August 19, 1981
Mr. Vandergrifft called the regular meeting of the Merit Board to
order at 7:30 PM in the Council Room of Edgewater City Hall.
Mr. Vandergrifft
Mr. Kropp
Mr. Lewis
Mr. Scrivano
Mrs. Bloss
Present (Arrived Late)
Also present were City Manager Joe Mitchell and City Clerk Nancy Blazi..
Mr. Vandergrifft welcomed them to the meeting.
Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting of July
15th. Dolly Bloss seconded it. MOTION CARRIED 3-0
Mr. Vandergrifft turned the meeting over to the City Manager who started
with a discussion of extended sick leave mainly because of the Bucky
McEver situation. He recommended that the Merit Board recommend several
changes in the personnel guide to the City Coullcil.
Mr. Mitchell explained that Council only approved a 10% ~cross the
board increase for supervisors. He explained the pay table. Job dis-
criptionsand supervisors wages were discussed.
Mr. Vandergrifft recessed the meeting for a brief period of time.
The meeting was called back to order.
There was a discussion concerning Holiday Pay in reference to sick pay
before and after a hol iday. A motion \jas :made i:by Dolly Bloss that,~on
page 7 of the personnel guide the paragraph pertaining to holiday pay
be deleted and the last sentence read,IIIn order to be eligible for holi-
day pay an employee must work both his last scheduled work day before
and after the holiday unless the absence is due to illness or vac-
ation. ,It was' seconded 'by Mr. Kropp. t~OTION CARRIED ,5-0.
Mr. Mitchell went through the personnel guide book and explained his
recommended changes to the Board. He introduced the Table of Infra-
ctions and suggested the Board combine the Police Table with the
General Employees Table. The City Flow char~ was presented so that
the Board would understand the responsibility of the City Manager and why
he would like the changes made. Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept the
changes recommended except the Table ofl Infractions which would be
tabled for further discussion. Mr. Lewis seconded it. MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Scrivano asked how many city employees and how many were in each
department. The City Clerk answered his questiors and copies were
made of the budget pages explaining the number of employees and their
sa 1 a ri es.
Mr. Mitchell introduced the new payroll processing sheets.
Mrs. Blazi briefed the Board on the newly completed PBA contract.
The May minutes which were tabled due to lack of a quorum were
brought up for approval. Mr. Scrivano made a motion to accept the
minutes. It was seconded by Mr. Kropp. MOTION CARRIED 3-0.
It was noted that the Merit Board meeting has been changed to the
4th Wednesday of each month also that memos be sent to each Department
Head to invite the employees to attend the meeting.
There was an additional change in the by-laws because of the meeting
change. Mr. Kropp made a motion to send the by-laws with the changes
to Council for approval. Dolly Bloss seconded it. MOTION CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Lewis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dolly Bloss seconded
it. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Dolly Bloss