98-O-06 'W' ...." ORDINANCE NO. 98-0-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEW ATER, FLORIDA, REPEALING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 98-0-04 DECLARING A CITYWIDE BAN ON OPEN AIR BURNING AND FIREWORKS BY THE PUBLIC DURING THE 1998 FOREST AND BRUSH FIRE EMERGENCY IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, on June 24, 1998, the City Council adopted Emergency Ordinance No. 98-0-04 at first reading; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance was to remain in effect until termination of the Governor's forest and brush fire State of Emergency along with recommendation for repeal from the Edgewater Department of Fire and Rescue Services; and WHEREAS, the Governor has lifted the ban on burning and the Division of Forestry has resumed issuing authorizations for controlled burning for land clearing debris; and WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Rescue Services acknowledges the reduction in fire danger and recommends repeal of Emergency Ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida as follows: PART A. REPEAL EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 98-0-04 IN ITS ENTIRETY 1. Emergency Ordinance No. 98-0-04 banning open air burning and public fireworks during the 1998 Forest and Brush Fire Emergency is hereby repealed in its entirety. That the: City Cm:mdl of the City of Edgcviatcr hereby dcc1M"cS that so long as the Covernor's State of Emergency and this Ordinance rcma-in in cff-cet: Strtlek throtlgfl passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 98-0-06 1 -.. ... 2. The gencnll public shalll'i6t eORduet any opeR mr burning (inclttding bORfircs), trash bl.iffling aftd afty other similar outdoor incineration; 3. The general public shall not igRite sparklers or fire'..'wrks of afty kind out of doors; 4. The geReral public shall be requested to refrain from otttdoor cooking; 5. Edgewater Fire Rescue hereby eafteels its fircNorks display which had been sehedaled to eeloorate the 50th amliversary of the Yolunteer Fire Rescue Service in Edge'.vater; 6. Edgewater Fire Rescue aftd other public safety personnel arc directed to publicize the dangers aftd inform the citizeRs of Edge'.vater abott1: the city 'Nide baft OR opeR air burning aftd fire'Norks during this State of Emergency and particularly during the :HHy-4th IfldependeRce Day celebration; and 7. The EdgC'.....ater Police Depa:rt1l1ent and other lay; enforecment officials, agents oftne State Fire Marshall and the Florida Division of Forestry are empo......ered to specifically enfofee the laws pl'OhibitiRg open fires aftd the use of sparklers aftd other fireworks dttring this period of declared emergency. PARTB. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall not be codified in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, but shall be recorded in the Official Records of the City Clerk of Edgewater. PART C. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption. Stf1:lek tflrotlgfl passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 98-0-06 2 ,., ...., PART D. ADOPTION After Motion by Councilman Roberts and Second by Councilwoman Lichter, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on September 10, 1998, was as follows: Mayor Randy G. Allman AYE Councilman Jim Gornto AYE Councilman Myron F. Hammond AYE Councilman Gary W. Roberts AYE Councilwoman Judy Lichter AYE After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councilman Hammond, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Randy G. Allman AYE Councilman Jim Gornto AYE Councilman Myron F. Hammond AYE Councilman Gary W. Roberts AYE Councilwoman Judy Lichter AYE Strue:k throtlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 98-0-06 3 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 24th day of September, 1998. ATTEST: St .�kg teugh passages are deleted. Undfflinc passages are added. 98-0-06 CTTV COHNCH, OF THE. APPROVED FOR FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 24&.. Cam' =-- Nikki Clayton City Attorney