03-07-1991 Special
6:30 P.M.
Chairman C. Peter Hellsten called to order a special meeting of
the Land Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:31 p.m.,
Thursday, March 7, 1991, in the Edgewater Public Library.
ROLL CALL: Members present were
Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Hellsten,
Klein was excused. Also present were
Attorney, Mark P. Karet, Planning
Beverly Kinney, Recording Secretary.
Mr. Masso, Mrs. Blazi, Mr.
and Mr. Hildenbrand. Mr.
Nikki Clayton, Acting City
and Zoning Director, and
Discussion of Rules Governinq the LDRA's Actions Especially
Concerninq Reconsideration: Ms. Clayton discussed Robert's
Rules of Order. She stated that Robert's Rules governs
procedures for meetings, but a persons rights are guaranteed
under the constitution, and the LDRA is a part of the process of
guaranteeing that a person will have due process of his
constitutional rights. The Agency can either act, continue, or
table any item before them. If the Agency moves to reconsider a
motion, they have affected that persons rights. The Agency is
obligated to give an opinion, and they are not permitted to
withhold an opinion, and if they do, they are denying due
Ms. Clayton discussed the Agency's recent action to reconsider
the annexation of 455 acres. She stated that since the Agency
had previously taken action, the applicant has a constitutionally
protected expectation and can appeal to a higher authority if he
does not agree with the city's decision. By acting and then
reconsidering, the Agency has begun to take the applicant's
rights away, and the Agency has made things unpredictable for the
Ms. Clayton stated that the Agency is to provide input as members
of the community when an application is received. The Agency
then forwards their input to the City Council along with staff
comments. She added that the Agency must give an honest opinion
to Council so they can do what is appropriate for the standards
in the community.
Mr. Fazzone stated that he made the motion for reconsideration,
because he wanted the Agency to be able to furnish more
information to the Council. He cited a portion of Article VI,
Some main and unclassified motions, Section 36, Reconsideration,
of Robert's Rules of Order. He added that the motion was not
made with the intent of stopping the applicant, it merely
proposes that the original question be reopened. Ms. Clayton
stated that Robert's Rules of Order does allow reconsideration,
but the constitution overrules Robert's Rules of Order.
Mr. Fazzone stated that the Agency is unfamiliar with Development
and Annexation Agreements, and he has questions regarding some of
the items included in the Annexation Agreement. He added that
the Agency did not have legal council regarding the agreement.
Ms. Clayton stated that if the members are not satisfied with an
agreement, they can raise the issues of concern to the City
Council and let them decide.
Mr. Hellsten stated that
addressed every issue so
look at those issues.
saying that the Agency's
the members believed
the LDRA felt they
He reiterated Mr.
intent was not
they might not have
should go back and
Fazzones statement,
to change their
decision, they only wanted to review the item further. Ms.
Clayton stated the Agency's action was similar to putting a
defendant through "double jeopardy" (trying a person twice for
the same crime). She stated that once tried, a person cannot be
retried. Ms. Clayton stated any new information can be forwarded
to the Council, or an Agency member acting as a private citizen
can go before the Council. She added that bias regarding an item
before the Agency is the same as having a conflict of interest.
Mr. Fazzone stated the Agency questions whether or not the city
will be subsidizing the project, and how much money will come
into the city. He stated he would like the Finance Department to
provide figures regarding the cost breakdown of all services that
are to be provided for the proposed development. Mr. Fazzone
stated that the proposed development will have homes that are not
taxed like a traditionally built home, and only a tag fee is
paid, but he added that the golf course is a plus.
Ms. Clayton stated that the
recent withdrawal, and there is
this project will move forward.
applicant wishes to retract the
a letter forthcoming, as long as
Discussion and Possible Action reqardinq a Moratorium in the 8-4.
Tourist Commercial District: Mr. Hellsten stated that the
applicant came before the Agency with a Development Agreement and
the Agency began to look at development on Riverside Drive. He
added that Mr. Fazzone raised the question of the applicability
of Section 304.00 (a-d), Uses by Right, when discussing the
development in the 8-4 zoning district. Mr. Karet explained that
the section refers to new uses and does not apply in this
particular case.
Ms. Clayton stated there are three miles of shoreline and this is
the only parcel on the river that is zoned for what they are
requesting. She added that the applicant meets the requirements
of the comprehensive plan and the land use map.
Ms. Clayton stated that
done for the health,
a moratorium is extreme
welfare, etc. of the
and is usually
citizens of the
Ms. Clayton stated that the applicant revised the original plans
for a condominium to a hotel, because a condominium requires a
special exception. She stated that a moratorium can be placed on
the 8-4 district for valid reasons such as adverse traffic or
environmental impacts, lack of water and sewer, etc., but someone
in the "pipeline" is not affected. She added that the Agency's
finding of fact must show that the plan does not meet the code,
or is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan in order to deny
it, and if the Agency denies site plan approval, the applicant
can appeal to the City Council.
Mr. Fazzone cited Florida Statute 163.3184 which states that all
development actions must be consistent with the city's
comprehensive plan. He stated that the property is located in
the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). The current comprehensive
plan states that all development in the 100 year flood plain
shall be discouraged, and the proposed comprehensive plan directs
the city to designate the CHHA to limited development. Ms.
Clayton stated that if those requirements are taken alone then
the Agency might deny the site plan, however, the Comprehensive
Plan must be viewed as a whole.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Special Meeting
Thursday, March 7, 1991
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Mr. Hellsten stated he was under the impression that only
low density development will be permitted east of Ridgewood
Avenue. Ms. Clayton stated the Agency must determine which
policies are inconsistent.
Mr. Garthwaite stated that the B-4 district consists of
approximately four acres, and the proposed hotel is approximately
one acre. He asked how the city can stop the same type of
development on the remaining three acres. Ms. Clayton suggested
that new performance standards be developed to make the area
attractive, and the type of development the city wants.
Mr. Storch stated that he has been involved in two moratoriums
and he stated it is a very lengthy process. Mr. Storch stated
that the city should be able to solve any problems in the B-4
district without a moratorium.
Dorothv Montqomerv. 1901 S. Riverside Drive stated that she
thinks the site plan is a condominium disguised as a hotel. She
also discussed stormwater retention and the fact that the nearby
property owners are concerned about the value of the homes
dec l-eas i ng .
Rav Anderson. 1905 S. Riverside Drive discussed possible noise
levels, because of the proposed pool. Mr. Hellsten stated that
the city has a noise ordinance. Mr. Anderson asked what will
happen if the CIP does not come into fruition. Mr. Karet stated
that the Utilities Department has stated there is enough capacity
to handle the proposed hotel.
Mr. Garthwaite stated that although he didn't foresee calling for
a moratorium on the advise that we received from our City
Attorney at this time, he doesn't want to go on record as saying
that he would not want a moratorium.
Mrs. Blazi moved that the Agency forget the idea of a moratorium
based on the advise of the Acting City Attorney, and proceed
along the lines she has recommended for the next agenda. Mr.
Fazzone seconded.
C. E. Clark.
be zoned B-4.
1818 Fern Palm Drive asked how the property came to
Mr. Hellsten stated he did not know.
Bill Hathawav. 500 Canal Street. New Smyrna Beach (Attorney for
Ray Anderson) stated that a moratorium would prevent other
applicants from developing high density/intensity projects while
the city is considering changes. He stated that the city should
look at developing new performance standards such as height
requirements, maximum lot coverage, intensity, landscaping, etc,
and a moratorium will put development on hold while the B-4
district is being redefined. Mr. Hathaway stated that in his
opinion the applicant was not in the "pipeline" and does not have
vested rights, because the Agency had discussed an administrative
amendment to the city's future land use map for properties on S.
Riverside Drive which are currently zoned commercial, at their
December 13, 1990 meeting.
Vote on the Motion failed 2-4 with Mr. Hellsten, Mr. Hildenbrand,
Mr. Fazzone and Mr. Garthwaite voting no. Mr. Hellsten stated
that he voted no, because a moratorium is not the only
Mr. Hathaway stated the next issue is to follow the
recommendation of Ms. Clayton to explore and redefine the B-4
district and he suggested that a text amendment may be the
correct action to take rather than a moratorium.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Special Meeting
Thursday, March 7, 1991
Mr. Montqomery. 1901 S. Riverside Drive stated that his taxes go
up annually, and if the hotel goes in he will have his taxes
lowered, because he will no longer have a view of the river.
Planninq and Zoninq Director's Reports:
Chairman's Reports: Mr. Hellsten reported that the draft sign
ordinance, being developed by the Sign Ad Hoc Committee, is near
completion. He added that there are a couple of issues that need
to be resolved at a joint meeting of the Agency and the
Mr. Hellsten stated that a meeting with the Council should be
scheduled at the Councils availability.
Aqency Member Reports: Mr. Garthwaite stated that he would like
to see staff start looking at performance standards for the B-4
district. Mr. Hellsten agreed.
Mr. Fazzone stated he would like to see more information
regarding the proposed golf course.
There being no further business to come before the Agency, Mrs.
Blazi moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m..
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Special Meeting
Thursday, March 7, 1991
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Recording Secretary