6:30 P.M.
Chairman Nancy Blazi called to
Land Development and Regulatory
April 27, 1989, in the Community
order a regular meeting of the
Agency at 6:30 p.m., Thursday,
Members present were Mrs. Blazi, Mr. Denton, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr.
Hellsten and Mrs. Martin. Also present were Lynne Plaskett,
Acting Planning and Zoning Director, and Beverly Kinney,
Secretary. Mrs. Glover and Mr. Klein were excused.
The minutes of March 23, 1989, were presented for
Garthwaite moved to table, seconded by Mrs.
Carried 5-0.
approval. Mr.
Martin. Motion
The minutes of April 13, 1989, were presented for approval.
Mrs. Martin moved to approve the minutes, seconded by
Hellsten. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Martin moved to move item 7 ahead of item 6 on the agenda so
the applicants would not have to wait. Mr. Garthwaite seconded.
Motion Carried 5-0.
VARIANCE 2103 Pine Tree Drive: Mr. Craven, property owner, and
Mr. Phillips of Capeview Construction were present to discuss the
variance request for a two foot seven inch (2'7") encroachment
into the thirty foot (30') setback. Mrs. Blazi read the answers
to the criteria submitted by Capeview Construction and the
comments from the Building Official and the Acting Planning and
Zoning Director. Mrs. Plaskett passed around a photo of the
encroachment. Mr. Craven and Mr. Phillips noted the encroachment
was not detected by the Building Department or the sub-contractor
who poured the concrete. Mrs. Blazi noted that three of the
Agency members and the Agency Secretary had attended a seminar
regarding the granting of variances the night before and had
learned that strict application of the law must be followed when
considering variance requests. Mr. Denton pointed out that
legally the Agency could not grant the variance because the
hardship was self inflicted. It was noted the Building
Official's actions are discretionary and the City cannot be held
liable, and the only recourse would be to appeal to Council if
the variance is denied by the Agency. There was discussion
regarding previous variances granted by the former Board of
Adjustment, and the fact that they may have been lax in granting
Mrs. Martin was exused from the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
It was noted that the Certificate of Occupancy had been issued
prior to the final building location survey. The members went
through the five (5) criteria: A - failed, B passed, C-
failed, D - tie vote, E - failed. (Section 904.01) Mr. Hellsten
moved to deny the request for a variance as the applicants failed
to meet the five (5) criteria, seconded by Mr. Denton. Motion
Carried 4-0. The Secretary was requested to forward the finding
of facts to the applicant.
Mr. Denton stated he would
and orientation packet
responsibilities of members
like to see the City Attorney develop
describing duties, powers, and
of the various Boards.
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Mrs. Martin returned to the meeting at approximately 7:30 p.m.
Mrs. Blazi went through the suggested criteria provided by the
Planning and Zoning Department. The members discussed car sales
and carnivals which are periodically held in the parking lot.
The members discussed signage, security, maximum number of days
for each use, fees to cover administrative costs, nature and
frequency of events, and roping off the area to be used for the
activities. The members agreed the Police Department and the
Code Enforcement Officer should make recommendations to the
Agency regarding this issue. They also agreed that no driveways
or driving lanes are to be blocked, a $150.00 per day fee should
be charged to cover administrative costs, the activity should not
exceed nine (9) days at a time, Council should grant the
temporary permit required, areas for activities should be roped
off, and no signage for advertising the activity should be placed
on the highway right-of-way.
A recess was called at 7:50 p.m., and the meeting was called back
to order at 8:00 p.m.
Draft Ordinance Miniwarehouses: The members debated whether
lighting should be permitted inside the miniwarehouse units. It
was decided electric would not be permitted to deter illegal
useage of the miniwarehouses in the future. There was a brief
discussion regarding a residence and office on the premises
provided for a manager/rental agent, and it was decided it should
be permitted. Mr. Garthwaite moved to forward the proposed
amendment to the City Council, seconded by Mrs. Martin. Motion
carried 5-0.
Draft Ordinance Fences. Walls. and Hedqes: The members
discussed the proposed section regarding barbed wire, and
concrete walls. Mrs. Plaskett stated the Ordinance did not
address barbed wire, and concrete walls are not permitted. After
further discussion the Agency agreed that barbed wire would only
be permitted in commercial and industrial districts with Council
permission. The members also agreed to allow concrete block
walls in the City. Mrs. Martin moved to forward the proposed
amendment to the City Council, seconded by Mr. Garthwaite.
Motion Carried 5-0.
Draft Volusia County Ordinance Wetland Protection:
Plaskett informed the members the County was updating the
Protection Draft Ordinance and asked the members to delay
on this until the final draft from the County was ready.
Comprehensive Plan Status: Mrs. Plaskett informed the members
they would need to think about scheduling public hearings for the
comprehensive plan as it is due in November. She added that she
had started work on the coastal management element and Reynolds,
Smith, and Hill would be doing intergovernmental coordination.
The members asked Mrs. Plaskett to work up a proposed schedule of
hearing dates. Mrs. Plaskett suggested doing a couple of
elements at each public hearing. Mrs. Blazi asked that the
hearings be scheduled prior to July or August if possible.
Actinq Planninq And Zoninq Director Reports:
Chairman Reports: Mrs. Blazi asked the Secretary to do a summary
of the Board of Adjustment seminar some of the members had
attended the night before, so those who did not attend could
benefit from the seminar. There was some discussion regarding
the seminar among the members.
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Aqency Member Reports: Mr. Garthwaite asked that replats be
required after foundations are poured and to have the Building
Official sign the replats. He hoped that this would stop some
contractors from building into the required setbacks, and if they
did the error could be found and corrected. The members agreed
with his suggestion.
Mr. Garthwaite discussed Centex Real Estate and the proposed
subdivision on the former Caldwell property. He asked that the
Agency receive a legal opinion from the City Attorney regarding
the proposed use of Silver Ridge Road in the Silver Ridge
Subdivision as access to the proposed subdivision, since the
issue had been addressed in a court order. The members agreed it
would be a good idea, and could save time in the long run.
There being no further business to come before the Agency, Mrs.
Martin moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Denton. The meeting
adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Secretary
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Thursday, April 27, 1989
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