09-12-1991 Q ~ ~, 1"'..... CITY OF EDGEWATF.R LAND DEVF.l.OPMF.NT AND REGULATORY AGENCY RF.GULAR MEETING THURSDAY, SF.PTEMBF.R 12, 1991 6:30 P.M. COMMl IN I TY CENTER Chairman C. Peter Hellsten the Land Development and Thursday, September 12, Hall. called to order a regular meeting of Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., 1991, in the Community Center of City ROLL CALL: Membprs present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Hildenbrand and Chairman Hellstpn. Mr. Garthwaite was excused and Mr. Klein was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of August 19, 1991 were presented for approval. Mr. Fazzone moved to approve the minutes as presented, spconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 5-0. CONT I Nl JFD Bl J5 I NFSS : Pronosed Siqn Ordinance Discussion and Possible Recommendation to Council - Chairman Hpllsten turned the meeting over to Mr. Karet. Mr. Karet explained the Planning and Zoning Departments interpretation of the boards requested changes to the sign ordinance. The following changes were addressed: real estate signs - no sign permit is required; omitting section on existing signs conforming to common signagp plan; assignment of sign permit; rewording of compliance, nonconforming signs and compliance required for substantially altered signs. Chairman Hellsten opened the discussion to the public. There was some discussion from the public, although there were no additional suggestions. Chairman Hellsten called a brief recess at 6:53 p.m. Chairman Hellsten resumed the meeting at approximately 7:10 p.m. Mr. Fazzone stated the business owners had several areas of concern in the sign ordinance draft. He said at the last meeting everything the business owners objected to, have been addressed. o o palJe -2- Chairman Hellsten reminded the public that under the new regulations, pole signs are permitted with approval from the LDRA, however, none of the existing pole signs will be affected. Ron Carwile, owner Coastal Tires: Mr. Carwile stated this proposed sign ordinance is not perfect, but a compromise has been reached. Mr. Karet referred to Figure 15 of the proposed changes. Some business owners suggested haveing an eighteen inch (18") base rather than a twenty-four inch (24") wide base. He and the board said they had no problem with this change. Mr. Faz70ne moved to accept the sign ordinance adding the changes and forward to the City Council for approval. Seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIFD 5-0. Chairman Hellsten committee and the the sign ordinance thanked the members business community for draft. of the sign their time and ad hoc input on Mr. Masso made a motion to dissolve the sign ad seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Motion CARRIFD 5-0. hoc committee, Pro~osed Lrtnqua~e for Low Impact Office Overlay: Mr. Karet asked if this could be postponed until Mr. Addison arrives. Chairman Hellsten agreed, and moved to New Business. NEW Bt J5 T NEBS: SP-9108 agent for approval. American Leqion Post the American Legion '17 - Earl Wallace, Post 17, requested authorized site plan Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet for his comments. Mr. Karet gave a review of the site plan re~uest stating the request is for a 12,000 s~urtre foot structure. The site plan indicates a future expansion of 10,000 square feet. It is recommended that approval at this meeting include only the 12,000 square foot structure. Information on the proposed addition was provided so the board would be aware that the stormwater and parking has been designed to accommodate the build out of the site. Mr. Karet also stated that this will be a 304 seat restaurant and a 28 stool bar. The comments of the staff have all been addressed by the applicant and staff recommends approval. Mr. Wallace stated that the project is a total of 22,000 square feet. He said he would like Phase I and/or Phase II approved. o o , page -3- There was discussion regarding parking. Mr. Wallace said the requirements. whether there would be adequate project complies with the City's Mr. Wallace also discussed the plans for the future expansion saying the same type of metal structure would be built. Chairman Hellsten inquired about the amount of Karet said there will be no access to U.S. #1. access to Lamont Street, and to Wilkinson Street the property traffic. Ml-. There will be in the rear of There was disrussion regarding the distance between the American Legion and the church to the north of the project. Mr. Karet stated that is the Planning and Zoning Department's interpretation that the 500 foot distance applies only to businesses with a primary use that involves the sale of alcohol. He also stated that the sale of alcohol is merely an accessory use to the American Legion Hall. Chairman Hellsten asked Phase I and Phase II. approval on a project asked Mr. Wallace when Wallace indicated they be ten years or more. if the board is being asked to approve Mr. Karet stated he does not recommend this size be phased. Chairman Hellsten they would construct Phase II. Mr. would like to start next year, but it may Mr. Masso moved to approve Phase I, seconded by Mr. Hildenbrand. Motion CARRI~D 5-0. SP-9007 Joe Martin Requests Martin, authorized agent for CM&G plan extension. ~xtension for Manufacturing Sit Plan - Joe requested site Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet to address this request. Mr. Karet said Mr. Martin has provided a written request for an extension of site plan. He noted that our regulations have not changed since this was adopted. He also said this request would be a one time extension. Mr. Karet pointed out that while these requests are normally handled as a formality, as long as all the requirements have been met, staff may recommend otherwise, once the new land development regulations have been adopted. Mr. Fazzone moved to approve the request for an extension of the site plan, seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Mr. Ewing abstained. o o pagp -4- CONT J NI JF:J> At JB I NEBS: Pronospd lanquaqe for low Imnact nf~icp Overlay Mr. Karet was asked by the Chairman to explain the proposed regulations for the low impact office overlay. Mr. Karet said this camp about through a reCJuest from Mr. Addison to go from residential to B-3 or B-2 on Indian River Boulevard. Mr. Karet said the regulations would be a npw sl?ction to the Land Develorment Regulations providing for existing single-family homes bp converted to office buildings. This is handled as a use change. It would estahlish which area the overlay would be allowed to be aprlied or is hping arplied. Chairman Hellsten suggested prohihiting mechanical equipment that is larger than normal for a residential area. Mr. Ewing inquired ahout the exrlained that the parking surrounding area. parking restrictions. Mr. Karet shall resemble those typical of the Mr. Ewing moved to aprrove the U.S. #1 on Indian River Boulevard. overlay from Hibiscus Drive to Motion CARRIFD 5-0. Mr. Fazzone moved to accert the proposed language for the low impact office overlay as writtpn, amending the word "screened" and inserting the word prohihited and send to council for consideration. Seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIF-D 5-0. DI5\.U5SION ITFMS: Planninll ,- ev i ewp.d and ?oninq Director's Rp.Dorts Mr. Karet briefly the information included in the boards packet. Chairman's RRports - Chairman Hellsten was in receipt of a mpmo from Fire Chief Vola, referring to spt backs. Chairman Hpllsten asked that this be included on the October agenda for discussion. o o {JrilJP- -~- ADJOl JRNMFNT : There bping no further business to come before the agency a motion was mane and arproven to anjourn. The mpeting anjourned at 8:4~ p.m. Minutes resrectfully submitted by: Snndra Mpager-ppngov, Spcretary Land Dpvelorment and Rpgulatory Agency /SMP Idramin/091291