09-23-1981 ~"l .. .r (;)CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 1981 o Mr. Vandergrifft called the regular meeting of the Merit Board to order at 7~30 in the Council Room of Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Vandergrifft Jack Kropp Leroy Lewis Ron Scrivano Dolly Bloss Present Present Absent Present (Arrived Late) Present Also present was the City Manager Joe Mitchell. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting of August 19, 1981. Dolly Bloss seconded it. Motion Carried 3-0 COMMUNICATIONS Dolly Bloss reported that the letter for approval of the changes to the Personnel Guide had been sent to Council and approved. OLD BUSINESS The meeting was turned over to Mr. Mitchell. He intro- duced the Table of Infractions and with the Board went over each one. He then suggested this re put into the Personnel Guide on page 15 omitting ~,2 and 3. There was a discussion concerning the table. Ron Scrivano made a motion to accept the Table of In- fractions and insert it into the Personnel Guide on page 15 in place of 1,2 and 3. Dolly Bloss seconded it. Motion Carried 4-0 There was a discussion concerning job descriptions the organizational chart and a revised pay table to be on the agenda for the October meeting. '- -' o o NEW BUSINESS Mr. Vandergrifft suggested the Merit Board purchase Certificates of Merit and present them to employees who earn them. Mr. Scrivano asked if there was any w~~ the City could give even a small Christmas bonus to the employees. Mr. Mitchell said he would look into it. Dolly Bloss suggested service pins. It was suggested that on the night of the Christmas Party, awards for longivity and Christmas Bonuses shall be given. Mike Avery supervisor for the Buildings and Grounds Department was present and asked if something could be done about Councilmen approaching his employees concerning work done on the Community Center. ADJOURN Mr. Kropp made a motion the meeting be adjourned, Dolly Bloss seconded it. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Dolly Bloss