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6:30 P.M.
Mrs. Martin called to order a regular meeting of the Land
Development and Regulatory Agency at 6:30 p.m., in the Community
Center, on Thursday, August 10, 1989.
Members present were Mr. Bennington, Mr. Garthwaite, Mrs. Glover,
Mr. Hellsten, Mr. Klein, and Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Blazi was
excused. Also present were Lynne Plaskett, Acting Planning and
Zoning Director, and Beverly Kinney, Secretary.
The minutes
seconded by
of June 22, 1989, were presented for approval.
moved to table for a quorum from June 22,
Mrs. Glover. Motion Carried 6-0.
This item was administratively withdrawn
property owners.
Special Exception Luis Geil
Gas Pumps B-2 District
Sketch Plan Luis Geil
Convenience Store Ponderosa Plaza II
This item was administratively withdrawn. It is in conjunction
with the special exception for gas pumps in the B-2 district.
SP-8911 Paul Mack/Allen Davis Addition 211 Dale Street All
American Truss Company: Mr. Mack was present to discuss this
site plan application. Mrs. Martin went through the Department
Head comments. The members discussed the need of a fire hydrant
and sprinkler system, the fact there was no landscape plan, no
architectural seal on any of the drawings submitted, and no
handicapped parking. The addition would be 1,200 square feet for
office space. Mr. Mack stated there would be a standpipe, per
the fire marshall and oversized pond for fire protection. After
further discussion regarding fire protection, Mr. Bennington
moved to grant preliminary approval with fire protection,
architectural seal, and handicapped parking being addressed prior
to granting final approval. Mr. Hellsten seconded. Motion
Carried 6-0.
Rezoninq Harold Brandner 108/110 E. Yelkca Terrace Lot 4 & 5
Mr. Brandner requested, at the recommendation of the Land
Development and Regulatory Agency, a rezoning of lot 5 from R-3
(single family residential) to B-3 (highway commercial). Mr.
Brandner stated he wanted to operate a "Bed and Breakfast"
business which would fall under hotel/motel/accommodations. Mrs.
Plaskett noted half of the parcel was zoned R-3 and half B-3.He
had previously requested a zoning text amendment. There was
discussion regarding possible spot zoning and the fact the
property may not meet the minimum requirements for the B-3
district. Mr. Ross, a neighbor, stated Mr. Brandner also worked
on automobiles. He did not want the property rezoned to B-3 due
to all the uses that are permitted in that zoning district.
There was also discussion as to whether current parking
requirements could be met for the proposed use. After further
discussion, Mr. Hellsten moved to table for further discussion
pending a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding spot
Page 1
zoning, an opinion from the Building Official as to
not the size of the property is adequate for B-3,
adequate plot plan with figures and dimensions
applicant. Mr. Bennington seconded. Motion Carried
Klein voted no, because he believed the request should
whether or
and a more
from the
5-0. Mr.
be denied.
Annexation Dean Hampton 4.98 Acres 3232 U.S. 1: Pastor Dean
Hampton was present. It was noted that churches are exempt from
taxes so the fiscal information completed on the feasibility
study was of no concern at this time. Water availability to the
property was discussed. There was discussion as to whether
annexing the parcel would cause an enclave. Mr. Garthwaite moved
to recommend Council approve the annexation request pending a
legal interpretation from the City Attorney that the annexation
would not create an illegal enclave. Mr. Hellsten seconded.
Motion Carried 6-0.
Library Parkinq Lot Expansion: The members discussed the fact
that the proposed concept would cause Alamanda Drive to be
vacated. There was also discussion regarding the former Alamanda
Drive and Help-U-Sell shared use of Alamanda Drive. The members
discussed the possibility of vacating and condemning Alamanda
Drive for the proposed parking lot expansion, because just
vacating Alamanda would give half of the property to Help-U-Sell.
Mr. Klein moved to legally look into ways to take all of Alamanda
Drive to provide all additional parking for the library on
Alamanda Drive, leaving room for future expansion of the library.
Mr. Hellsten seconded. Mr. Klein amended his motion to include
that the concept provided was O.K., but only as an alternative.
Mr. Hellsten seconded the amendment. Motion and Amendment
Carried 6-0.
Buffers for Industrial Zones: Mr. Hatfield, as a private
citizen, asked if the buffer could be on residential property
that abutted industrial property or if the buffer would have to
be on the industrial property. Mrs. Plaskett believed it would
be alright if it was included as part of the deed or covenant.
Councilwoman Bennington had brought this issue up at a recent
Council meeting, because industrial uses can be louder than other
uses and she believed there should be a 25' noise buffer. After
discussion the members were not clear as to the intent of the
request. Mr. Hellsten moved to send this item back to Council
for further explanation and intent of the request. Mrs. Glover
seconded. Motion Carried 6-0.
Actinq Planninq and Zoninq Director Reports: Mrs. Plaskett
discussed Section 713.00 as it applies to convenience stores with
gas pumps. She stated that the City Attorney had suggested that
the Agency come up with specifics as to what applies to
automotive service types A and B, and gas pumps at convenience
stores. Mr. Bennington believed the intent of gas pumps in the
B-2 was to have 750 feet between pumps. Mrs. Plaskett requested
the members to review the section for discussion at the next
There was discussion regarding the intent of
pertains to outdoor display.
"under roof" as it
Chairman Reports: Vice Chairman Martin asked if anyone would be
attending the upcoming V.C.A.R.D. meeting. Mr. Hellsten stated
he would be available to attend.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 10, 1989
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~. .
Aqency Member Reports: Mr. Klein discussed the problems with the
stormwater at the Jiffey store on S.R. 442 since the gas pumps
and parking area had been constructed. He and Mr. Bennington
believed the special exception for gas pumps which had been
granted should be revoked until the problem has been corrected.
Mrs. Glover discussed a recent article in a newspaper regarding
beautification in Daytona Beach, their new welcome sign, and
landscaping project. Councilman Fish stated the City of
Edgewater Beautification Committee was looking into it. Mrs.
Plaskett suggested looking for possible grant monies that may be
available, and she questioned who would be responsible for
Mr. Bennington discussed Section 715.02(5) regarding sketch plan
approval. As stated in the section, sketch plans should be going
to the Planning and Building Departments, not the Agency. Mr.
Bennington moved that the Agency has no reason to review sketch
plans, seconded by Mr. Hellsten. Motion Carried 6-0.
Section 700.01, required off-street parking was discussed. (page
1622.18). It was noted the landscape buffer in the B-2 and B-3
districts should be 10 feet. It was also noted that the offset
at a 90 degree angle should be 10 feet, not 5 feet as stated in
the code. Mr. Bennington moved that Section 700.01 (Offset) A at
a 90 degree angle should be changed to 10 feet. Mrs. Glover
seconded. Motion Carried 6-0.
There being no further business to come before the Agency, Mr.
Bennington moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Glover. The
meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 10, 1989