02-02-1989 Reconvened from 01-26-1989 - Regular o o CITY OF EGEWATER LAND DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY AGENCY JANUARY 26, 1989 MEETING RECONVENED THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1989 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER Chairman Nancy B1azi called to order the reconvened meeting of Thursday, January 26, 1989, at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 2, 1989, in the Community Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Bennington, Mrs. B1azi, Mrs. Glover, Mr. Klein, Mr. Mackie and Mrs. Martin. Also present were Joseph Ong, Planning and Zoning Director, and Beverly Kinney, Secretary. Mr. Garthwaite was excused. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS continued: Draft Ordinance Off-Street Parking Requirements: The Agency discussed the proposed draft ofdinance with Mr. Ong. It was agreed that under section (d) (2) manufacturing would be further defined. There were other changes agreed upon regarding the Agency and the Chief Planning Official's duties. There were also changes to section (d) (2) (5) regarding minimum area to be paved which is to be established by the Chief Planning Official with approval of the Agency, and waiving the requirement to eliminate the backing of cars onto a thoroughfare when such a thoroughfare is a designated alley, and is being provided for overflow parking. Mr. Bennington moved to approve with the suggested changes for final draft to be brought back before the Agency for approval. Mrs. Martin seconded. Motion Carried 6-0. ELECTIONS Chairman: Mr. Mackie nominated. Mrs. B1azi, seconded by Mrs. Glover. Mr. Mackie moved to close nominations, seconded by Mr. Bennington. Mrs. Blazi was elected by acclimation. Vice-Chairman: Mr. Mackie nominated Mrs. Martin, seconded by Mrs. Glover. Mr. Bennington moved to close nominations, seconded by Mrs. Glover. Mrs. Martin was elected by acclimation. DISCUSSION ITEMS Councilman Hatfield stated the Council would be meeting on Monday, and would probably have a date for a joint meeting between the Council and the Agency. The members discussed recommendations they make to be drawn up ln ordinance or resolution form coming back to them for approval prior to going before Council. Mrs. Glover so moved, seconded by Mrs. Martin. Motion Carried 6-0. The members discussed the "Deferred Paving Waiver Agreements". Mr. Bennington moved to require Council change the policy of auto- matically issuing paving deferment waivers, seconded by Mrs. Glover. After some discussion, Mr. Bennington withdrew his motion and Mrs. Glover withdrew her second. Mr. Bennington moved to require that the City stop issuing pavement waivers, seconded by Mr. Mackie. Motion Carried 6-0. Mr. Bennington discussed Section 904.6, variance expiration dates, and the fact a granted variance is only good for one (1) year. If the variance is not taken advantage of in that time, it expires. There being no further business to come before the Agency, Mrs. Martin moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Glover. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m.