04-26-2007 ,;; CITY OF EDGE WATER POST OFFICE BOX 100 · EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 CITY OF EDGEWATER ANIMAL CONTROL BOARD Sanctions Hearing April 26, 2007 6:30 PM CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM 104 North Riverside Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Donna Wagner ROLL CALL: NEW BUSINESS: Barking Dog - 126 Merrimac St Case #07030327 o OLD BUSINESS: MISCELLANOUS ITEMS: ADJOURNMENT: In accon{ance witli tlie}lmericans witli ([)isaGifities}lct, persons needing assistance to participate in any of tliese proceedi1l{J sliouU contact tlie City CCerttat (386) 424-2400 eJ;!ension 1101 prior to tlie meeti1l{J. if lieari1l{J impaired teCeplione tlie PCorida 1?f!fay Service :NumGers at 1-800-955-8771 (r[([)([) 01{1-800-955-8770 voice)for assistance. ' Pursuant to Cliapter 286, PS, if any itufividua[ decides to appear any decision made witli respect to any matter considered at a meeti1l{J or lieari1l{J, tliat itufividua[ wi[[ need a record of tlie proceedi1l{Js o and wi[[ need to insure tliat a verGatim record of tlie proceedi1l{Js is made.