05-20-1981 '-' v CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 20th, 1981 Mr. Vandergrifft called the regular meeting of the Merit Board to order at 7:30 PM in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Vandergrifft Mr. Kropp Mr. Lewis Mr. Iasimone Mr. Scrivano Present Present Excused Excused Present Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular meeting of April 15th, 1981. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept Mr. Iasimone's resignation and that a letter of appreciation be sent to him from the Board to thank him for his time spent serving on the Board. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to send a letter to the Council about the Board accepting Mr. Iasimone's resignation. This letter to include a request to have Kathy Cornelius appointed to the Board to serve Mr. Iasimone's unexpired term (7 months). Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. A reminder to the Board that the ~inancial disclosures that were passed out last month are due. This was for information only. The Merit Ordinance was passed at the May 17th, 1981 Council Meeting. The Employee Manual was also passed by resolution. This was for information only. Mr. Scrivano made a motion that the front cover presented by Mathew Vandergrifft be accepted and that when the book was printed, his name be included on the front cover. Mr. Kroop seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Scrivano was asked if the sixth graders were thanked for their participation in the drawing of the front cover of the Employee Manual? Mr. Scrivano said that they had and that they were learning about their City and how the local government worked. Mr. Vandergrifft recommended that the back cover of the Employee Manual include the past members of the Merit Board that helped with the Manual. Mr. Kropp made a motion that a letter be sent to the New City Man- ager,Joe Mitchell requesting him to attend a Board meeting most convenient to him. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Vandergrifft recommended that the Supervisors also attend the meeting with the City Manager to discuss problems and more benefits for the Supervisors. Mr. K r 0 p p mad e a mot ion t hat ale t t e r be s e n t tot he C i t Y A tt 0 r n e y to be read at the next.council meeting, extending the Boards appre- cration for his help and time in the construction of the New Merit Ordinance. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. ~inutes submitted by: Kathy Cornelius u o \ CITY OF EDGEWATER MERIT BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 20th, 1981 Mr. Vandergrifft called the regular meeting of the Merit Board to order at 7:30 PM in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Vandergrifft Mr. Kropp Mr. Lewis Mr. Iasimone Mr. Scrivano Present Present Excused Excused Present Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular meeting of April 15th, 1981. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to accept Mr. Iasimone's resignation and that a letter of appreciation be sent to him from the Board to thank him for his time spent serving on the Board. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to send a letter to the Council about the Board accepting Mr. Iasimone's resignation. This letter to include a request to have Kathy Cornelius appointed to the Board to serve Mr. Iasimone's unexpired term (7 months). Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. A reminder to the Board that the financial disclosures that were passed out last month are due. This was for information only. The Merit Ordinance was passed at the May 17th, 1981 Council Meeting. The Employee Manual was also passed by resolution. This was for information only. Mr. Scrivano made a motion that the front cover presented by Mathew Vandergrifft be accepted and that when the book was printed, his name be included on the front cover. Mr. Kroop seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Scrivano was asked if the sixth graders were thanked for their participation in the drawing of the front cover of the Employee Manual? Mr. Scrivano said that they had and that they were learning about their City and how the local government worked. Mr. Vandergrifft recommended that the back cover of the Employee Manual include the past members of the Merit Board that helped with the Manual. Mr. Kropp made a motion that a letter be sent to the New City Man- ager,Joe Mitchell requesting him to attend a Board meeting most convenient to him. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Vandergrifft recommended that the Supervisors also attend the meeting with the City Manager to discuss problems and more benefits for the Supervisors. Mr. Kropp made a motion that a letter be sent to the City Attorney to be read at the next council meeting, extending the Boards appre- ciation for his help and time in the construction of the New Merit Ordinance. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Kropp made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Scrivano seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Kathy Cornelius