6:30 P.M.
Chairman C. Peter Hellsten called to order a regular meeting of
the Land Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, May 23, 1990, in the Community Center.
Members present were Mr. Bennington, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Garthwaite,
Mr. Hellsten, Mr. Klein and Mr. Hildenbrand. Mrs. Blazi was
excused. Also present were Mark P. Karet, Planning and Zoning
Director, and Beverly Kinney, Secretary.
SP-8917 Boyce Industrial Park West Marion Avenue: It was noted
that Mr. Boyce, property owner, was not present to discuss this
item with the Agency. Mr. Karet stated the Agency had previously
approved the site plan, but the applicant wants to build and
receive certificates of occupancy in phases. Mr. Karet stated
that staff recommends approval of the phasing. Mr. Boyce has
agreed to put in all utilities during phase I of the project.
There was discussion as to whether the request for phasing of the
project constituted an amended site plan. There was discussion
about water retention as it pertains to Shangri-La Village.
There was also discussion about providing a landscape buffer in
accordance with the recent amendment to the landscape ordinance.
Mr. Hellsten requested a motion to
applicant, or authorized agent
moved, seconded by Mr. Bennington.
table this item until the
is available. Mr. Fazzone so
Motion Carried 6-0.
L.D.R.A. Draft Ordinance: The proposed draft ordinance amending
ordinance 88-0-11 and updating of the Code of Ordinances as it
pertains the Agency was discussed. Mr. Karet stated the changes
were made to the draft as per the Agency's request.
Mr. Bennington stated that Section 715.02, Site Plan Approval,
should also require Agency approval for a change of use prior to
the issuance of a building permit.
The Agency discussed wording in Section 1105.00, Reconsideration
of Denied Rezoning Applications. It was agreed that the second
(2nd) paragraph would stated that the "agency shall not consider
a petition for any other kind of zoning or any part of the same
property for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of such
Mr. Klein stated he did not like the fact that an alternate can
be the fourth (4th) member to make a quorum and vote on
development actions, because an item could be approved on a 3 to
1 vote. He added that it should require a 4 to 0 vote. Mr.
Klein moved to strike wording which states that "in all other
business a majority vote of the members present, and the
alternate if a member is absent, will prevail except as specified
herein," and replace with new wording reading "No recommendation
for any action may be made unless four (4) members concur." The
motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Fazzone moved to accept the
above, seconded by Mr. Benn i ng.ton.
Klein voting no.
draft with the changes listed
Motion Carried 5-1, with Mr.
Comorehensive Plan: Mr. Klein and Mr. Hellsten stated that this
issue was a mute matter. Mr. Karet stated that the Council was
made aware of the Agency's displeasure in the amount of time
allowed prior to making a recommendation. Mr. Karet informed the
members there had been some changes regarding densities, floor
area ratios for industrial and commercial land, and some changes
were made to the Future Land Use Map to cover estuarine related
vegetative cover.
There was discussion regarding the number of comprehensive plan
amendments that are permitted each year, and Mr. Karet stated
that there may be two opportunities this year, depending upon
whether the Department of Community Affairs (D.C.A.) finds the
city in compliance. Mr. Karet stated that D.C.A. would have
forty-five (45) days to respond.
There was discussion among
Bennington regarding the Council
approved to forward to D.C.A.
the members and
meeting where
the plan was
Mr. Klein moved
Agency members.
the copies made.
moved to hold any
available. Mr. Klein
to have copies of the document made for the
Mr. Fazzone seconded. Mr. Karet agreed to have
A roll call was not taken. Mr. Bennington
further discussion until the copies are
seconded. Motion Carried 6-0.
Mr. Karet stated that
Barrett were appealing the
the Kane minor
decisions made
subdivision and Perry
by the Agency to the
Mr. Karet informed the members that work was beginning on the
land development regulations, and he was meeting with the City
Manager and Mr. LaRue of LaRue Planning and Management Services,
consultant, next week. He added that he had already talked with
York Phillips, growth management consultant.
Mr. Karet stated that the applicants for the Carol-Ann Drive
annexation has withdrawn their application.
There was discussion about the need to have one (1) document
showing working standards for development, which will happen
because of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Karet also stated that
the city was currently developing an operations manual which
will provide a consistent policy throughout the city.
Mr. Bennington discussed the problem
Karet stated the Code Enforcement
of outdoor display. Mr.
Officer is working on the
There was discussion regarding the status of the Huntley Jiffey
Store located on S.R. 442.
There was discussion regarding the recent Council action which
placed the building department under the fire department.
There being no further business to come before the Agency, Mr.
Bennington moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. The
meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m..
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
May 23, 1990
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney