit Board meeting to order at 7:30 PM
in the Conference Area of the Community Center.
Messrs. Vandergrifft, Kropp, Lewis, Scrivano, Avery. Also
City Manager Joe Mitchell, City Clerk Nancy Blazi, Debbie Winks
Moved by Mr. Lewis, seconded.by Mr. Kropp, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to
approve the minutes of the Regular Merit Board meeting of 12/3/81.
The secretary read a letter from Kathy Cornelius which requests a change
in the Employee Manual for employees on leave to receive insurance and
retirement benefits; and to have in writing what part time employees'
benefits are, based on the number of hours worked.
Kathy addressed the Board that a full time employee receives 8 hours per
month comp time, and she felt that a part time employee (20+ hours per
week) should receive at least half the holidays and 4 hours per month
comp time. She would like to see this revision put in the Manual.
Page 11, Leave without Pay, of the Employee Manual was read by the secre- ,
tary. Mr. Mitchell said this has been brought up before the Department
Heads and they had voted unanimously to recommend against it. He com-
mented that he was in favor of employees on leave receiving insurance
and retirement benefits. A discussion followed that employees on leave
stay at the same seniority level, but their anniversary date changes
pertaining to retirement. It was felt on the insurance that maybe a
time limit for benefits while on leave could be included.
Moved by Mr. Kropp, seconded by Mr. Scrivano, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to
table the appendix to the Employee Manual until the next meeting so
more information could be compiled and the insurance agent can be con-
The new Job Descriptions for Supervisors were reviewed. There were no
comments from the supervisors attending the meeting. Mr. Mitchell com-
plimented Mrs. Blazi on the fine job of compiling the information and
getting them ready for presentation to the Board. A complete set of all
job descriptions will be ready for the next meeting along with functional
Moved by Mr. Kropp, seconded by Mr. Lewis, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to table
approval of job descriptions until the next meeting at which twme the
complete package can be reviewed.
Chairman Vandergrifft opened the floor for nominations for Chairman.
Moved by Mr. Kropp, seconded by Mr. Avery, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, f~r Mr.
Vandergrifft to be re-elected as Chairman.
Chairman Vandergrifft opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairman.
Moved by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Scrivano, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to
re-elect Mr. Kropp as Vice Chairman.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Winks