JULY 2b, 1990
The Regular meeting of the Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals
Board was called to Order on July 26~ 1990 at 7:04 P.M. in the
Conference Room at City Hall.
Roll call was taken and minutes were approved.
The Hurricane Windload Requirements were discussed. Motion to
not adopt County Ordinance 19-14 until we receive a draft of the
Ordinance that is for general publication.
Motion to go on record that the Building Trades Regulatory and
Appeals Board accept the role of Administrative Board as outline
in House bill 1337 to hear questions regarding the enforcement
and conflict between Firesafety and Building Codes.
Motion that permanent electrical service for any new building be
activated as soon as required service equipment passes the
electrical service inspection and that this be implemented for a
trial period of six months.
Motion to table CABO one and two family dwellings until the Board
has more time to review it.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Mr. Jack Hayman called to order the regular meeting of the
Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals Board of Thursday, July
26, 1990 in the Conference Room of City Hall at 7:04 P.M.
Members present were: Lester Yarnell, Douglas Cole, Robert
Howard, Gary Butt, and Jack Hayman, Sr. Les Ogram was excused
and James Norris was absent. Also present were William Vola,
Fire Chief, Dennis Fischer, Building Official, and Lisa Miller,
Recording Secretary.
The Minutes of May 17, 1990 Meeting of the Building Trades
Regulatory and Appeals Board were submitted for approval. Mr.
Cole moved to accept the minutes as provided. Mr. Yarnell
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Hayman discussed the Hurricane Windload Requirements in
Appendix D of the Standard Building Code for any applications for
permits filed after April 30, 1990 with the County. The County
is requiring th.at all comply "-lith it. It is Ordinance 90-14 of
the County Council of Volusia, Florida amending Ordinance 81-25,
Section 1, by providing for the adoption of the Standard Building
Code 1989 edition with amendment Appendix D as the Standard
Building Code for the County of Volusia outside corporate limits
of Cities and Towns therein providing an effective date thereon.
Mr. Hayman stated it is not mandatory that the City of Edgewater
adopt the County's Windload Requirement. He was concerned that
the merchandising industry is not keeping up with the
construction side of the house and the law requirements. He
sited the lack of availability of 2>> washers as an example.
Mr. Howard stated in most cases there are exceptions to the
requirements. As to whether suppliers or manufacturers are
keeping up with the Codes and Ordinances, he's glad that they are
not. He feels those who make the Codes should be ahead of the
manufacturing. The primary purpose of a Board liJ~e this or any
other Board, City Council, or Official is the health, safety, and
welfare of the general public. What they are talking about here
is a few straps. Mr. Howard stated the Appendix D really needed a
structural engineer to go over it.
Chief Vola stated the County Engineers went over it and changed
some things in Appendix D. The County's stance is that the
responsibility for complying falls solely on the contractors's
shoulders. Chief Vola made the suggestion that if we do adopt
Appendix D, the houses that comply with this manual could be
labeled >>This Structure Meets the Provisions of the 1990
Hurricane Code>> inside the structure. It could be signed by the
Building Official and the contractor can put it in the house and
used it as a sales pitch. This would make it seem like the
homeowner is getting something and they are; a house that will
probably stand up when a storm hits. Mr. Howard questioned if
Mr. Hayman knew of any other community in Volusia County that
had adopted Appendi;( D. I-lr. Hayman stated he did not know of
any. Mr. Fischer and Chief Vola stated some of the other
communities were looking at it, but they haven't adopted it yet.
Mr. Howard stated that he felt the Ordinance needed to be
reviewed more before it should be adopted for the City of
Mr. Howard moved we do not adopt County Ordinance
receive a draft of said Ordinance that is
publication. Mt-. Yan,ell seconded. Motion ca.n-ied
19-14 untiL ~,*e
fOt- gene.-.:i a
Thet-e was discuss ion concen' i ng the .-esu l ts 0 f t<1t-. Ha'fman' s ta l k
with the City t1anaget- .-egat-d i ng the se t t Ling 0 f d i spu tes be h<leen
Fire and Building Codes. The result of this talk was that Chief
Vola and Mr. Hayman go over the Florida Statute together to
detet-m i ne if the City of Edge~<Ja. tet- shou Ld in fac t concen1
themse l ves 'of i th a.n Adm i n i s tt- at i v'e Board and if i t ''*03.':; a
potential threat to have a conflict of that nature that could be
referred to that Board. During their meetings they would
determine if the Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals Board
would be the Agency or basis for the Agency that could hear both
types of appeals. If they agreed on that1 then they wouLd
deve I op some t-ecommended change.:; to the BV La.,,':; fo,- the Boa.-d 1 and
City Council's approval that would authorize that action. Mr.
Hayman and Chief Vola. met .:l.nd a.gt-eed the Building T.-ade':;
Regulatorv and Appeals Board could be the Agency to hear Fire
Safety Appeals as well as Building Code Appeals. They realized
in its present form the Board would be hard pressed to hear
appeals due to lack of expertise. Membership does not include a
Fire Safety Inspector on the Board which is essentiaL on any
type of appeal of confl ict bet,,*een Fi,-e and Bui ld ing Code':;.
In thei,- last meeting1 M,-. Hayman .:;ta.ted he and the Chief .:H;weed
on the following: The composition of the Board would follow very
closely to what the State says with one el':cepti,;)n. They are
suggest ing tha.t they h.:l.ve a. total numbe.- of nine membe.-s on the
Boa.t-d that would he.:il- such appeaLs and the composition ...ould fa.LL
this way: Ma~ter Electrician. Master Plumber and/or Gas
Installer. Mechanical Contrartor or Installer. Contractor.
Cel- t i f ied F i ,-e I nspec tOl-. Bu i ld i nQ T,-ade-:; [n-:;pec to.- (The
Building Trades Inspector and the Certified Fire Inspector should
not be from in house. They should be from the community because
we are listening to the enforcement of the people from in house.
We don't want our own people judging our own people.) Architect.
and an Enqineer (either an electrical or structural engineer
would be good in his view. Chief Vola stated the easiest all
around would be to come up with a Civil Engineer.) and a Citizen
at Larqe. This membership follows the State Statutes except for
the Citizen at Large.
Mr. Fischer question that we have 7 members on the Board now~ and
the four we would be missing would be Fire Safety ]nspector~ the
Civil Engineer~ the Trades ]nspector~ and the Citizen at Large.
Chief Vola and Mr. Hayman had
would have to be changed
Duties of the Board.
reviewed the present Bylaws. They
to reflect the Membership and the
The Board discussed that the findings of the Board of Appeals
would be binding and final. Chief Vola stated the Board might
want to put this before the Council and say when it comes to the
Building Code and the Fire Code the Board members are the experts
and the Board l>Jould like to have the authority to render a final
decision appealable either through the courts or through the
State Fire Marshall's Office when dealing with Life Safety and
Mr. Howard requested a five minute recess at 8:28 P.M.
was called to order by Mr. Hayman at 8:36 P.M.
J1eet i ng
There was discussion concerning the membership of
Board now has: General Contractor~ Electrician~
Installer~ Architect~ Mechanical ]nsta]ler~ one
the construction trade.
the Board. The
PI umber or 6.as
At Large from
Mr. Hayman stated ~Je do not have an Engi neer. I f they m.ake the
requirement Architect or Engineer and eliminate the Citizen at
Large, the composition of the Board now could hear an appeal of
that nature. It was noted we don't have a Certified Fire Safety
Inspector. Chief Vola stated that they don't have a Building
Trades Inspector either.
Mr. Fischer asked if it would be possible to leave the Board as
it stands except when they are to hear an appeal. At that time
they would have two members on stand by. With these two people
added they would then be the Board to hear the appeal; otherwise
it would be the standard Board. Members would be the same with
two optional members to consist of: a Building Inspector and a
Fire Inspector.
Chief Vola stated if you are dealing with Code changes and
recommended Code changes the Board would want those individuals
input as well, not just in the appeals process but in the
development process as well. This would make the number of the
Board 9, unless they decided to go with 7 with two additional
members when the Board convenes to hear appeals or to discuss
Fire Safety or Construction Code changes.
Mr. Yarnell moved that the Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals
Board go on record as accepting the role of Administrative Board
as outlined in House Bill 1337 to hear questions regarding the
enforcement and conflict between Firesafetyand Building Codes.
Mr. HOl>Jard seconded. Mot i on carr i ed 5-1).
The Board discussed the Workers Compensation coverage required by
the State. There were several changes, however, they were
rescinded until a better study of the situation could be made.
The Board discussed Chief Vola's recommendation to set the
Florida Power and Light electric meters early on construction
sites. Mr. Hayman questioned if this was just for commercial or
if this would be for residential as well. Chief Vola stated it
would be across the board for everyone. Port Orange and Ormond
Beach have made it mandatory for final inspections that the
electric be on to test the water heater, air conditioning system,
etc. for defects and to make sure everything is working as its
supposed to be. They have not had any problems or complaints with
it per their Building Department. This would allow them to
install a meter once all the conductors and equipment is in
place. There would be no bare wires hanging out. !t would be a
finished electrical inspection to allow FPL to hook up, and then
a final to check all circuits and make sure everything is as its
supposed to be. As it is now we sign off an a mechanical
i nspec t i on .and h.ave no i dea ~Ihether i t wor k s 0'(" no t bec .ause i tis
not energized. Mr. Butts stated his company ~bugsn their units
so the homeowners cannot start them until they come by and check
them. Chief Vola stated the inspectors were signing off on final
inspections on the assumption that everything was O.K. If the
house was energized, it would make it truly a final inspection
and not an assumption that everything is going to worJ~. Mr.
Fischer stated the only reason they held the meters before was it
was their only ~trump card" to make sure the contractor completed
all the amenities inside and out to the City's satisfaction.
\.Jhen that "trump card" is gone you can get some over.aggressive
people who move in without the final. Mr. Fisher stated this was
a good option for both parties; the electrical contractor and the
Building Department. Mr Howard moved permanent electrical service
for any new building be activated as soon as required service
equipment passes the electrical service inspection and that this
be implemented for a trial period of six months. Mr. Cole
seconded. Motion passed 5-1).
The next item on the agenda was the CABO one and two family
dwellings. Chief Vola stated due to the lateness of the hour
and since it was not immediately imperative that they discuss
this now~ he wanted to point out they currently do not have a one
and two family dwelling code. The City tries to apply the
Building Code but some of the items in S.B.C.C.]. specifically
exempt one and two family dwellings. It creates a problem with
contractors when the~ask to see it in the Code Book and it says
one and two family dwellings are exempt. This was just an item
for consideration. Mr. Howard moved to table the CABO one and
two family dwellings until the Board can have enough time to go
over it. Mr. Butt seconded. Motion passed. 5-0.
Mr. Yarnell moved
adjourned 9:15 P.M.
to adjourn.
Butts seconded.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:
Lisa R. Miller~ Secretary
Building Trades~ Regulatory and Appeals Board