JULY 21, 1988, 7:00 P.M.
Mr. Dennis Fischer called to order the regular meeting of the Building Trades Regulatory
and Appeals Board, July 21, 1988 at 7:05 P.M.
Members present were Norman Cox, Larry Swets, Johns Ciaffoni and Jack Hayman. Member
Les Ogram arrived later. Also present were Dennis Fischer, Building Official/Code
Enforcement Officer and Jan Morris, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of January 21, 1988 were presented for
meeting at this time. The meeting was turned over
Mr. Ciaffoni made a motion to approve the minutes.
Minutes APPROVED as presented 5-0.
approval. Mr. Ogram joined the
to Mr. Ogram at this time.
Mr. Swets seconded the motion.
This agenda item had been moved down. Mr. Ogram opened nominations for chairman.
Mr. Swets nominated John Ciaffoni for chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Cox.
Mr. Ciaffoni APPROVED as chairman 5-0.
Mr. Ogram turned the meeting over to Mr. Ciaffoni.
Chairman Ciaffoni opened nominations for vice-chairman. Mr. Cox nominated Larry
Swets for vice-chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Ogram. Mr. Swets APPROVED
as vice-chairman 5-0.
Chairman Ciaffoni asked Mr. Fischer to explain the procedures for review of building
and fire appeals. Mr. Fischer stated there is a section in the Code Book which
deals with the procedures. The section is Chapter 7, on pages 478 through 659.
Mr. Fischer stated the Board could pull a contractor's compentency card if they
should find due process that the person has violated some section of this code
or the Southern Building Code. He added the other part of the Board's responsibilty
was the appeals side which the contractor or owner feels aggreived of a decision
by one of the inspectors or building official, then the person may appeal to
the Board. Mr. Fischer stated the appeal section is on page 479 through 480.
He stated the Board would be hearing an appeal in the near future. Mr. Fischer
went over the appeal procedure. He stated that once an appeal has been filed
we have to give a NOTICE OF APPEAL not less than two weeks after the appeal is
filed. He added the only avenue left if the decision goes in the City's favor
the aggrevied party can appeal to the Circuit Court.
Mr. Fischer related to the Board we have an appeal therefore we need to set
a date for the hearing.
Mr. Hayman asked if it was possible for the Board to hear what the appeal is
about. Mr. Fischer stated the aggreived party is present and he does not want
to go into detail at this time but it is basically a fire code requirement in
construction. I have cited the section, you will get literature on both sides
leading up to the appeal. You will have familiarize yourself with the code
section and the literature and you will need to visit the site.
The Board discussed the dates for the hearing to hear the appeal. Mr. Hayman
made a motion to set the date of August 8, 1988 for the hearing of an appeal
filed by Mr. Bowman. The time will be 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Conference
Room. Motion was seconded by Mr. Swets. Motion APPROVED 5-0.
Mr. Fischer cautioned the Board because of the Sunshine Law do not visit the
site together go individually. He also stated he will give the Board a closed
sealed package to take with them tonight so that they may familiarize themselves
with the appeal.
Mr. Hayman asked about the ordinance that was passed on signs be displayed
on vehicles. He stated the ordinance does not state where the sign has to be displayed
you could stick in your trunk. Mr. Ciaffoni said the Ordinance says a "Sign
required on", I don't think they are going to think that means "in" the trunk or whatever.
Mr. Fischer stated there will be notices sent out when the new comp cards are issued
in November. Then we can start enforcing it after the people have been warned.
The Baord discussed a fine if the contractors do not
Mr. Fischer stated the due process will be when they
they will be handed a notice after that we can start
put a~gn on there
sign for their comp
enforcing it.
Mr. Ogram stated he attended a Council meeting some time ago where it was requested
that an additional inspection be hired in the Building Department. Mr. Fischer
stated this will be put in the budget for the upcoming year starting October 1, 1988.
He added they will be advertising October 1, 1988 for this inspector. He added
he would like to have an electrical inspector first, then a mechanical or plumbing.
He would really like someone who could do all inspections so that when he is gone
there will be someone to fill in for him.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Cox made a motion to
adjourn. Meeting duly adjourned at 7:40 P.M..
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:
Janet Morris
Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals Board
July 21, 1988