10-24-1991 Special r, o CITY OF EDGEWATER 104 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE P.O. Box 100 - Edgewater. Florida 32132-0100 (904) 428-3245 SunCom 371-7005 (.) A_y.~('"cVo.~ CITY OF EDGEWATER LAND DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY AGF.NCY SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1991 6:30 P~M~ SHUFFLE BOARI) CLUB HOUSE Chairman C. Peter Hellsten the Land Development and Thursday, Octoher 2Lj, 1991, North Riverside Drive. called to order a special meeting of Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., in the Shuffle Board Club House, 103 ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Masso, Mr. fwing, Mr. Faz7one, Mr. Garthwaite and Chairman Hellsten. Mr. Klein and Mr. Hildenbrand were excused. A 1 so pre~.ent were Kr i s ta Storey, City At torney, Mark P. Karet, Director of Planning and Zoning and Sondra Meager- Pengov, Secretary. Comnrphensive Plan Amendment - C. H. Clark, aLlthorized agent for Marwin Inc., requested an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan in order to provide the appropriate designations on the City's Future Land Use Map for a 450~ acre parcel, located 9/10 of a mile south of the intersection of Roberts Road and U.S.#l. Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet to review the contents of the packet received by the board. Mr. Karet stated the material provided to the LDRA concerns the proposed amendment's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Karet stated the parcel currently has three different designations; Urban Low intensity, rnvironmental System Corridor, and Low Impact Urban on the Volusia County Future Land Lise Map. Urban Low Intensity allows for residential development and convenience centers. The fnvironmental System Corridor is a general category placed over natural resources, generally wetlands. Low Impact Urban allows for rural development of one unit per acre, however, with clustering, net densities in this category may be higher. Mr. Karet further stated that the applicant has requested low density residential category for the majority of the site (440 acres) and commercial for the remaining easterly proportion of the property. The environmental resources will be handled in a manner similar to that of the county's regulations. As provided in the annexation agreement, there will be jurisdictional determinations made by the various regulatory agency's. Once these determinations have been made the land will be designated conservation. Chairman Hellsten residential lots east side of the r i gh t-of-vJay had expressed concerns with what appears to be that will back up to the commercial area on the property. He also questioned whpther the FfC been addressed in the zoning. Chairman Hellsten o o .=isken if bllffer i ng wi 1 1 be .=indressed. Mr. K.=iret sa i d , be addressed in the nesign of the site .=ind incorporated nevelopment .=igreement. this will into the Mary Hanson, S. Clyde Morris Rlvd., Daytona Beach, Attorney l-eDresentinq the aDDlicant for the r.omnrehensive Pl.=in Amendment Ms. Hanson rail road site pla.n. said they are aW.=ire of the design problem posed by the ann will address this nuring the development of the Chairman Hellsten asked about the 10 commercial use on the eastern side of the said the intention is to hopefully ohtain an to the east of the existing 10 acres, arproximately 20 acres to develor a shopping acres intended for parcel. Ms. Hanson additional 10 acres thus giving them center. There was brief disrussion requirements entailed. regarding buffering and the Chairman Hellsten asked addressed at site plan. if all interior Mr. Karet replied, development will be yes. Mary Hanson, said the reason the county information was provided is to let the hoard know that the proposed project is consistent with the county regulations. Ms. Hanson also said the annexation agreement will cover the entire 450 acres and the zoning and comrrehensive plan ordinance's will be divided into two separate legal descrirtions, one encompassing the residential golf course uses, the other covering the future commercial area. Mr. Fwing asked for an explanation as to why there isn't a develorment agreement before the prorerty is annexed. Mr. Karet stated, the develorment agreement will be discussed with Marwin, Inc. ancl its rerresentatives before this agreement is finalized, after seeing how things are progressing with DCA and VGMC. The main reason the development agreement was not done first is because the time and exrense involved would be wasted if the Council and other agencies opposed the project. Mr. Fwing further expressed concern L'\Iith the fact that if the develorment does not proceed, the City will be left with 450 undeveloped acres. Both Mr. Karet and Chairman Hellsten stated, if the parcel is annexed and the development does not occur, the City will receive tax dollars without having to provide services. Chairman Hellsten asked if the annexation agreement provides that Land Development and Regulatory Agency Special Meeting Octoher 24, 199] -2- o '-> before development can take place, a signed development agreement is reCJl1irerl. Mr. Karet said, yes. Mr. Masso stated he would like to go thinks it is far to the City's advantage 450 acres, whether they are developed by else. on record as saying he to have control over the Marwin, Inc. or someone Mr. Fazzone stated this property will be part of the City's tax base and feels very comfortable with the development agreement. Mr. Fazzone moved to open the discussion to by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRI~D 5-0. the public, seconded Mr. John Door, 35th Street and Yule Tree Drive - Mr. Door asked if there will be any access to the 450 acres through Florida Shores and wi 11 there be any buffers. Mr. Kal-et said there wi 11 be no rtccess through Florida Shores and yes there will be buffering. Mr. Door also asked about flooding problems. Chairman Hellsten said once this is developed the water will be kept on the property. Chairman Hellsten also said all water (flooding) concerns will be addressed by the City Engineer and other rtppropriate departments. There being no rtdditionrtl comments, Mr. public discussion, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Masso moved to close Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Frtzzone made a motion to send Amendment to the Council for approval. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Mr. Ewing voted no. the Comprehensive Plan Seconded by Mr. Masso. Mr. Garthwaite moved to send the Annexation Ordinance to Council for approval. Seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 4-1 Mr. Ewing voted no. Mr. Fazzone moved to send the Zoning Ordinance to Council for approval, with changes macle to pgs.l & 2, section 1 & 2 to reacl A-3, rather than R-3. Seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. Motion CARRIFD 4-1. Mr. ~wing voted no. There being no further business to come before the agency a motion was made and seconcled to arljourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Land Development and Regulatory Agency Srecial Meeting October 24, 1991 Idramin/10?491 -3-