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6:30 P.M.
Chairman C. Peter Hellsten
the Land Development and
Thursday, December 13, 1990,
called to order a regular meeting of
Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Community Center.
ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Masso, Mr. Fazzone, Mr.
Hellsten, Mr. Hildenbrand, and Mr. Klein (arrived at 6:33 p.m.).
Mrs. Blazi and Mr. Garthwaite were excused. Also present were
Mark P. Karet, Planning and Zoning Director, and Beverly Kinney,
presented for approval. Mr. Fazzone
by Mr. Masso. Motion Carried 4-1.
of November 8, 1990, were
moved to approve, seconded
Mr. Klein voted no.
The minutes of November 20,
Mr. Masso moved to approve,
Carried 5-0.
1990, were presented for approval.
seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Motion
Mr. Hellsten stated that the members would hear SP-9009 and SP-
9010 before hearing DA-0190.
SP-9009 1001 South Ridqewood Avenue: Mr. Karet stated that the
structure is existing and the applicant wishes to convert the
existing storage area into office space. He added that the site
plan complies with the regulations and staff recommends approval.
Mr. Klein stated that the interior has either been done or has
been started. Mr. Harris, applicant, stated he has only started
framing. Mr. Karet pointed out that the only work authorized has
been to change out overhead doors and put in windows, as
discussed at the pre-application meeting with city staff. He
added that no other approvals had been granted. Mr. Harris
stated he had spoken with Dennis Fischer of the Building
Department, and 11r. Fischer had stated it was o.k. to frame up
the storage areas. Mr. Karet stated he had also spoken with Mr.
Fischer. Mr. Fischer stated he didn't know anything about it.
There was some discussion regarding the access off of New York
Avenue ie: publicly dedicated right-of-way vs. easement.
Mr. Fazzone
Hi ldenbrand.
moved to approve
Motion Carried 5-0.
SP-9010 135-137 West Marion Avenue: Mr. Karet stated that
this site plan is the latest revision submitted which adds a
building to the rear of the site and changes the traffic pattern.
He added that the site plan meets code and staff recommends
approval. There was some discussion regarding screening and
stormwater as they pertain to Shangri-La Subdivision. Mr.
Fazzone moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Masso. Motion Carried
Public Hearinq DA-0190 "Windview Condominium": Mr. Karet
stated that there will not be a public hearing. The developer's
attorney, Glenn Storch of Storch and Hansen, was to notify all
abutting property owners, but was not able to contact two (2) of
them. Attorney Mary Hansen was present to represent property
owner's Thomas Kane and Jim "Buddy" Davenport.
Mr. Fazzone stated that at the last meeting it was agreed the
discussion tonight would be regarding land density, building
height and parking availability. Ms. Hansen discussed the
current use of the property (lot 6 is vacant and lot 7 is
apartments). She added that the B-4 zoning district was designed
to provide services to tourists, ie: hotels, motels, etc.. The
current owners of the property wish to enhance the area. The
proposed condominium units, originally proposed at 50 feet high,
can be lowered to 45 feet. She stated that parking for the
proposed condominium is short by 3 parking stalls, and the
density will be acceptable if the access and screening is
addressed properly.
Ms. Hansen stated that the development agreement is a tool that
will be negotiated until the developer and the city are
satisfied. It was noted that the agreement will be recorded to
become part of the deed. Ms. Hansen added that any deviation
from the approved site plan will require public notice and
approval by the city.
Ms. Hansen stated that
this issue she would
has no objection.
since there were people present regarding
like to hear their comments if the Agency
Chairman Hellsten stated there was no
Bill Hathaway, attorney for Ray Anderson stated the zoning code
permits multi-family dwellings with a height of no more than 26
feet, and condominiums are not permitted in the 8-4 district.
Mr. Hellsten stated that hotels/motels are permitted in the 8-4
district and the permitted height is four stories which can be a
height of 50 feet.
Mr. Karet stated that later in the meeting the members will be
discussing other alternatives for this property.
C. Clark. Fern Palm Drive asked how the B-4 zoning came about in
the first place. Mr. Hellsten stated the uses were existing so
they were listed among the permitted uses for the district and
"grandfathered" in.
Ray Anderson discussed the zoning of the B-4 district, and stated
that when the property was zoned B-4 none of the abutting
property owners were notified, but apparently Florida law did
not require notification.
Mrs. Anderson stated she was not aware the property was
commercial, but her son (Ray Anderson) was told he could not
build a two story home, because it would block the view of the
river. Mr. Karet stated that property on the east side of
Riverside Drive is zoned R-1A and the height restriction is 1
story or 26 feet, and the property on the west side is R-1 with a
height restriction of 35 feet.
Mr. Fazzone asked the possibility of all vacant property on
Riverside Drive being used for condominiums if the proposed
condominium is approved. Mr. Karet stated that this could
not occur beyond the B-4 district without amendments to the
comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance.
Thomas Kane stated the reason he purchased the property is
because it is zoned commercial. He added that the property was
zoned B-4 in 1974.
Mr. Davenport stated he and his associate have spent a lot of
money hiring engineers and architects to develop a nice
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 13, 1990
. .
There was discussion
and pretreatment and
Hellsten stated the
prior to the city
regarding short term (transient) tenancy,
retention of stormwater runoff. Chairman
members needed more technical information
entering into any agreement with the
Ms. Hansen stated that if
approved, the developers will
package for a hotel. She
increased density, transients,
the development agreement is not
submit a site plan application
added that a hotel will have an
and a high traffic impact on the
The members agreed that they are still concerned about the
height of the proposed condominium, the need for more definitive
wording regarding stormwater in the development agreement, and
the proposed density level. Chairman Hellsten stated that the
members needed to look at possible alternatives for the area, and
address issues satisfactorily.
Administrative Land Use Plan Amendment: Chairman Hellsten stated
that the B-4 district is an unusual zoning category for a
residential area, and the reason for placing this on the agenda
is to discuss the possibility of rezoning the B-4 district and
the ramifications.
Mr. Klein stated that all of the B-4 district being developed as
condominiums, hotels, or motels will cause a tremendous impact on
a small amount of land.
Mr. Karet stated that the members should also consider the fact
that if a land use plan amendment is made and the land use map is
amended, no improvements to properties will be permitted and
property owners will no longer have any incentive to improve the
quality of the structures. He added that a land use plan
amendment must take into consideration the surrounding uses, the
existing uses, and environmental impacts.
Chairman Hellsten discussed possible legal ramifications. Mr.
Karet stated that most likely there will be a legal challenge
based on vested rights and equitable estoppel issues.
Mr. Klein moved to defer a public hearing until a later date
(after January). Mr. Fazzone seconded. Motion Carried 3-2. Mr.
Masso and Mr. Hellsten voted no.
Ms. Hansen stated that the only way to get the condominium going
is to o.k. the development agreement. She added that she wants
this to go for a public hearing in January. Mr. Klein moved to
hold the public hearing at the Agency's February meeting,
seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Motion Carried 5-0.
Ms. Hansen stated that ultimately there will be a legal
challenge, and the city will have to prove to a court good valid
reasons for lowering the density of the land use category. She
added that a building permit can be pulled for a hotel before a
land use plan amendment can be made.
AN-0190 Annexation of 455 Acres: Attorney Mary Hansen was
present to represent the applicant, Harvin Clark and Associates.
Ms. Hansen stated that the proposed annexation would eventually
be used for an 18 hole golf course community with approximately
600 manufactured homes, and a proposed mixed use area within the
development. She noted that St. Johns and the Corps of
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 13, 1990
. .'
Engineers are currently investigating the wetlands located on the
property, and Jim Modicas, an environmentalist, is preparing a
report in regards to the wetlands. Ms. Hansen stated that the
main access will be on U. S. 1 and a secondary access will be
available on Volco Road. She added that Volco Road, which runs
through the property will be realigned. Ms. Hansen stated that
Reuse water will be utilized and the site should accommodate
350,000 to 500,00 galIO~S of treated effluent for irrigation
purposes. Ms. Hansen stated that traffic improvements will be
put in place as needed. ~~
Ms. Hansen stated that there is an enclave of approximately 54
acres, but she is scheduled to appear before the County Council
to get their approval of the annexation into the city.
Ms. Hansen discussed the equitable apportionment of impact fees,
a future fire station, and police protection. Ms. Hansen stated
that a fire station will be needed within approximately 5 years,
and it was noted that the tax base created will make up for costs
regarding police protection.
Al Keaton discussed a meeting of Edgewater residents with Ron
Ferland of Dyer,Riddle, Mills, and Precourt held in the Community
Center regarding the Capital Improvements Program.
Harvin Clark stated the proposed building lots
100, and the cost1will be $50,000. to $75,000.
Lyo~ -+k.. n~
Mr. Karet stated that staff still needs
proposals for a fire station and the enclaves
recommendation to the Agency.
are to be 63 by
to hear
prior to
making a
Mr. Klein moved that after hearing the presentation this
evening, the Agency's preliminary recommendation is favorable.
Mr. Fazzone seconded. Motion Carried 5-0.
Mr. Hellsten called a recess at 9:15 p.m..
at 9:21 p.m..
The meeting resumed
Planninq and Zoninq Director's Reports: Mr. Karet stated that the
scheduled hearing dates with DCA are February 20th and 21st. He
added that the VGMC is responding to their comments, but no
hearing date has been set as yet.
Mr. Karet stated that a lot was accomplished at last nights Sign
Ad Hoc Committee meeting.
Chairman's Report: Chairman Hellsten stated the rezoning issue
will probably be coming up more often, and the members may want
to consider a workshop to discuss the "global impact" and
economic considerations.
Aqency Member Reports: Mr. Klein asked that the City Manager be
made aware of the comments made by Mr. Harris regarding SP-9009.
Mr. Karet stated he would speak to the City Manager.
There being no further business to
Fazzone moved to adjourn seconded
meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m..
come before the Agency, Mr.
by Mr. Hildenbrand. The