June 16, 1981
Mr. Vandergrtfft called the regular meeting of the Merit Board
to order at 7:30 in the Edgewater City Hall.
Nr. Kropp
Mr. Lew.i s
Mr. Scrivano
Mrs. Bloss
The City Clerk was also present representing the City Manager.
Mr. Vandergrifft stated the minutes from the meeting of
May 20, 1981 should be tabled as Mrs. Bloss was not at
that meeting and should not vote.
Mr. Kropp made a motion to table the minutes. Mrs. Bloss
seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0.
The City Clerk stated the letter from the Merit Board to':the
City Attorney was read to the Council Meeting. The City Clerk
explained why an employee vote was made to replace Richard
Iasimone on the Board. Dolly Bloss was welcomed to the Board.
Old Business
There was a discussion concerning the Personnel Book which has
just been completed. Mr. Vandergrifft stated that all Edge~
water employees were underpaid. There was a discussion
on why employeesle~ve Cfty Employment. The City Clerk
stated that the City Manager was in favo~ of a pay plan. The
City Clerk stated that any recommendation of the Board would
be given to the"City' Manager' and he would take it to council.
The By-Laws were read. It was determined that the by-laws
.were set up by the Merit Board and approved by.' Council. It was
also established that they could be changed. On Article IV:
Section A, Mr. Kropp made a motion to change the last line
from, The Chairman shall be eligible for reelection, but shall
serve no longer than one (1) additional term, to/The Chairman
~y be eligible for reelection. Dolly Bloss seconded the motion.
Motion Carried 3-0
Mr. Vandergrifft requested that/~ew copies of the By-Laws
be made and distributed to Board Members. It was noted that
they should also have a cooy of the Personnel Guide and Merit
There was a discussion on uniforms. The City Clerk stated
that the City Manager was in favor of. uniforms at least
shirts. She stated that she was getting information concerning
prices etc. for him. It was mentioned that if the City did
go with uniforms there would be certain stipulations as to .
their use.
The new Personnel Action Forms were introduced to the Merit
Board. There was a discussion on the supervisors working
with the Board.
Mr. Kropp made a. Motion to adopt the Personal Action Form.
Dolly Bloss seconded the motion. Motion Carried 3-0.
The personnel Guide was distributed to the Board Members
and a short recess was taken to read through it.
Mr. Kropp made a motion that the Manuel be accepted with the
back page, chain of command, and new covers be distributed
the the City Empoyees as soon as possible. Dolly Bloss seconded
the Motion. Motion Carried 3-0.
Mr. Vandergrifft recommended that a motion be made to adjourneQ.
Mr. Kropp made the Motion and Dolly Bloss seconded it.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Dolly Bloss