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Chairman~. Pet8r Hellsten
the Lanrl Development anrl
Thursday, October 10, 1991,
called to order a regular meeting of
Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Community Center of City Hall.
Memhers present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Faz?one, Mr.
Garthwaite, Mr. Klein, Mr. Hildenhrand and Chairman Hellsten.
Also present were Mark P. Karet, Director of Planning and Zoning,
Krista Storey, City Attorney and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary.
The minutes of August 15, 1991 were presented for approval. Mr.
Fazzone made a motion to approve the minutes as presented,
seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIFD 6-1. Mr. Klein ahstained
as he was excused from the meeting.
The minutes of August 22, 1991 were presented for approval. Mr.
Garthwaite made a motion to a~rrove the minutes as presented,
seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIFD 4-3. Chairman Hellsten
and Mr. Hildenbrand abstained as they were excused from the
meeting. Mr. Klein abstained as he was ahsent from the meeting.
The minutes of
Mr. Fazzone moved
by Mr. Garthwaite.
Sertemher 5, 1991 were presented for approval.
to arprove the minutes as presented, seconded
Motion CARRIFD 7-0.
The minutes of Septemher 12, 1991 were presented for approval.
Mr. Masso moved to ar~rove the minutes as presented, seconded by
Mr. Faz?one. Motion CARRIFD 5-2. Mr. Garthwaite ahstained as he
was excused and Mr. Klein ahstained as he was absent.
R?-9104 - Florence Ande:>rson. 1904 South Riverside Drive Ray
Anderson anrl Attorney William Hathaway, authorized agents for
Florence Anderson requested rezoning from R-1 to R-5.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
October 10, 1991
Chairman H~llsten
15, 1 991 mee t i ng
Garthwait~ moved
Mr. Klein. Motion
stated R?-9104 had been tabled at the August
and requested a motion to untable. Mr.
to untable the rezoning request, seconded by
Mr. Karet gave a brief overview of the August 15, 1991 meeting.
He said the authorized agents for Mrs. Anderson requested to
rezon~ a one acre parcel, located at 1904 South Riverside Drive,
from R-1 to R-5. He said staff recommended, in its r~port, that
the LDRA approv~ the applicants r~quest for rezoning. LDRA h~ard
from memhers of the neighborhood and after some discussion it
b~came apparent that the LDRA did not support the request as
presented. Th~re was discussion of possible alt~rnatives, such
as a developers agreement that would provide for single family
homes. The board moved to table the request. Mr. Karet further
stated h~ m~t with the d~velopers and discussed the placem~nt of
single family homes on the property. The d~velopers felt they
did not want single family hom~s. Mr. Karet said the developers
have since presented a proposal to place two duplexes on the
Mr. Hathaway, on behalf of th~ applicant, stated he is "here in a
effort to r~ach a compromis~. H~ pr~sented a diagram of two
propos~d duplex~s and th~ property location. Mr. Hathaway
furth~r explained the varied zones surrounding the property of
1904 South Riverside Drive. He said th~ rezoning request to R-5
district is a low d~nsity, multi-family district, which is
consist~nt with the Compr~h~nsive Plan and it will also s~rve as
a buff~r bptwe~n the resid~ntial ar~a. Mr. Hathaway said all the
details shown on the diagram could b~ incorporated in a
development agreement; thus restricting the type of development
on the lot.
Mr. Hathaway pres~nted a lett~r of intent from Mary Frances
Thornton owner of th~ prop~rty to the south of the Anderson
property. The letter stat~d she intends to develop a duplex in
the near futur~.
Cha i rman H~ 11 s ten asked Mr. ria thaway i f th~
to the n~ighhoring property owners regarding
Hathaway replied no.
Andersons had spoken
his proposal. Mr.
At th~ board's requ~st,
to th~ public.
Chairman H~llsten open~d the discussion
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
October 10, 1991
Doris Hill. 112 Lincoln Road - Ms. Hill asked if the development
agreement predicated on the zoning change or is the zoning change
predicated on the development agreement. Ms. Hill's concern is
once there is a zoning change it will be a dead issue and they
can do anything they want with the property. Chairman Hellsten
replied, if there is a zoning change it would permit the activity
that is being proposed and a development agreement becomes
binding on the property. He explained that the development
agreement would be more restrictive than the zoning and can not
be deviated from.
Ms. Hill also asked if the Anderson's sold their property before
developing it, would the new owner be bound by the same
development agreement? Mr. Karet said it could be "built" into
the agreement that successors in title to the Anderson's
property would be bound by the agreement, and the agreement would
be good for up to five years with a possible extension of an
additional five years.
Mr. Karet further stated that because the LDRA enters into a
development agreement with one individual, does not mean they are
bound to do it with others if they were not similarly situated.
Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet why R-4, rather than R-5 zoning
is not being used so as to have a contiguous area. Mr. Karet
replied, it could be done either way, however, the zoning
ordinance specifically defines the R-5 as suited for this
particular situation.
Ms. Hill inquired as to whether the road indicated on the plan
will be a road or a private road. Mr. Karet stated this will be
a driveway. He also said this conceptual plan will require some
acquiescence of the property owner to the south.
Chairman Hellsten opened discussion to the Board.
There was brief discussion on the size of each duplex and whether
it would be conceivable to build two single family homes. Mr.
Fazzone expressed his dissatisfaction with the prospect of
building duplexes instead of single family homes. He stated Mr.
Anderson had fought hard to keep the hotel from being built,
because he did not want to increase the density of the area and
now he wants to increase the density of this area.
Mr. Ewing
change or
asked Mr. Karet which is more restrictive, zoning
a development agreement. Mr. Karet said a development
can be made more restrictive.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
October 10, 1991
Mr. Klein discussed the possibilities on Riverside Drive as to
whether this would be setting a precedent. Mr. Klein moved to
table and direct staff to explore further, the development
agreement with the idea of developing duplexes with the condition
that the neighbors be consulted and also looking into the
possibility of the agreement setting a precedent for other lots
on Riverside Drive. This information to be provided at the next
LDRA meeting of November 14, 1991. Seconded by Mr. Masso.
Motion CARRIED 7-0.
Chairman Hellsten called a brief recess at 7:38 p.m. and resumed
the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
SP-9109 MCI TeleCommunications L.or~oration Sam Weaver,
authorized agent for MCI TeleCommunications Corp., requested site
plan approval. Mr. Weaver explained to the board they have an
existing fiber optic cable along Florida East Coast Rail Road and
the proposed site will be l!sed to boost fiber optic
Mr. Garthwaite asked if there is any possibility of explosion
from the propane on the site. Chief Vola replied the probability
of explosion is not a concern.
Mr. Masso made a motion to approve the site plan, seconded by Mr.
Fazzone. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
ZA-0?9? - Furniture Manufarturinq Outlet. 112 Manqo Tree Drive.-
Robert Howard, authorized agent requested zoning text amendment.
Mr. Karet explained the original request was to amend the text of
the I-I zoning district regulations to permit furniture
manufacturing in the list of permitted uses and in conjunction,
allow the sale of items from a factory outlet. He stated the
staff is in concurrence with the request, although, there is a
slight modification. Staff suggested the list of permitted uses
does not need to be changed, however, the text to the accessory
uses should be amended to allow the sale of goods from a factory
outlet as long as it is on the same site as the primary use. Mr.
Karet further stated other types of sales are permitted in that
zoning district.
Mr. Howard was asked what
occasional mattress.
would be sold, and he replied an
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular ("Ieeting
October 10, 1991
Mr. Fazzone moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning
and 7-oning Department that the list of permitted uses remain
unchanged and that Section 607.00(c) - Accessory Uses, be amended
instead. The section should state that the sales of goods from a
factory outlet may be permitted as an accessory use only when in
conjunction with a primary use listed above. Seconded by Mr.
Masso. Motion CARRIED 7-0.
Tolerance Factor for Setbacks - Fire Chief, Bill Vola explained
to the board that the Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals
Board recommended that the LDRA allow for a two inch flexihility
factor on encroachments for cases of hardship and for the
hardship to be determined by the Building Official. He
continued to describe examples of situations where the builder
had no control over encroaching into a setback. Chief Vola
stated he supports the BTRAB recommendation of a tolerance factor
of two inches, but would offer an alternative suggestion; use the
Technical Review Committee established in the proposed Land
Develorment Code. He said this Committee would be more capable
of determining the overall imract of this minor variance.
Mr. Karet stated, very srecific standards need to be met if a
tolerance factor is allowed. Mr. Karet said there are two
proposals to handle the determination as to whether something is
in a sethack; the Building Trades Board would allow one person to
make the determination or; use the Technical Review Committee,
which is proposed in the new Land Development Rpgulations, that
has a number of different department heads and must be decided by
a unanimous decision. He said the committee, as currently
proposed, would include the Planning and Zoning Director, Fire
Chief/Building Official, Utilities Director, Puhlic Works
Director and the City fngineer.
After considerable
Hellsten and the
wording and furnish
discussion it was
board members to
it to the LDRA.
the consensus of Chairman
have staff develor draft
Land Develo~ment
Hellsten said this
then i ntrodllced the
and Requlatory Aqency By-laws Chairman
wi 11 be defel-red for fUl-ther discussion. He
new City Attorney, Krista Storey to the
Ms. Storey expressed pleasure in
all the meetings and will be
necessary. She also stated she
appear to be relatively standard.
being here and plans to attend
providing legal council when
reviewed the By-laws and they
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Octoher 10, 1991
Ms. Storey explained the responsibility of the board to the
community and all their discission must be unbiased. She said
the boards credibility with the community is important and they
must govern themselves accordingly.
Mr. Ewing stated he wants to go on recor~ that he is speaking at
the City Council meeting on Monday night'lHe requested that this.
issue no t be discussed 0
Mr. Fa7zone made reference to Mr. Ewing speaking (as a LDRA Board
memher) at the last Council meeting and expressed his displeasure
and asked Ms. Storey for an opinion. Ms. Storey stated she does
not recommend a board memher speaking on issues that may 70me
before the LDRA or have already been decided by the board. She
also said a board member should decide whether they are more
important as a spokes person for the community or more important
as a board memher.
Plannin~ and ?oninq Director's Reports - Mr. Karet said the 450
acre annp.xation agrp.ement has bp.en accepted by City Council. Now
the annexation ordinance, comprehensivp. plan amendment and
rezoning ordinancp. will bp. developed. He also said, a special
meetinl] of the '-ORA wi 11 be held on October 24, 1991, to consider
the amendment, and ordinances if the LDRA has no objections.
There being no additional business to come before the agency, a
motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned
at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary
Land Development and Rpgulatory Agency
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
October 10, 1991