08-15-1991 Q o ~~'"'~\ CITY OF EDGEWATER LAND DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY AGENCY REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1991 6:30 P.M. EDGEWATER LIBRARY Chairm~n c. Peter Hellsten the L~nd Development ~nd Thursday, August 15, 1991, called to order a regular meeting of Regul~tory Agency at 6:30 p.m., in the Edgewater Library. ROLL CALL: Memhers present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Ewing, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Hildenhrand and Chairman Hellsten. Mr. Klein was excused. Also present were Mark P. Karet, Director of Planning and Zoning and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of July 18, 1991 were presented for approval. Mr. Fazzone marle a motion to approve the minutes of July 18, 1991 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. Motion CARRIED 6-0. CONT I NUED Bt JS 1 NESS.!.. SP-9104 - Pelican Cove West - Cluh House - J.C. Carder, Belmont Homes, Inc., authorized agent for Pelic~n Cove West Club House requested site plan approv~l (t~bled from July 18, 1991 meeting). Mr. K~ret gave a brief synopsis of the July 18, 1991 meeting, stating the club house h~d been t~bled due to the agency's concerns regarding seven addition~l parking spaces. Mr. Karet said Mr. C~rder has been able to come up with a total of twenty- two (22) parking spaces. Mr. Karet stated all staff requirements have been satisfied and staff recommends approval of the site plan. Chairman Hellsten noted that Gates Castle, City Engineer, stated in his comments that a unity of title is to be provided and recorded. A certificate of zoning will not be issued until the unity of title is provided. Landscape requirements were discussed. It was pointed out that an additional ten (10) foot planting strip has been included on the latest version of the plans because of the added parking that was provided. Robert Lusetti. 411 Se~qul Court: Mr. Lusetti record a petition, dated August 14, approximately one hundred (100) residents requesting the LDRA approve the proposed presented for the 1991, signed by of Pelican Cove West site plan for a club o o .' page -2- house and pool fa~ility. He said comprise a majority of the residents in believe approval of the site plan is best interest. the the in petition signatures subdivision and they theirs and the City's Ilene lloyd, Resident: Mrs. Lloyd requested a buffer be put behind the club house. Mr. Karet said the shrubs planted against the fence along the rear of the club house would grow and absorb sound. Ms. Lloyd stated she still feels the parking isn't adequate. Ms. Lloyd also discussed the lawsuit she and some of the other residents have against Mr. Carder. After considerable discussion and comments from a number of the residents Chairman Hellsten said in his opinion the dispute is between the applicant and the residents, not the City. Mr. Masso stated the Board agreed at the last meeting that the parkina needed to be in~reased. Mr. Fa7zone asked Mr. Carder about his offer to use the property north of the ~lub house for overflow parking. Mr. Carder said for the re~ord, he was willing to restate his offer. Mr. Katz, attorney for Mr. Carder asked the Board not to make their decision based on the extra lot being turned over to the homeowners association. Mr. Fazzone made a motion to a~~ept the site plan, Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIFD 6-0. seconded by Mr. Garthwaite moved to amend the motion of trees behind the club house to provide bushes that will grow to seven (7) maturity. Motion CARRIFD 6-0. to include the planting a buffer, or to ac~ept or eight (8) feet at Chairman Hellsten called for a recess at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m. NFW BlJSINFSS: SP-9l0~ - Rella Vista Rn[1tist Chur~h - Sid Corhern,the authorized agent for Bella Vista Church requests site plan approval for an addition to the existing chur~h. Mr. Karet said staff has found the site plan in complian~e with codes and recommends approval. Mr. Karet also stated Council has a~cepted LDRA's recommendation for the church annexation. Mr. Garthwaite moved to annexation into the City. CARRIFD 6-0. a~cept Seconded the site plan, contingent on by Mr. Hildenbrand. Motion SP-9l06 Fdqewater Commons (Puhlix): Mr. Karet said Mike Conner of Parndise Development Group is the nuthorized agent for o o page -3- R.J.B.H. Corporation and requests final site plan approval. Mr. Karet gave a summary of the proposed shopping center and its location. Mr. Karet said there is a dispute as to who owns and who should maintain Roberts Road, the City or the State. Mr. Karet said as the current situation exists, the site plan meets the City's code and staff recommends approval. Mr. Masso asked ahout traffic problems that may be created on Roberts Road and U.S. #1. Considerable discussion followed regarding turn lanes. Mr. Karet stated the Department of Transportation limits median cuts on major arterial and prefers that driveways and other entrances he off secondary roads to limit conflicting turning movements on roads such as U.S. #1. Mr. Conner said the City regarding a left turn lane on provided the dispute with the ~ngineer has developed Roherts Road that they county is not resolved. a design will adopt, Chairman Hellsten said he sees a great many trees being removerl from the site. He would like to spe the developers meet with the City to see if some of the oak, hardwood and the four to six foot treps could be saved. Mr. Garthwaite indicatec1 when backing out of some parking spaces you back into a driving lane. ~ven though the requirements o.f the code have heen met he would like to see these parking spaces eJiminatec1. There was discussion of Pulhix's parking requirements and specifications. There was ac1rlitional discussion regarding the possibility of speed bumps, stop signs and sidewalks on the main roac1. Mr. Fazzone made a motion to accept the site plan as presented trying to save additional trees and address the parking, seconded by Mr. Garthwaite. Motion CARRIFO 6-0. ZA-0?9l Ac1u I t r:on[JreC]a te all thor i zed alJent, rellues ted i vi n[J Far i ] i t y (AD F) a zoning text amendment. - Lu is Ge i ] , Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Karet's opinion about allowing an ACLF in the commun i ty. Mr. Kan=?t exp 1 a i nerl an ACLF is a place that provides limited health care for those who don't require a full scale nursinlJ home. ACLF's range in size from small predominantly resirlential to larger institutional type facilities similar to a large nursing home or a hospital. The Planning and 7.oning Department finds that this is beneficial and needed in ~dgewater and recommends ACLF's be allowed in all commercial and residential zones of the City as a special exception. The special exception allows the r:ity to place conditions upon the o o page -4- approval. Mr. Karet stated that an ACLF should be required to conform with the surrounding area. This applies to design, density, lot size, landscaping or other factors affecting the neighhorhood character. Approval of ACLF's should only be granted to fac-ility operators and shall not "run with the land". Mr. Fazzone moved to ac-cept the Planning and Zoning Department rec-ommendation regarding the ACLF zoning text amendment to include all residential and commercial areas, seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion CARRIFD 5-1. Mr. Hildenbrand voted no. SF-910?- Adult r.onqreClate l ivinCl Fac-ility (A.r..1 .F>. West Marion Avenue. Luis C. Geil, authorized agent for Frank Hall reL]uested a special exception to construct an A.C.L.F. Mr. Garthwaite sUCJIJesten waiting until the zoning text amendment goes to the Council for consineration, then the LORA could make their dec-ision arcordinCJly. Chairman Hellsten sugIJested tahling until COllnril 's opinion is receivpn. Mr. GarthltJaitp stated there appears to be no sprious ohjection to thp sperial exception at this time. Mr. Garthwaite moved to A.C.L.F., seronnen hy Mr. tahle Fa77.0ne. the special exception Motion CARRJFO 6-0. for an Chairman Hellstpn callpd a recess at 9:05 p.m. Chairman Hpllsten reconvened p.m. the meeting at approximately 9:15 R?-9JO? Oowntown CArder, authorizeri re~uesteri re-7.oninQ Mr. Karet to review Fdqewater Pla7a James C. and Rosemary aQent for Downtown EriQewater Plaza is from 8-~ to 8-3. Chairman Hellsten asked the request. Mr. Karet stateri that both the B-3 anri 8-~ districts have a number of uses in common, most significant among these uses are hiQh traffic Qenerators, such as retail businesses and restaurants. Both locations have strip commercial centers in both classifiCAtions. Mr. Karet also noteri an irientical re7.oninQ reques twas approveri by the I_ORA a t the March meet i nlJ . A I so, this request has been fJenerateri because of the long list of permitted uses in the 8-3 riistrict that provides a Qreater pool of potential tenants than is availAble to properties desifJnAteri R-~. Mr. KAret sairi the Planning Anri 7.oning Department supports the Applicants' request. Mr. Faz7.one Garthwaite. moved to accept Motion CARRJFO 6-0. the re-zoning, serondpd by Mr. o o page -5- R7-910~ Date Palm and Indian Addison, authorized agent for T & zoning from R-28 to B-2 or 8-3. Karet for a review of the request. River Roulevard - Raymond D. T 8ui lders is reqllesting re- Chairman Hellsten asked Mr. Mr. Karet briefly discussed Mr. Addison's request. He stated that the Future Land Use map has designated the subject property as low density residential. The requested zone change to either the B-2 or B-3 is not consistRnt with the Future Land Use Map. The position of the Planning and 20ning Department is the B-2 and/or 8-3 would not be consistent with the Future Lrind Use Mrip rind is inconsistent with the surrounding uses. BasRd on this the striff is recommending dRnial of the applicants request. However, staff does recommend the I_DRA cons i r1er rin over I riy with i n the new Land Development RRgulritions. The underlying lrind use would stay the same, however, thR applicant would be able to request the plricement of an overlay on their property. The overlay would allow rin office type use. The external impacts would be consistent with the residential houses surrounding it, except possibly siCJnrilJe. Parking would bR essentially the samR as the residential homes surrounding it. After discussion Mr. Grirthwaite made a motion to deny the reqllRst for the rR-zoning, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Motion CARRI~D 5-1. Mr. Ewing voted no. Mr. Masso moved to possihle overlay that seconded by Mr. Fazzone. have staff propose a recommendation for a would allow for limited office use, Motion CARRI~D 6-0. R7-9104 - Florence Anderson. 1904 So. Riverside Driv~ - Raymond L. Anderson and Attorney Willirim F. Hathriway, alJthorized aCJents for Florence Anrlerson, request re-zoning from R-1 to R-5. Chairmrin HRIIsten asked Mr. re-zoning request. Karet to give the highlights of the Mr. Karet said the staff originally recommended denial of the original request in the fall of 1989. Staff now recommends aprroval due to some changes. The changes are the comprehensive plan language that was used when first denied has now been changed. DCA felt the original language that said develorment in this area will be limited was extremely vague. Language was then develored that said the densities for new develorment will be limited to those which are identified on the future land use mar. The future land use map for this area is low density residential, one to five units per acre. This re~uest is for a zone that is identified in the comrrehensive plan as sllitahle for buffers between two differing intensities of use. He also said the o o page -6- surrounding area has become more developed with the approval of the condominium, making this area more of a transitional area than before. Mr. Karet said based on this information staff recommends approval. Mr. Masso asked, if the board accepts the change, does that limit the number of units to five as a maximum? Mr. Karet said this is correct. There was discussion with the wanted to subdivide property. the board is to re-zone, which existing lot size. board regarding past cases that Mr. Karet said the action before allows for five units on the Chairman Hellsten opened the discussion for public comments. Doris Hill, 112 Lincoln Road - Ms. Hill's concern is the fact that her resid~nce abuts the Anderson property and is a single family residence. She offered an alternative for the Anderson's property, if the property were changed to R-5, the Anderson's could sell their riverfront home, then sell the remaining parcels from the west side of Riverside Drive to U.S. #1. The B-3 zoning of the U.S. #1 parcel would p~rmit a large number of uses, which could be incorporated with the remainder of the property, enabling a potential developer to construct a large condo or similar d~velopment. She pleaded with the board to try and find a way to enable the Anderson's to use the land under its present single family zoning, even if it means a variance. She feels if the zoning is changed she and the adjoining property owners would be faced with the same situation as the Riverside Drive condo property inflected on them. Mr. Lawrence lanchony, 110 Lincoln Road - Mr. Lanchony expressed concern that a dangerous precedent is being set for others to come before the board for re-zoning. Attorney William Hathaway, 500 Canal Street - Mr. Hathaway, authorized agent for Mr. Anderson explained why a re-zoning was applied for. He said the R-5 zoning is low density, multi-family residential district, for small and large lanrl parcels. The property is useful as a buffer between single family homes (that are to the north of the Anderson property) and business districts (that is to the west and south of the Anderson property). He feels the R-5 definition is best suited for the Anderson property. Mr. Karet addressed the possibility of sub-dividing the property, saying this property could not legally be sub-divided within the ,^ o o page -7- existing zone. He noted that require subdivision aflproval. a multi-family project would not Dorothy Mont~omery. 1901 S. Riverside Drive asked if a road would be put in. Ms. Montgomery Mr. Hathaway responded there has been no plan developed as yet, but there will be some kind of egress and ingress to back units. He also expressed no desire to sub-divide the lot. Ms. Hill Asked if it would be possible for a special exception to be granted or some other alternatives that would allow single- family homes, but not multi-fAmily dwellings. Mr. Karet replied, with Mr. Anderson units. This would LDRA and one before a development agreement could be entered into which would specify the type of dwelling require two public heArings, one before the the City Council. Chairman Hellsten stated this is a difficult piece of property to be productive. He feels a development agreement may be the best solution. Possibly an agreement could be created that is not an abrupt change as goina to a R-5. Mr. Fazzone said he thinks they should deny application from R-l to R-5 And go along with the a development agreement. the ,-e-zon i nl) suggestion of Mr. Fazzone moved to deny the requf?st, spcondE'd by Mr. Ewing. Considerahle discussion followed. Chairman Hellsten said he thinks thE' LDRA wants to maintain the residential chara~ter on Riverside Drive, without condominiums, multi-story and so forth. He thinks a comflromise position for a development agreement can bE' rearhed, thus giving thE' AndE'rson's rE'asonablE' USE' of their property without imparting thE' surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Ewing withdrew his second to the motion made by Mr. Fazzone and Mr. Fazzone withdrew the motion. Mr. Fazzone moved to table possibility of a developmE'nt Motion CARRIFD 6-0. and direct staff to explore the agreement, seconded by Mr. Ewing. o o page -8- DISCUSSION ITEMS: Planninq and Zoninq Director's Reports - Mr. Karet said Sea Pines Memorial Gardens has had a series of mishaps regarding the proposed construction of a mausoleum. The developers have requested a special meeting of the LDRA as soon as possible to expedite the project. The board agreed to a special meeting on August 19, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come motion was made and seconded to adjourn. at 11:05 p.m. before the agency a The meeting adjourned Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Land Development and Regulatory Agency /SMP Idramin/091591